development trusts

& DEVELOPMENT TRUSTS Margaret Craig Kathleen Smyth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COMMUNITY ASSET TRANSFER & DEVELOPMENT TRUSTS Margaret Craig Kathleen Smyth @devtrustsni @NICommRights Development Trusts NI CAT POLICY FRAMEWORK 2014 An NI Executives Commitment to invest st in soci cial al ente terpris rise

  1. COMMUNITY ASSET TRANSFER & DEVELOPMENT TRUSTS Margaret Craig Kathleen Smyth @devtrustsni @NICommRights Development Trusts NI

  2. CAT POLICY FRAMEWORK 2014 An NI Executive’s Commitment to “ invest st in soci cial al ente terpris rise • growth to increase sustainability in the broad community sector” Defines CAT as “ a change ge in managemen agement t and/or ow ownership rship of • land or buildings, gs, from om public c bodies s to to comm mmunit nities ies ” Spectrum trum ranges es from om managemen agement t ag agreeme eements nts to to lease ases to to full • ownership ship

  3. CAT POLICY FRAMEWORK CAT T produce ces s a range of benefits its for r the comm mmuni nity, public c sector or and third • sector or CAT T presents ts opportuniti unities es and challenges lenges • Raise se awareness s & promo mote comm mmuni nity y ownership ship • Learn n from om experien ence ce of others rs & dr & draw w on case ase study dy examples ples •

  4. BROUGHSHANE This project was one of Northern Ireland’s first Community Asset Transfers (CAT). Aim of the project was to acquire Broushane PSNI station that closed in 2013 to develop a community resource. Two parties were interested in acquiring the asset - valued at £145k. Rather than engage in direct competition, with the help of DTNI the two parties came together to develop a community housing project for over 55’s and social enterprise space.

  5. BROUGHSHANE • DTNI engaged the 6 key stakeholders in a partnership process. • DSD (now Dept for Communities) • PSNI Estates Management • Land & Property Services ( LPS) • NI Housing Executive (NIHE) • Local Council’s Economic Development Unit • Triangle Housing Association • Funding to purchase and develop the asset was secured through a cocktail of funding via loan finance and grants. Total project costs £435,000. • In Feb 2016 a planning application was submitted for 10 new housing units, 3 social enterprise units and 1 apartment with a delivery timeline of 23 months. • Building work started on the site in Sept 2016. • In Dec 2017 the first tenants moved into the new community space.

  6. BROUGHSHANE Key Learning: • Partnership - pulling together to realise the vision of both social partners • Confidence – to take risks to deliver ambitions using loan finance • Economy – the project delivered by looking beyond government funding to bring new sustainable investment to the village • Wellbeing – made an impact on social isolation and employment through the business units.

  7. OPEN HOUSE FESTIVAL Non profit fit charita itable le organisa nisation tion • Est Establi ablish shed in Belfast t 1999 99 and moved to to Bangor gor • 2013 13 Missi sion on: : Transf sforming orming people e and places es throug ugh • Festiv tivals ls and Event ents Vision ion: To contrib tribut ute to to regenerat neratio ion of the local l • econom nomy, creat ate e positiv tive e soci cial al impact, ct, increa ease se civic vic pride and develop op cultura ral l to touris rism

  8. OHF & BANGOR COURTHOUSE Built t 1866 66 & is a L List sted building • Vacant nt since ce 2013 13 following wing • decommi ommissioning ssioning of NI Courts ts & Tribunal nal Service vice Owned by Department tment of Justice tice • OHF F acquiring ring through h CAT T process cess •

  9. OHF & BANGOR COURTHOUSE Expect ct to to take e full ownership ship April il 2020 20 at at nil cost st • Project ect cost st £1.3m 3milli llion on • OHF F have secured over £500k 00k • Awaiti ting ng decisi sion on from om Nat ation ional al Lotter ery y Herita tage ge Fund for £854 54k • Perman manent nt home me for Open House se Festiv ival al & will provi vide de 4 key service vices • Springboa board for future capita tal l project cts •

