Innovative plastic sorting and reprocessing solution
Today’s program 12:00 – 12:15 Arrival and Sandwich 12:15 – 12:30 Welcome 12:30 – 12:40 Presentation of Scale Up 12:40 – 13:20 Presentations by Capital Region of Denmark, Veolia, Polysort, Danish Technological Institute and Swestep. 13:20 – 13:30 Break 13:30 – 15:30 Match-Making 15:30 – 16:00 Closing and good-bye 2
Short introduction of the tender 16 Contracting Authorities 18,000 tons of plastic from Danish households 3
Purpose of today 4
SCALE-UP PROJECT European clusters connecting cleantech innovators and large enterprises http://www.northsearegi 20-3- 6 2017
SCALE-UP OFFER TODAY Access to partners in the North Sea Region to complete consortia Support matchmaking and consortia building MtB 29 th of March in Mechelen, Flanders 20-3- 7 2017
Household plastic collection & sorting in Belgium Some key figures : 11 million inhabitants, 590 municipalities, 680kton packaging waste collected in 2015 = 86,3% of total put on the market is collected, 2500 people are involved in the chain Some plastic figures : 16 kilos of PMD per inhabitant per year 66 tons of plastic bottles = 74,3% put on market
Plastic part in PMD
Challenge within the 17% = P+MD testing in 2016, first results this year
Innovators along the plastic value chain Bulk treatment & assembly Shredding, compouding PE/PP/PS Advanced design of recycling machinery Engineering high performance plastics
13 20-3-2017
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