south bay cities arterial performance measurement

South Bay Cities Arterial Performance Measurement Baseline Conditions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority South Bay Cities Arterial Performance Measurement Baseline Conditions Analysis January 18, 2016 Measure R SBHP Baseline SBHP Strategic Transportation Element (STE) 1. Improve Local and

  1. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority South Bay Cities Arterial Performance Measurement Baseline Conditions Analysis January 18, 2016

  2. Measure R SBHP Baseline SBHP Strategic Transportation Element (STE) 1. Improve Local and Regional Mobility and Access 2. Improve Travel Time Reliability and Safety 3. Reduce System Demand with Multimodal Strategies 4. Deliver Projects Efficiently and Cost ‐ Effectively 2

  3. SBC Arterial Performance Measure Baseline Conditions Analysis Project Purpose & Scope Conduct Baseline Arterial Performance Measurement  Identify and evaluate suitable performance measures/indicators  Data collection (third party data evaluation, traffic volume counts)  Develop analysis methodology (and tool)  Conduct arterial performance baseline (2014) conditions analysis 3

  4. Measure R SBHP Study Corridors 4

  5. Measure R SBHP Freeway Baseline Freeway Performance Measures (2014 baseline) DISTANCE PEAK TRAVEL TIME ANNUAL DELAY (Veh-Hrs) ANNUAL DELAY/MI (Veh-Hrs) FACILITY (MI) FROM TO NB/EB SB /WB NB/EB SB /WB NB/EB SB /WB I-110 16.0 Gaffey St Gage Ave 22 22 1,136,795 882,685 71,050 98,076 I-405 16.8 Alameda St Centinela Ave 39 46 2,410,940 2,940,972 143,508 175,058 I-105 8.5 California St Central Ave 25 17 1,196,681 644,046 140,786 75,770 SR-91 2.2 Vermont Ave Central Ave 9 5 142,186 135,802 64,630 61,728 CONGESTION PERIOD ANNUAL VMT RELIABILITY (TT VAR) SAFETY (COLLISIONS) SAFETY (COLL/MI) FACILITY NB/EB SB /WB NB/EB SB /WB NB/EB SB /WB NB/EB SB /WB NB/EB SB /WB I-110 5 (AM/PM) 3 (PM) 376,266,295 398,688,952 43% 26% 501 456 31 51 I-405 4 (AM) 5 (PM) 566,471,507 574,099,188 45% 55% 892 627 53 37 I-105 6 (PM) 4 (AM) 223,618,355 233,118,380 58% 32% 284 285 33 34 SR-91 5 (PM) 4 (AM) 36,353,616 41,385,194 74% 67% 60 105 27 48 5

  6. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline PDT Approved Arterial Performance Measures Metrics Performance Measure Definition Data Collection Data Sample manual tube counts Productivity 24 ‐ hour counts, mid ‐ week Throughput (Flow) vehicles, persons (select locations on every corridors) 1 (3 ‐ day sample) Level of Service (LOS) level of service manual turning movement counts 2 ‐ hour am/pm peak period, mid ‐ week (CMP locations only) (A ‐ B ‐ C ‐ D ‐ E ‐ F) (select intersections) (1 ‐ day sample) average mph, third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Speed % of free flow (or speed limit) (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Mobility (Delay) third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Travel Time corridor segment travel time (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Peak Period Spreading average duration third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 (congestion period) of the peak period (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) calculated from flow/speed/travel time Delay vehicle hours calculated for 2014, 6 ‐ month 2015 (all corridors) Travel Time Variance 95th percentile third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Reliability (Buffer or TT Index) travel time (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Ratio of total time needed to third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Planning Time Index 95th percentile on ‐ time arrival (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Note: (1) Counts were conducted for every project arterial corridor on one or more selected locations along each corridor. 6

  7. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Analysis Methodology & Tools Developed an Excel ‐ based Data Analysis Tool that collects and reports • performance results for the sub ‐ area and for individual jurisdictions The tool allows for sorting, filtering, and plotting of results by for each • measure Hourly count and travel time data can be entered into the tool and • adjustments made as needed (e.g., adjusting arterial count data to each jurisdiction) Metrics Performance Measure Definition Data Collection Data Sample manual tube counts Productivity 24 ‐ hour counts, mid ‐ week Throughput (Flow) vehicles, persons (select locations on every corridors) 1 (3 ‐ day sample) Level of Service (LOS) level of service manual turning movement counts 2 ‐ hour am/pm peak period, mid ‐ week (CMP locations only) (A ‐ B ‐ C ‐ D ‐ E ‐ F) (select intersections) (1 ‐ day sample) average mph, third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Speed % of free flow (or speed limit) (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Mobility (Delay) third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Travel Time corridor segment travel time (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Peak Period Spreading average duration third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 (congestion period) of the peak period (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) calculated from flow/speed/travel time Delay vehicle hours calculated for 2014, 6 ‐ month 2015 (all corridors) Travel Time Variance 95th percentile third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Reliability (Buffer or TT Index) travel time (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample) Ratio of total time needed to third party data (e.g., INRIX) January 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 7 Planning Time Index 95th percentile on ‐ time arrival (all corridors) (18 ‐ month sample)

