society of american military engineers

Society of American Military Engineers October 16, 2018 MDOT - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Society of American Military Engineers October 16, 2018 MDOT Organization Where does funding come from? How is it spent? MDOT funding & buying power Ecavation (CY) Asphalt (ton) 8 6 Bridge Concrete (CY) 4 2 0 100 Excavation 800

  1. Society of American Military Engineers October 16, 2018

  2. MDOT Organization

  3. Where does funding come from?

  4. How is it spent?

  5. MDOT funding & buying power Ecavation (CY) Asphalt (ton) 8 6 Bridge Concrete (CY) 4 2 0 100 Excavation 800 1988 2016 50 600 400 0 Asphalt 200 2016 1988 2016 1988 0 Concrete 1988 2016 1988 vs Now

  6. In an average year, MDOT awards $525 million in construction contracts. These days, MDOT is in a “take care of what you already own” mode.

  7. Maintaining the system Bridge Replacement/Repair

  8. Maintaining the System Pavement Maintenance

  9. Maintaining the System Safety Projects

  10. Doing business with MDOT • Bridge Design Master Contract – 2020 • Miscellaneous Consulting Contracts • Roadway • Traffic • Environmental • Contact Scot Ehrgott, 601-359-7874 Consulting Engineers, etc.

  11. Doing business with MDOT • Registered with System for Award Management (SAM) • Mississippi State Board of Contractors… Certificate of Responsibility • Bonding Capacity • Electronic Bidding • Bidding Advertisements and info Construction Contractors

  12. Future Projects I-20 Reconstruction in Vicksburg

  13. Future Projects US 61 Bypass – Port Gibson

  14. Future Projects US 82 Bypass – Greenville

  15. Questions? J. Kevin Magee, P.E. MDOT District Engineer District III, Yazoo City 662-746-2513


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