SO SOMEDANISH PERSPEC ECTIVES ES Report for the Villum founda tion on the sta tus on the Da nish Ma rine Wa ters, including the use Some exa mples AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB 1
Key figuresrecreation Direct consumer Jobs (full time) Activities surplus (Bill. DKK.) 45 mill overnight Coastal tourism 40,3 71.000 stays 616.000 anglers Angling 2,5 2000 (annual) 250.000 active sailers Sailing/boating Uknown Unknown 1 mill overnight stays in harbors 98 % of the Recreation, 5,4* NA population coastal outdoor act. recreation Note: *CS for access to costal recreational areas AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
Conclusions Shipping, transport also important Windmills/ energy Aquaculture growing, but small sector Assessment of recreation and fisheriesindicate that recreation is of large economic importance AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
Experiencesfrom the MARECOS study MARECOS studied • how existing data and knowledge regarding • ecosystem condition can be used for Marine ESA how descriptors and indicators used for the ecosystem • assessment can be used the knowledge we have on the values of these • ecosystem services from the literature. Possible links • AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB 6
Concept and examplesin MARECOS Wild fish for food (a provisioning service) • Eutrophication mitigation and sediment • retention (in CICES this belongs under regulating and maintenance service section, within division: mediation of waste, toxic, and other nuisances) Recreation (cultural service, belonging to • CICES division physical and intellectual interactions). AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
How do the ecological status of the water affect the ecosystem services, here fisheriesand recreation? Vice versa not included. AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
DESCRIPTORS AND I INDICATORS F FOR SERVICES THAT ARE INTERMEDIATE T TO RECREATION. THESE INDICATORS CAN T TO S SOME EXTENT BE USED TO M MEASURE THE S STATUS O OF T THE S SERVICE ‘RECREATION’ IN THE B BALTIC S SEA (MODIFIED F FROM SWAM, 2012) 2012). EC ECOS YSTEM EM SER SERVICE DESC ESCRIPTORS INDIC IN ICATORS Eutrophic icatio ion D5. (Nutrients) 5.1.1. Nutrients concentra tion in the wa ter column mit itig igatio ion 5.2.4. Species shift in floristic composition such a s dia tom to fla gella te ra tio, benthic to pela gic shifts, a s well a s bloom events of nuisa nce/ toxic a lga l blooms (e.g. cya noba cteria ) ca used by huma n a ctivities Regula latio ion o of D8. (Concentra tion 8.1.1. Concentra tion of the conta mina nts mentioned a bove, mea sured in haz azar ardo dous s subs bstan ances of conta mina nts) the releva nt ma trix (such a s biota , sediment a nd wa ter) in a wa y tha t ensures compa ra bility with a ssessments under Directive 2000/ 60/ EC D9. (Conta mina nts 9.1.1. Actua l levels of conta mina nts tha t ha ve been detected a nd in sea food) number of conta mina nts which ha ve exceeded ma ximum regula tory levels Scen ener ery D10. (L itter) 10.1.1. T rends in the a mount of litter wa shed a shore a nd/ or deposited on coa stlines, including a na lysis of its composition, spa tia l distribution a nd, AARHUS A U where possible, source UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
EUTR TROPHICATI TION DESC ESCRIPTORSAND D INDICATORS MSFD D5 D D5 indicators HELCOM in indic icators Impac pact Activity tha hat i is a adver ersel ely affec ected ed 5.1.1. NUTR TRIENT T Nutrient levels: winter (December- Ca using direct impa cts like phytopla nkton a nd No direct effects:High nutrient concentra tions CONC NCENT NTRATION N IN T N THE Februa ry) dissolved inorga nic nitrogen fila mentous a lga l growth (ba sed on high a re not problem a s such, if the regula tory WATER ER C COLUMN (DIN) nutrient levels), decrea sed tra nspa rency of service of Dilution is functioning. wa ter a nd potentia l increa se in frequency of a nd dissolved inorga nic phosphorus (DIP) Seconda ry impa cts a ffect following a ctivities: nuisa nce/ toxic blooms concentra tions in the surfa ce la yer(0 - 10 Swimming, Diving, Fishing m depth) (CORE) 5.2.1 C CHLO LOROPHYLL LL Direct effects: Summer (June-September) Direct effects: Increa sed phytopla nkton growth, Swimming, Diving, Fishing CONC NCENT NTRATION N IN T N THE chlorophyll a concentra tion in the surfa ce decrea sed tra