soi l mechani cs of lunar regoli th si mulants for probe


SOI L MECHANI CS OF LUNAR REGOLI TH SI MULANTS FOR PROBE LANDI NG AND ROVER LOCOMOTI ON Kazuya Yoshida * 1 , Keiji Nagatani * 1 , Genya I shigam i * 1 , Shigehito Shim izu * 1 Kozo Sekim oto * 2 , Akira Miyahara * 3 , Takaaki Yokoyam a * 4 * 1

  1. SOI L MECHANI CS OF LUNAR REGOLI TH SI MULANTS FOR PROBE LANDI NG AND ROVER LOCOMOTI ON Kazuya Yoshida * 1 , Keiji Nagatani * 1 , Genya I shigam i * 1 , Shigehito Shim izu * 1 Kozo Sekim oto * 2 , Akira Miyahara * 3 , Takaaki Yokoyam a * 4 * 1 Tohoku University * 2 Sekim oto SE Engineering * 3 JAXA * 4 Graduate University for Advanced Studies

  2. Background: I ncreasing interest in lunar m issions � Exploration of the areas where Apollo or Luna did not go � In-situ resource utilization � Outpost for human habitation on Moon � Technology demonstration and crew training for future Mars expeditions � Robotic precursor missions � Autonomous landing � Surface locomotion � Core sampling and excavation � Construction � International cooperation

  3. Agenda � Autonom ous precision landing � I m pact dynam ics on regolith surface � Scaling law to infer the real m otion from lab experim ents � Surface locom otion � W heel traction m odel on loose soil � Soil and w heel param eters � Drilling and sam pling � Design challenge for a m ole-like robot

  4. Probe Landing Probe Landing To evaluate the m echanical design, control perform ance and landing safety of the probe, w e need a sim ulation m odel that describes proper dynam ics of the landing behavior. (Movie) ~yoshida/VideoLibrary/KD_flat_vx.mpeg

  5. Drop Impact Test Drop Impact Test Drop and im pact tests are carried out in a vacuum cham ber w ith Lunar Regolith Sim ulant. (Movie) VideoLibrary/soil_impact_landing_vacuum.mpg

  6. Test w ith Scale Models Test w ith Scale Models The Scaling Law is used to infer the real m otion on Moon from the lab experim ents w ith scale m odels.

  7. The scaling law in Moon landing (1) Dominant physics of Moon landing 1. Inertia forces of the lunar probe: 2. Inertia forces of the lunar soil: 3. Gravity forces applied to the lunar probe: 4. Gravity forces applied to the lunar soil: 5. Cohesion forces of the lunar soil: 6. Friction forces: ρ s : the density of the lunar prove ρ r : the density of the lunar soil l : the representative length v : the velocity c : the cohesion forces of the lunar soil g : the gravitation acceleration

  8. The scaling law in Moon landing Derivation of the π -numbers from the basic equations If the scale model is 1/6 in size, the Earth-based experiments will properly simulate the motion of landing behavior on Moon.

  9. Question: Do we need to do our experiments always with a 1/6 scale model? The answer may be NOT Relaxation of the constraints

  10. Case A : Elimination of the cohesion forces from the law Inertia forces Friction forces Gravity forces Cohesion forces

  11. Case B : Elimination of the gravity forces from the law Inertia forces Friction forces Gravity forces Cohesion forces Relationship between the models K. Yoshida, S. Shimizu, K. Sekimoto, A. Miyahara, T. Yokoyama, “Scale Modeling for Landing Behavior of a Lunar Probe and Experimental Verification” 16 th Workshop on Astrodynamics and Flight Mechanics, JAXA/ISAS, August 2006.

  12. Experimental setup Acrylic chamber Laser range finder For the measurement of the vertical position of Guide rail test pieces. Accelerometer Chamber base and steel container Load cells

  13. Conditions of drop tests Specifications of test pieces Shape: Circular cone Tip angle: 60, 90, 120 [deg] Mass: 991, 482, 367 [g] Landing velocity: 1.4 - 2.7 [m/s] Atmosphere: 100 [ Pa ] (1/100 atm) Soil density: 1,900-2,300 [ kg/m 3 ]

  14. Remarks 1 (Impact Landing on Regolith) � Impact dynamics for the landing on lunar regolith was studied theoretically and experimentally. � Both the theory and experiments suggest that the gravity forces have less effects than other forces to soil impact dynamics. � Even if we eliminate the gravity from our consideration, the results hold a proper approximation. � With such approximation (relaxation), we can choose any scaling ratios and use the following formula to infer the real motion dynamics from experiments: Symbols with a prime are the values obtained ground-based experiments. Symbols without a prime are the inferred real value on the Moon.

