SOCI CIAL S L SKILLS LS How to identify what social skills parents lack and How to improve them Potenza, 23 – 24.01.2016
Social skills for parents: Studies* show that the most important skills to learn in the early years are social: cooperation, self-control, confidence, independence, curiosity, empathy and communication . * are-key-to-learning
What are the basic social skills: The Four Cs Confidence Cooperation Curiosity Communication
How t to a asses sses and i nd iden dentify pa paren ental social s skills: s: 1. Ques uestionn nnaires es a and t d tests s (Epstein short tests 5 – 10 q.) 2. 2. Focus g s group ups (2-3 focus groups with parents of different social environments, ages, social status, number of children) 3. Direct o obs bser ervation n ( birthday parties, parks, children playgrounds, etc.)
How t to i o improve the i e identif ifie ied l lac ackin ing socia ial l skills skills of of p par arents 1. 1. Wor orking g wi with s speci cialists: ts: parenting c g cou ourses, s, w wor orksh shop ops, s, s shor ort i interventions 2. Sel elf i improvement: sel elf i inform rmation, r rea eading p paren enting books, s shari ring exp xperie iences w with other p par arents. 3. The ap app c could ld s send m messages an and i informatio ion ab about par arentin ing i issues. . 4. Guide f for ad adult lt e educators s so they c can an h helps t the par arents.
Th Thank y you ou v very much for or you our a attention ion
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