  8. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Analysis Methodology & Tools DEMAND Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled ( VMT ) • – Hourly flows along corridor multiplied by corridor segment length by direction – Aggregated by corridor, by city, by hour of day MOBILITY Average Speeds by Hour by Corridor by City (based on 2014 INRIX data) • Average Travel Times by Hour by Corridor by City • Peak Period Spreading by Corridor (based on INRIX travel times and by VHD) • Daily Vehicle Hours Delay (VHD) • – Hourly flow multiplied by difference of travel time less “free ‐ flow” travel time – Aggregated by corridor, by city, by hour of day 8

  9. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Analysis Methodology & Tools PRODUCTIVITY Flow (vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians) • – Hourly from manual counts for selected spots Intersection LOS (based on ICU analysis for AM/PM peak hour for CMP locations) • RELIABILITY Average Travel Time Variance • – Average INRIX hourly travel times difference between the 95 th percentile and mean travel times for selected weekdays by corridor by direction Planning Time Index • – Average hourly ratio of 95 th percentile INRIX travel times to the “free ‐ flow” travel times for selected weekdays by corridor by direction 9

  10. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Analysis Methodology & Tools Composite Summary for All Performance Measures (tables) • City Level Summary (table) • Corridor ‐ Level Summary (table) • Average Travel Time Variability (95 th Percentile vs Mean) by Corridor (graph) – Peak Average Speeds by Corridors (map) – Total by Corridor and City (table & charts) • Daily VMT (demand) & Daily VHD (congestion) – Daily VHD/Mile by City – Daily VMT and VHD by Top Ten Corridors (chart) – Daily VHD/Mile by Top Ten Corridors (chart) – Peak Average Travel Times/Mile by Corridors (chart) – The tool is flexible enough to be able to report a variety of measures and levels of aggregation. 10

  11. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Analysis Methodology & Tools 11

  12. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Analysis Methodology & Tools 12

  13. Measure R SBHP Arterial Baseline Summary of the Analysis Results 13

  14. Productivity Summary Traffic Volume Throughput (Flows) – Highest ADT Arterial Average Midday Night AM Peak PM Peak Corridor Daily Peak Peak Dir Arterial Corridor Name Jurisdiction Flow Flow Distance Traffic Flow Flow (vph) (vph) (mi.) (ADT) (vph) (vph) SB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of El Segundo 2.0 30,264 1,561 1,934 2,567 2,185 NB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of El Segundo 2.0 30,123 2,682 2,139 1,729 1,352 NB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of Hermosa Beach 1.6 27,826 2,601 1,844 1,532 1,189 SB Ocean Blvd (SR ‐ 47) City of Los Angeles 2.4 26,390 2,266 1,442 2,313 1,080 WB Artesia Blvd City of Gardena 1.3 26,384 2,174 1,450 1,915 1,206 NB Hawthorne/La Brea/SR ‐ 107 City of Lawndale 1.9 25,527 1,953 1,601 1,696 1,176 SB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of Hermosa Beach 1.6 25,375 1,128 1,626 2,203 1,703 WB Rosecrans Ave City of El Segundo 2.2 25,327 2,005 1,837 1,609 1,216 EB Sepulveda Blvd Los Angeles County 0.7 25,321 1,982 1,523 1,701 1,264 EB Artesia Blvd City of Gardena 1.3 24,826 1,570 1,715 1,807 1,248 14

  15. Productivity Summary Traffic Volume Throughput (Flows) – Highest Peak Hours Arterial Midday Night AM Peak PM Peak Corridor Peak Peak Dir Arterial Corridor Name Jurisdiction Flow Flow Distance Flow Flow (vph) (vph) (mi.) (vph) (vph) NB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of Hermosa Beach 1.6 2,601 1,844 1,532 1,189 SB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of El Segundo 2.0 1,561 1,934 2,567 2,185 SB Ocean Blvd (SR ‐ 47) City of Los Angeles 2.4 2,266 1,442 2,313 1,080 SB SR ‐ 1 (PCH/Sepulveda) City of Hermosa Beach 1.6 1,128 1,626 2,203 1,703 WB Artesia Blvd City of Gardena 1.3 2,174 1,450 1,915 1,206 WB El Segundo Blvd City of Gardena 2.4 2,110 1,165 974 969 WB Rosecrans Ave City of El Segundo 2.2 2,005 1,837 1,609 1,216 EB Sepulveda Blvd Los Angeles County 0.7 1,982 1,523 1,701 1,264 NB Hawthorne/La Brea/SR ‐ 107 City of Lawndale 1.9 1,953 1,601 1,696 1,176 EB Century Blvd City of Inglewood 3.0 767 1,283 1,949 1,020 15


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