  15. Agenda � Autonom ous precision landing � I m pact dynam ics on regolith surface � Scaling law to infer the real m otion from lab experim ents � Surface locom otion � W heel traction m odel on loose soil � Soil and w heel param eters � Drilling and sam pling � Design challenge for a m ole-like robot

  16. developed at Tohoku University developed at Tohoku University Rover Test Beds Rover Test Beds

  17. Research Focus on Lunar Rovers � Mechanical Design � Choice of locom otion m ode: w heels, tracks, or legs � Chassis design � Traction Control � Makes difference in perform ance � Slip on loose soil � Navigation � Path planning w ith tip-over & slip criteria � Path follow ing w ith slip com pensation

  18. Experiment of Slip-Based Traction Control � With Slip control • Without Slip control (Movie) (Movie) ~yoshida/VideoLibrary/slope2.mpg ~yoshida/VideoLibrary/slope1.mpg

  19. Slip is a key state variable Slip Ratio ω − ⎧ ( ) r v x ω > S > 0 while accelerating r v ⎪ x ω r ⎪ = S < 0 while braking ⎨ s ⎪ ω − ( ) r v ω < x ⎪ r v x ⎩ v x

  20. Even though the rover travels slowly, the phenomena around the wheels are dynamic. Side slips and side forces should be also studied. (Movie) (Movie) ~yoshida/VideoLibrary/slope_traverse02.mpg ~yoshida/VideoLibrary/slope_traverse03.mpg

  21. Traction Model for a Rigid Tire on Soft Soil (Bekker 1956, Wong 1978) θ { ( ) ( ) } ∫ = σ θ θ + τ θ θ θ f W rb cos sin d θ r θ { ( ) ( ) } θ ∫ = τ θ θ − σ θ θ f DP rb cos sin d θ r θ ∫ = τ θ θ f 2 T r b ( ) d θ r ( ) ( ) ( ) τ θ = + σ ϕ − a s ( ) c tan 1 e [ ] ) ( ) ( ) r ( = − θ − θ − − θ − θ a s 1 s sin sin f f k

  22. Multibody Multibody Dynamics w ith Dynamics w ith a Moving Base a Moving Base Vehicle Vehicle = + Multi-Contact Points Multi-Contact Points Dynamics Dynamics + Gravity Gravity m i , I i ω Equation of Motion Equation of Motion 0 v 0 ⎡ ⎤ & ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ v F f 0 0 1 ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ω & N ⎢ ⎥ f ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 0 + = + 0 2 T H C J ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ & & θ M n ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ w ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ & & φ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ f n ⎣ ⎦ 6 s

  23. Single W heel Test Bed Diameter : 184[mm], Width:107[mm] Wheel Slip Ratio 0 – 0.8 Slip Angle 0 – 45 degrees Soil Lunar Regolith Simulant (FJS-1 equivalent)

  24. Experim ental Results (longitudinal force) Slip angle : Small Slip angle : Large G. Ishigami, A. Miwa, K. Ngatani, K. Yoshida “Terramechanics-based Model for Steering Maneuver of Planetary Exploration Rovers on Loose Soil” Journal of Field Robotics vol.24, 2007 (to appear)

  25. Experim ental Results (side force) Slip angle : Large Slip angle : Small G. Ishigami, A. Miwa, K. Ngatani, K. Yoshida “Terramechanics-based Model for Steering Maneuver of Planetary Exploration Rovers on Loose Soil” Journal of Field Robotics vol.24, 2007 (to appear)

  26. Traction Model for a Rigid Tire on Soft Soil (Bekker 1956, Wong 1978) θ { ( ) ( ) } ∫ = σ θ θ + τ θ θ θ f W rb cos sin d θ r θ { ( ) ( ) } θ ∫ = τ θ θ − σ θ θ f DP rb cos sin d θ r θ ∫ Key parameters Key parameters: = τ θ θ f 2 T r b ( ) d θ r ( ) c : soil cohesion : soil cohesion ( ) ( ) τ θ = + σ ϕ − a s ( ) c tan 1 e ϕ : friction angle friction angle [ ] ) ( ) ( ) r ( = − θ − θ − − θ − θ k : shear deformation : shear deformation a s 1 s sin sin f f k modulus modulus

  27. Slope Climbing Experiment Slope Climbing Experiment at JAXA Aerospace Research Center at JAXA Aerospace Research Center Lunar Regolith Lunar Regolith Simulant Simulant arbitrary inclination 0-30 deg or over arbitrary inclination 0-30 deg or over

  28. Slope Traversing Experiment Slope Traversing Experiment at JAXA Aerospace Research Center at JAXA Aerospace Research Center Experimental trace Red is simulation, blue is experiment Lunar Regolith Lunar Regolith Simulant Simulant arbitrary inclination 0-30 deg or over arbitrary inclination 0-30 deg or over

  29. Path Planning and Control Path Planning and Control Execute path- -tracking navigation with taking the tracking navigation with taking the Execute path longitudinal and lateral slip effects into account. longitudinal and lateral slip effects into account. Dynamics-based control Dynamics-based control Kinematics-based control Kinematics-based control Genya Ishigami, Keiji Nagatani, and Kazuya Yoshida, "Path Following Control with Slip Compensation on Loose Soil for Exploration Rover", Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 5552-5557, 2006


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