a transport strategy

A transport strategy for the South East East Rupert Clubb Lead - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A transport strategy for the South East East Rupert Clubb Lead Lead off office icer, Tra Transpor nsport t for for the the Sou South th Eas East Our region A motor for the UK economy and major international gateway Our

  1. A transport strategy for the South East East Rupert Clubb Lead Lead off office icer, Tra Transpor nsport t for for the the Sou South th Eas East

  2. Our region A motor for the UK economy and major international gateway

  3. Our contribution to the UK economy Second only to London – more than Wales, Scotland & NI combined

  4. Our vision and strategic principles Improves productivity to grow “We will grow the South our economy and compete in the East’s economy by global marketplace facilitating the development of a reliable, Improves safety, quality of high-quality, integrated life and access to opportunities for everyone transport system that mak makes the the reg region more more Protects and enhances the productive and pro and South East’s unique natural competitive, impr comp improves the the and historic environment quality of qua of lif life for for all all and prot protects and and enha enhances the the env environment .”

  5. Infrast astruct ucture re People le • housing & • Demographics employment space • Skills • energy & water • Education • environment • Access to work • digital • transport nsport GVA Mone ney y & Busine usiness ss Know owle ledge dge • higher/further Expe pert rtise ise education • finance • research • entrepreneurs • networks • accountants/lawye • commercialisation rs processes • sales & marketing • IP management

  6. Developing our Developing our transport strategy transport strategy

  7. Economic Connectivity Review

  8. Planned housing development

  9. Planned employment sites 250 - 1000 1,001 - 2,500 2,501 - 5,000 5,000 -10,000 >10,000

  10. London commuter flows

  11. Transport strategy route map June ne 2018 18 Sept pt 2019 19 Dec c 2019 19 Mar 2021 Mar 21 Mar r 2020 20 Economi mic c Strateg egy y Public c Final Final Connect ctiv ivit ity y develop opme ment nt consult ltat atio ion n strateg egy y Review w Corrido dor r studies es Strateg egic ic Investm tmen ent t Plan

  12. Major Road Network Major Road Network

  13. MRN/LLM prioritisation ation DfT have requested STBs prioritise schemes in their areas • Identify the 10 top priority MRN schemes • Prioritise LLM schemes where more than 2-3 candidates National Roads Fund from 2020/21 to 2024/25 Assessment process agreed by TfSE board in March • MRN criteria • Deliverability (ideally need to spend DfT funding by March 2025) • Value for money • Fit with TfSE vision and objectives Submit our priorities to DfT by 31 July 2019

  14. Top 10 priority schemes – ranked by overall score

  15. Becoming a Becoming a statutory body statutory body

  16. Role for STBs Planning nning Infrastructur rastructur e National government Nationa iona National Planning l Policy Framework + Highways Network Guidance England Rail Regional ional Sub Sub-Nat atio iona nal l Transpor ort t Body LTAs LEPS Operators Local Planning Local al Authorities LTP LGF Local Plans & IDPs

  17. The value of statutory status • Permanence and longevity • Influence over SoS investment plans for road and rail • Regional transport strategy to ensure better coordination of transport arrangements across boundaries • Better links to international ports and airports • Support growth plans and housing proposals

  18. Proposed Proposed functions functions • Seeking concurrent powers with local transport authorities – not removing any powers • Concurrent powers only to be exercised with consent from the local authorities concerned • Will help to coordinate transport functions across local authority boundaries • Support the region to access strategic transport investment

  19. Summary of Summary of proposed proposed functions functions (1) (1) Func ncti tion on Scop ope e • Gene nera ral STB TB func ncti tions ns Prepare a transport strategy, advise the Secretary of State, co-ordinate the carrying out of transport functions (with consent) • Rail il Right to be consulted about new rail franchises • Set High Level Output Specification (HLOS) for rail network in TfSE area • High ghwa ways ys Jointly set the Road Investment Strategy (RIS) for the TfSE area • Enter into agreements to undertake certain types of works on Strategic Road Network or local roads • Acquire land to enable construction or improvement of highways • Construct highways, footpaths & bridleways • Make ke capi pita tal gra rant nts for or Fund facilities for public transport passengers e.g. the e prov ovisi sion on of publ blic ic railway station or bus stop improvements tran ansp sport ort faci cili litie ties

  20. Summary Summary of of proposed proposed functions functions (2) (2) Func ncti tion on Scop ope e • Bus Bus serv rvice ce prov ovis ision on Secure provision of bus services that would otherwise not be provided • Enter into Quality Bus Partnerships • Franchise Bus Services • Inte tegr grat ated d tick cketi ting g Introduce multi-operator rail and bus ticketing scheme • Clea ean n Air r Zone nes s Power to charge (high polluting) vehicles for the use of the road network • Prom omot ote e or oppo pose e Bil ills ls A body that has this power can also has the power to in Par arli liame ment nt apply for an order to carry out certain works under the Transport and Works Act 1992. This is the mechanism by which new rail and tramway schemes are promoted and constructed • Inci cide dent ntal l powe wers s To enable TfSE to act as a type of local authority (staffing, pensions, monitoring etc.)

  21. Next steps • Formal consultation May-July 2019 • Shadow Partnership Board to agree next steps in September 2019 • Formal consent from constituent authorities in autumn 2019 • Submission to Government

  22. Join the conversation Join the conversation Web Web tfse.org.uk Facebook TransportForTheSouthEast Twitter @TransportfSE LinkedIn transport-for-the-south-east

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