nspa rency of wa ter, potentia l Impa ired scenic experience in bea ch WATER ER C COLUMN la yer (0 - 10 m depth) (CORE) increa se in frequency of nuisa nce/ toxic blooms wa lking, picnicking a nd floa ting cya noba cteria stra nded on bea ches 5.2.2 W WATER ER T TRANSP SPAREN ENCY Direct effects: Summer (June-September) Seconda ry impa cts: decrea sed depth of Swimming, Diving, Fishing Secchi depth (in meters) (CORE) ma crophytes: 5.3.1. ABUNDANCE O OF Indirect effects: L ower depth distribution L ess ha bita ts for nursery function Diving, Fishing PER EREN ENNIAL SEA SEAWEED EEDS S AND limit of ma crophyte species (m) Impa ired scenic experience when diving SEA SEAGRASSES SSES (E. E.G. FUCOIDS, S, (PRECORE) EEL EELGRASS SS AND NEP EPTUNE E GRASS) SS) ADVER ERSEL SELY IMPACTED ED BY D DEC ECREA EASE I SE IN W WATER ER TRANSP SPAREN ENCY AARHUS 5.3.2 DISSO SSOLVED ED O OXYGEN EN Indirect effects: Annua l Oxygen debt L ess ha bita ts for fish feeding Fishing A U UNIVERSITET below the ha locline (or in specific ca ses INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB Declined regula tory service: Nutrient dilution, i.e. concentra tion) (CORE): retention by sediments
MSF SFD DESC ESCRIPTOR3 D3. P Popula latio ions o of a all ll commercia ially lly explo loit ited f fis ish and shellf llfis ish are w wit ithin in safe bio iolo logic ical lim l limit its, e exhib ibit itin ing a po a popu pulat ation age age an and d size di distribu bution that at is indi dicat ative of a a heal althy stock. Cri riteri ria Indica tors 3.1 L 3. 1 Level el of p pres essure e 3.1.1 Fishing morta lity 3.1.2 Ra tio between ca tch a nd bioma ss index of the fis ishin ing activ ivit ity 3. 3.2 R 2 Rep eproductive e 3.2.1 Spa wning Stock Bioma ss 3.2.2 Bioma ss indices capac apacity o of t the st stock 3.3 P Pop opul ulation on age 3.3.1 Proportion of fish la rger tha n the mea n size of first sexua l ma tura tion and siz ize dis istrib ibutio ion 3.3.2 Mea n ma ximum length a cross a ll species found in resea rch vessel surveys 3.3.3 95% percentile of the fish length distribution observed in resea rch vessel surveys 3.3.4 Size a t first sexua l ma tura tion, which ma y reflect the extent of undesira ble AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET genetic effects of exploita tion INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
RESU ESULTSOF T THE E REV EVIEW EW Studies conducted in the la st 5 yea rs :Almost a ll focused on cultura l or provisioning services. L inks to MSFD descriptors: D1 Biodiversity (7 studies) D3 Fish species (5) D5 Eutrophica tion (6) D8 Concentra tions of conta mina nts (2) D10 Ma rine litter (1) D11 Energy (including noise) (1) BSAP stra tegic goa ls Biodiversity (7) Eutrophica tion (6) Ha za rdous substa nces (3) AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
LITERA RATURE REREV EVIEW EW L ink between model outcomes a nd va lua tion results could be done MARECOS reviewed recent va lua tion studies of ma rine ecosystem services Connected the studies to MSFD/ BSAP indica tors • Assessed the possibilities of benefit tra nsfer a nd a ggrega tion Discussed the va lua tion of three ecosystem services/ goods: recrea tion, food a nd sediment retention AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
CON ONCLUSION ONS V VALUATION ON Va lua tion studies concentra ted on biodiversity, eutrophica tion a nd fish species, a nd links ca n be ma de for descriptors linking iphysica l models outcomes with va lua tion results Most informa tion on the benefits of reduced eutrophica tion Cha llenging to estima te the benefits of rea ching good environmenta l sta tus for other descriptors/ indica tors; Ga ps in knowledge Nea rly missing: D2 Non-ingidenous species, D9 Conta mina nts in sea food, D10 Ma rine litter Spa tia l distribution of ecosystem services/ benefits AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
POSSI SSIBLETO D O DO O ECOL OLOG OGICAL-ECON ONOM OMIC MODELLI LLING? Possible to link to the rest of HOL AS –focusing on the effects on eutrophica tion a nd fish/ food webs link between descriptors, pressure a nd impa ct index – thema tic pressure da ta set –e.g. inputs of nutrients linked to indica tors for eutrophica tion/ recrea tion a nd fish Possible to link to existing Ba ltic models? AARHUS A U UNIVERSITET INSTITUT FOR MILJØVIDENSKAB
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