SOUTHMINSTER SCHOOL PARENT ORIENTATION Your r gi gifts and t d talen ents s are God’s gift to you; Usin ing th g those se gi gifts to His is gl glory y is is y your ur gi gift to God. d. 1
INTRODUCTIONS PreK eK- Mrs. s. Aramb ambulo lo, Mrs. s. Gradisa adisar, , Ms. Villar larreal Bridge idge- Mrs. s. Guillor lory K- Mrs. . Linton on, , Ms. Zimu mu 1 st st Grade ade- Mrs. s. Simon mon, , Ms. Bess 2 nd nd Grade ade- Mrs. s. Cushen henbe berry, Mrs. s. Fontana tana 3 rd rd Grade ade- Mrs. s. Maresh, h, Mrs. . Soltau ltau 4 th th Grad ade-Mr Mrs. . Gisler ler 5 th th /6 /6 th th Grade ade ELA A & Soc ocial ial Studies dies-Dr Dr. . Jer erom ome 5 th th /6 /6 th th Grade ade Math h & Scie ience-Mr Mrs. s. Pennix ix PE/Lib ibrary-Mr Mrs. s. Clar ark, , Music ic-Mr Mrs. s. Hodges odges, Language age-Mr Mrs. s. Ruiz iz, , Tec echnolo ology-Mr Mrs. s. Bot otti, , Exten ended ded Car are-Ms. Ms. Colli llins, s, Elem emen entar tary Assistan istant-Mr Mrs. s. Hill Preschoo hool l Direc rector or-Mr Mrs. . Romba bach, h, Registrar istrar-Ms. Ms. Zeck eck (20 year ars this Januar ary), , Business Manager ager-Mr Mrs. s. Balenen lenene, e, Nu Nurse se-Mr Mrs. s. McDo Dowell, ll, Fac aciliti lities es Manager ager-Mr Mr. . Lofgren Head ad Pastor or – Ken ent t Landr dry, , Assoc ocia iate e Pastor or-Andr drew w Keyes, es, Parish sh Assoc ocia iate-Da David id Northcu thcutt tt, , Church h Secretar tary-Pam am Drak ake 2
MISSION STATEMENT The he mi mission ion of Southminst thminster er School chool is to provide vide th the e hi highest hest qual ality ity ed educational ucational exp xperience erience for ch children ldren wh who o wan ant t to le lear arn n wi withi thin n a a Christ hrist-focuse ocused d envir vironment onment from m teacher achers s an and sta taff wh who o ca care for an and nurture ture th the wh whole le per erson son – mi mind, , spirit, it, an and bo body dy. 3
SCHOOL HOURS Schoo hool begins gins at 8:00 0 a.m. . for Bridge, dge, and K-6 th th ; ; 9:00 0 a.m. . for PreK and Prescho school ol. . Tardy dy after er 8:00 00 a.m. m. and 9:00 0 a.m. Before ore sc schoo ool exten ende ded d care is a s available ble from om 7:00-9:00 9:00 a.m. . Ex Extend ended ed care e is billed ed at $5 per hour ur in 15 minut ute increm remen ents. s. Regist strat ration ion form rm and d regula ular r us use form m are available ble on the e websi ebsite. e. Please se comple lete both oth. . Billed ed for actual ual us usage. e. Schoo hool ends nds at 2:00 0 p.m. . for Preschoo school, l, PreK, K, and Bridge ge; ; 3:15 5 p.m. m. for K-6 th th . . Af After er schoo hool exten ende ded d care e is available ble from om 2:00-6:0 6:00p.m 0p.m. 4
CARPOOL PROCEDURES 5 mp mph – children en could d be cross ssing ng parking ng lot ot Enter Brightw htwat ater/Ex er/Exit it Cartwr twright ight NO CELL LL PHO HONES WHI HILE LE IN MOTION TION One-Way Traffic ic- Insi side de Lane is Carpool ol Only, Outside side Lane is Pa Parking ng Only-Adhere here to One-Way Traffic ic for the safety ty of all parents ts and childr dren en. No parking ng in the circle e drive-Fi Fire e Lane Two 15 Minut ute e Pa Parking g Spot ots s were added d for qui quick ck drop-of off f and pick-up up Rock ck Star Pa Parking ng is for fa families ilies that t purchased hased the spots ots at Gala No blocking ocking walkway paths 5
SECURITY The front nt door is s the only door that t is s access ssible to parents. nts. All ot other er doors s will remain n locked d thr hroug ughout hout the day. The front nt door will l remaine ned d locked d from 7:45 5 a.m. to 4:00 0 p.m. . Please use the door bell located ed to the right ht of the doors s durin ring this time me. . Par Parents ts wal walki king ng up to class ssrooms ms for aftern rnoon n pick ck for Preschoo hool, PreK, and Bridg dge e are requ quired d to enter r at the fa far South th entra ranc nce, e, not ot the front nt entra rance nce, , with th an iden enti tifica cati tion n badge. Ask Ms. Zeck if f you have any qu questio stions ns or need a badge. Class ssroom m doors s must t remain n locked. d. They y can be o open, but locked d in case of an emergency ncy. Door windo dow w coveri rings ngs are ava vailable for all classr srooms ms. Lock-do down wn drills, fire re dri rills, and disast saster r drills s will be c conduct ucted ed on a r regular r basis. s. 7
