how t to p publis ish in inter ernational e education lea

How t to p publis ish in inter ernational e education? Lea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NAFSA 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, BOSTON, MA How t to p publis ish in inter ernational e education? Lea earning Obj Objec ectives: s: Learn about current and future trends in international education from the perspective of editors of

  1. NAFSA 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE, BOSTON, MA How t to p publis ish in inter ernational e education?

  2. Lea earning Obj Objec ectives: s:  Learn about current and future trends in international education from the perspective of editors of academic journals.  Recognize common mistakes authors make and how to avoid those mistakes when submitting a manuscript.  Be more informed when submitting their next manuscripts to journals in international education.

  3. Pres esen enter ers Yuliya Kartoshkina - Moderator Michael Smithee - International Research and Review Journal Laura Rumbley - The Journal of Studies in International Education Brian Whalen - Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad

  4. Pres esen entation Out Outline 1. Journals- brief history and main objectives 2. Topics of the past, present, and future 3. Do’s and Don’ts of preparing a manuscript for publication 4. Group activity: Questions from the audience 5. Resources

  5. Inter ernati tional Res esearch and h and Re Review

  6. Inter ernati tional Res esearch and R h and Review  Established: Original publication period 1990-2002, Second publication period began 2011.  The official publication of the Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars  IRR is a peer-reviewed electronic journal  Open to members and non-members of Phi Beta Delta. Currently published 1 – 2 times per year. Includes Proceedings of Phi Beta Delta.  Main objective- to provide a forum for scholars and educators to engage in a multi-disciplinary exchange of ideas, to address topics of mutual concern, and to advocate for policies that enhance the international dimension of higher education.

  7. The J he Jour urnal o of S Studi udies i in n Inter ernational Educ ducati tion

  8. The J e Journa nal o of Studi udies i es in Inter ernationa nal E Educ ducation  Established in 1996 by Hans de Wit  First published in 1997, by CIEE in collaboration with EAIE  Published today by SAGE, managed by EAIE, on behalf of ASIE (Association for Studies in International Education)  Published 5 x year  Impact factor of 0.980; ranked 67 th out of 219 in Education and Educational Research

  9. The J e Journa nal o of Studi udies i es in Inter ernationa nal E Educ ducation Focused on engaging “higher education administrators , faculty , researchers and policy makers interested in the internationalization of higher education. Articles discuss theoretical, conceptual and practical aspects of internationalization including regional, national and institutional policies and strategies, internationalization of the curriculum, issues surrounding international students and cross-border delivery of education.”  In considering manuscripts for publication, JSIE is fundamentally concerned with issues of: Relevance, Quality, & Originality

  10. Frontiers rs: The I Inter erdisc scipl plina nary J Journal o of Study udy Abro road

  11. Frontier ers: The I Inter erdisc scipl plina nary J Journal o of Study udy A Abroad  Established in 1994 at Boston University by a group of education abroad colleagues with Brian Whalen as Founding Editor  Supported over the years by a consortium of 25+ U.S. colleges and universities  Hosted since 1999 by Dickinson College  Is a strategic partner of the Forum on Education Abroad; as of July 1 will be owned and published by The Forum  Starting in 2013 began to publish exclusively online A peer-reviewed journal, Frontiers publishes thought-provoking research articles and insightful essays to provide the field of study abroad an intellectual charge, document the best thinking and innovative programming, create dialogue among colleagues in international education, and ultimately enrich perspectives and bring greater meaning to the work of education abroad. Frontiers is an interdisciplinary journal . It publishes manuscripts from a wide range of disciplines and encourages approaches to topics that use multiple and mutually supporting forms of analysis .

  12. Topi pics cs o of the p past, p pres esen ent, a and n nd near f futur ure e 1. What have been the most common topics published in your journal within the last five-ten years? 2. Any interesting change you noticed within those ten years in topics? 3. What might be the possible trends for the near future in your journal?