  10. OHF & BANGOR COURTHOUSE Open House se wi will develop op 4 key service vices: Multi ti-purpos rpose event, t, business ss & performance ormance • space Occasi asiona onal l pop-up up café • Offic ices/ s/me meeting ting rooms oms • Rehear arsal sal space for r creativ ative e groups ups and • organisations anisations

  11. MARKET TUNNELS PROJECT 1932 1932 Today

  12. MARKET TUNNELS PROJECT Tunnels from Lanyon Place (North side ) Tunnels from Market Community (South side )

  13. MARKET TUNNELS PROJECT Planning ng Permiss mission ion Grant nted 2015 15 (Soc ocial al Econ onom omy y Child Day Care, Café & • Comm mmuni nity y Gym £3.6 6 million lion funding g secured d for Project ect 2015/2016 15/2016 (Belfas lfast t City y Council ncil, , TEO & • Urban Villages ages Three business ss case ases s comp omple leted •

  14. MARKET TUNNELS PROJECT September 2016- Belfast City Council approved planning permission for a 14 storey development (230,000 sq. ft.) in the Market despite concerns and objections from local residents and community groups

  15. MARKET TUNNELS PROJECT 2017 17- the Market t Comm mmunit ity continue tinued d to to campaign paign ag against st the propose osed d developme opment nt & j & judiciall ially y reviewed ed the Council’s decision to approve The JR R was as a succe cess ss, however the Tunnels s is still ll at at risk

  16. KILKEEL VOGUE CINEMA Kilkeel eel is the south thern ern-mo most st to town in North thern ern Irela land d & is the main fishin ing g port t on the Down Coast ast Kilkee eel l Develo lopmen ment t Assoc ociation iation (KDA) were establi lish shed in 1991 91 to to address s the phys ysic ical al and econom nomic ic decline ine of Kilkee eel

  17. KILKEEL VOGUE CINEMA Kilkee eel l Develo lopmen ment t Assoc ociation iation (KD KDA) identified ified the Kilkee eel l Vogue e Cinema ema as as a pote tentia tial l comm ommunit unity y ownership ship and restoration oration project ct

  18. Vogue e Cinema ema was as the last ast single le screen en cinema ema to to operat ate e in NI It’s original seating capacity was 490 in stalls & circles

  19. Comm mmuni nity y Su Suggestion gestions s & Poten tentia tial l Uses: Commu mmuni nity y Cinema ma • Civic vic Centre e for Public c Events ts • Arts ts Education ation • Music ic & Performance ormance • Commu mmuni nity y & Creativ ative Arts • Exhibition ition & Festiv ival als • Media Hub & Recor cording ding Studio io • Touri rism sm & Creativ ative Hub •

  20. The CAT T of Kilkee eel l Vogue ue Cinema ema presents nts an opportunit unity y for Kilkeel el Developme lopment nt • Associa sociation tion in their plans for phys ysical al and econ onom omic ic regenera neration tion KDA A have e research ched ed models dels for inspira ration tion, explor ored d finance nce and funding, ng, and have • consi sider ered ed next t ste teps: ➢ Est Establi ablish sh charita itable le organisa nisation tion ➢ Conce ncept t design gns s & indicativ ative e costs sts ➢ Project ect developme opment nt- planning ng & stat atutory ry permissions issions, project ct partners, rs, business case, funding, SLA’s etc.

  21. CAT in Northern Ireland There are a n number er of chall lleng enges es in the Commun mmunit ity y Asset t Transf sfer er process ess: Communi mmunity y support t and buy uy in • Getting ing the right stakeh ehol olders ders involv olved • Ent Enthusia usiasm sm & com ommit mitment nt • Resour source ces- revenue e and capital tal finance ce, staffing ffing to to progress ss proposal osal • Lack k of com ommunit ity rights ts •


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