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SOUTH SOUTH-EAST ENTSOG NC activities Bijan Glander ENTSOG ENTSOG - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bucharest 12 Dec 2014 GAS REGIONAL INITIATIVE SOUTH SOUTH-EAST ENTSOG NC activities Bijan Glander ENTSOG ENTSOG - Membership Progressing towards new gas framework Scoping framework guideline network code comitology Implementation

  1. Bucharest – 12 Dec 2014 GAS REGIONAL INITIATIVE – SOUTH SOUTH-EAST ENTSOG NC activities Bijan Glander ENTSOG

  2. ENTSOG - Membership

  3. Progressing towards new gas framework Scoping framework guideline network code comitology Implementation Third-party access rules Annex I of Reg 715/2009 Congestion management rules Transparency rules Reg 984/2013 Capacity allocation rules Reg 312/2014 Balancing rules Publication pending Interoperability & Data exchange To be submitted 12/2014 Incremental capacity To be submitted 12/2014 Harmonised Tariff structures No FG foreseen Rules for Trading Operational procedures in an Foreseen for Q3/4 of 2015 emergency & settlement rules Remaining areas: Network security and reliability, Energy efficiency, Network connection rules

  4. Status of Network Codes so far 2014 2015 2016 2017 01.07.2016 Implementation Implementation of most CMP/ Firm day-ahead Use-It-or-Loose-It CMP-rules : October 2013 Transparency 01.11.2015 CAM Implementation 01.10.2015 01.10.2016 Delayed Balancing Com Implementation Implementation 01.05.2016 Inter- Comitology Implementation operability 01.10.2017 (estimate) Tariffs Development Implementation Comitology 01.10.2017 (estimate) Incremental Implementation Development Comitology Capacity 4

  5. Focus of 2015 and onwards  4 Network Codes and 1 Network Code amendment drafted by ENTSOG until end of 2014  Network Codes are interdependent and will contribute towards to the completion of the internal market in combination  ENTSOG expects focus on Network Code implementation and monitoring tasks in the upcoming years  Pilot projects for ‘Common Network Operation Tools’ have been launched to support the implementation process of Network Codes 5

  6. TAR NC and CAM NC amendment  ENTSOG will deliver draft TAR NC and draft amendment to CAM NC to ACER by end of this year 01/01/15 (at latest) 3 months later: Submission of Formal Committee meetings ACER Reasoned drafts on TAR NC and CAM NC Opinion 17/18 Sep 14/15 Dec ACER Reasoned Opinion Comitology procedure ACER Consultation on CAM amendment  Parallelism of comitology for TAR NC and CAM NC amendment is crucial due to interdependencies of provisions (especially on Incremental Capacity) 6

  7. Implementation of CAM NC CAM NC applicable as of 1 November 2015  CAM Roadmap to be developed by 2nd/3rd quarter of 2015  Three capacity booking platforms already in place or in the process of being established as a part of early implementation work  Joint EFET/ENTSOG ad-hoc work stream with the aim to identify and resolve potential issues related to the introduction of capacity bundling  ACER report on progress regarding bundling before 1 Nov 2015  CNOT development for CAM/CMP requirements 7

  8. Implementation of BAL NC no Time for compliance to meet ‘base case’ deadline interim measures Time for compliance to meet ‘extended deadline’ (NRA approval) • full compliance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 interim • full compliance except for interim measures measures • yearly report for interim measures (NRA approval) A E (B + 5 B (A + 20 C D (1 Oct 2014 + 24 months) years) days) Publication Entry into force deadline for application date application date April 2014 26 Mar 2014 int. measures 1 Oct 2015 1 Oct 2016 April 2019 (‘base case’ (‘extended deadline’): deadline) NRA approval, no int. measures 2014 2015 2016 2018 2019 2017 8

  9. Common Network Operation Tools  Obligation for ENTSOG to establish Common Network Operation Tools (‘CNOTs’) is defined in Art. 7(3)(a) of Regulation 715/2009  CNOT translates provisions of Network Codes on cross-border information exchange into clear processes and data format requirements  Two pilot projects started by ENTSOG: (1) on auction mechanism based on CAM/CMP and (2) on nomination & matching procedures based on BAL/INT  CNOT on nomination & matching procedures has been published by ENTSOG in February 2014 for public consultation and is currently undergoing another refinement 9

  10. Nomination and Matching CNOT CNOT for Nomination and Matching Processes is based on interacting provisions of several network codes NC BAL NC CAM NC INT  Provides rules for the  Includes obligation to  Provides rules on data exchange of allow single exchange between nominations and re- nomination for TSOs and NUs at IPs nominations at IPs bundled capacity at IPs and on the matching (Article 19.7) process  Entry into force  Adopted by the  Comitology process European Commission in April 2014 European Commission just ended on 14 October 2013 10

  11. Thank You for Your Attention Bijan Glander Junior Adviser ENTSOG -- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, B-1000 Brussels EML: WWW:


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