  13. The J e Journa nal o of Studi udies i es in Inter ernationa nal E Educ ducation Article analysis 2008 – 2013

  14. The J e Journa nal o of Studi udies i es in Inter ernationa nal E Educ ducation Key differences between 2008 – 2013 articles and those from the preceding decade:  Transnational education articles  Global citizenship articles  Asia-focused articles  Continental Europe-focused articles Also notable: Some correlations between author origins and article themes and subjects

  15. The J e Journa nal o of Studi udies i es in Inter ernationa nal E Educ ducation Possible future trends ◦ Underrepresented regional coverage ◦ Intercultural, international and global competencies and learning outcomes ◦ Employability and internationalization ◦ Internationalization of research ◦ Degree mobility

  16. Inter erna nationa nal R Resea earch a ch and R nd Rev eview Article analysis 1990 – 2002 Topics Number of Articles Discipline Specific 16 International Education 14 Country Specific 13 Internationalization 7 Culture Shock and Adjustment 6 Study Abroad 6 Global Education 5

  17. Inter erna nationa nal R Resea earch a ch and R nd Rev eview Article analysis 2011 – 2014 Topics Number of Articles Teaching International Perspectives 5 Country Specific 3 Intercultural Competence 3 Intercultural Literacy Analysis 3 Regional Internationalization 3 Discipline Specific: Nurse Education 2 Cultural Diplomacy 1 Culture Specific Adaptation 1 Curriculum and Student Learning Outcomes 1 International Education: Admin 1 Student Learning: Process 1

  18. Inter ernational R Resea esearch a and nd R Review  Practitioners conducting research or collaborating with faculty.  Motivating others to conduct research.  An eclectic assortment of observations and research on I.E.  Articles reflecting the current needs of the field.  Assessment and analysis of experiences and competencies.  Focus on curricular interventions and measuring intercultural outcomes.  Doctoral dissertations and Master’s theses.

  19. Frontier ers: The I Inter erdisc scipl plina nary J Journal o of Study udy A Abroad  Student Outcomes  Intercultural Sensitivity  Target Language Acquisition  Intercultural Development  Global Awareness  Psychological Development (perception, identity)  Effectiveness of Study Abroad Program Structures and Pedagogies  Teaching practices  Course content  Duration  Housing  Discipline-specific studies/ Location-specific studies  The Meaning and Purpose of Education Abroad  Generally Essays  Theoretical Perspectives on the field

  20. Frontier ers: The I Inter erdisc scipl plina nary J Journal of of Study udy A Abroad Interesting Changes:  Much more research being conducted in this field  More articles by faculty involved in education abroad programming  Overall, a greater variety of research with a major focus on student learning outcomes Possible Future Trends:  Greater collaboration in conducting research  Greater range of assessment instruments will be utilized  More of a focus on access to and capacity of programs  More studies examining long-term outcomes of education abroad

  21. Tips for a r authors: Do’s a and D Don’t  What are the most common challenges people experience when submitting and going through a publication process to your journal?  How to meet those challenges?

  22. Brian W Wha halen en  Do an appropriate literature review to understand the context for what you are researching and writing about  Ask whether the research is relevant and offers something that will help to advance the field  Ask colleagues and experts to provide feedback on your research before submitting, including someone who is a good editor  Not good idea to submit unrevised Master's thesis or dissertation  If you are conducting research, be sure to have an adequate sample size that is representative, as well as a comparison group when possible

  23. Laura ra Rumb mbley ey  Accept that peer-review is a slow process  Get feedback on your draft article  Know your audience  Graduate students - concentrate on a compelling message

  24. Michae ael Smith thee  Pay close attention to submission guidelines  Make your argument consistent  Understand the nature of double-blind peer review/critiques  Graduate students – seek feedback from or co-author with faculty  International authors – use citation format the journal requires and give particular attention to the citation of other’s words

  25. Que Questi tions ns f from the A he Audi udience  In small groups, brainstorm for “burning” questions  Choose 1-2 questions from your group to be answered by presenters  Write them down on a provided notecard

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