Our Core Commitments NO high fructose corn syrup NO added artificial nitrates NO artificial coloring NO monosodium glutamate NO added trans-fats 11
CONTACT US (832) 947 9230 15
SNACKS AND ADDITIONAL LUNCH INFORMATION Nu Nutriti ritional onal ideas as for snacks cks and lunch ch will be p posted ed on the school website. e. If bringing nging lunch ch from m home, please se include ude a c cold pack or therm rmos os for hot ot food. Wholesom some e Tummies es is ava vailable e for PreK-6 th th If you bring ng in lunch ch sodas, as, shakes, es, smoothi othies, s, et etc. are not ot allowed. d. Juice, e, wat water, , and milk k are acceptabl able dri rinks nks for school lunches. hes. ALL orderin ring and canceling ng of lunches ches must st be d done throug ough h www.wtcaf cafe.c .com Ms. Zeck can no longer r add orders or cancel l order ers s for you. Same day orders may be d done thr hroug ugh h the website before 8:00 a.m. All payment nts s are made dire rectl ctly y to Wholeso some me Tummi mies. es. Southmi thmins nster r School can not ot take and does not ot receive any funds nds for the lunch ch progra gram. m. 16
UNIFORMS/SUPPLIES Available able from om Park Parker er Un Uniform orms Form rmal l Dress ss – Monda day Red d Shirt t and khaki aki pants/s s/shor orts ts requi uired red on Frida day P.E. E. Un Uniform orm required uired for Grades des 5 5 – 6 Backp kpack, ack, no whee heels Headpho dphones nes for Com omputer er, , labeled eled in a zip lock ck bag Ziploc oc bags, , tissue, e, wipes. es. 17
TECHNOLOGY 4 th th , , 5 th th , , and 6 th th grade de stude udents nts have e indi dividual vidual Google ogle chrome ome not otebo book oks s and kindles dles. Devices ices can be check ecked ed out ut and us used d at home. ome. User r agreeme eement nt mus ust t be signed ned and on-fil ile e for 4 th th , 5 th th , and 6 th th grader ders Two COW’s (computer on wheels), available for Computer Class and all other other classes ses Laptop ops s were ere distr tribu ibuted ed to lower er eleme ementar ntary y classes ses for cent nter ers A set A set of Kindles dles are available ble for Prescho chool ol and d El Element mentary y teache chers to check eck out ut for or class ssroom om us use 18
ILLNESSES OR ACCIDENTS Childr dren n cannot t learn n best t when they do not ot feel well. Childr dren n will be s sent nt home if they y have a f fever r over 100 degrees es or higher her, have vomited d or have diarr rrhe hea. . Childr dren n may not ot ret eturn urn to schoo ool l unti til they y are sympt mptom m free for 24 hours. s. The clinic will no longer be equipped with “common” medications, i.e. Advil, Tyleno nol, et etc. If your child d needs s these se medications cations you must st provi vide them m along with th the long-term rm medica cati tion n form. m. All medica cati tion n must st be c checked d into and pick cked d up from the clini nic by an an adult, lt, childr dren n may not ot bring ng in medicati ation n and all prescr scripti ption n medicati ation n must t be present sented ed in its s origi gina nal contain ainer. . The inta ntake of any medication cation must st occur in the clini nic, , including uding cough drops ps, et etc. 19
COMMUNICATION Par Parent ent Han andbo dbook k an and al all l forms ms on web ebsit site Teache eacher Websi bsite Teache eacher Twee eets, ts, follo llow w us @Southmin outhminst sterSc1 erSc1 Par ParentsW entsWeb 20
SOCIAL AWARENESS CAMPAIGN 13 13 chil ildre dren wer ere e ad adopt pted ed throug ough h compa passion ssion inter in ernation ional See ee your ur tea eacher er about t your r “class” child 21
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