smart environment objectives smart environment objectives

Smart Environment Objectives Smart Environment Objectives Connect - PDF document

ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Smart Applications for the Maintenance of Large Buildings: of Large Buildings: How to Achieve Ontology-based Interoperability at the Information Level I t bilit t

  1. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Smart Applications for the Maintenance of Large Buildings: of Large Buildings: How to Achieve Ontology-based Interoperability at the Information Level I t bilit t th I f ti L l Alfredo D’Elia Alfredo D Elia Riccione – June 22, 2010 ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Smart Environment Objectives Smart Environment Objectives • Connect physical world with information world • Cross-industry interoperability • Maintain value of existing legacy • Innovative user interaction with embedded devices devices

  2. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications SOFIA Architecture (a view) ( ) PC or residential Gateway Legacy Legacy aKP Device SIB SSAP SSAP aKP Legacy TCP RDF Device SOFIA Adapter Device D i SSAP IOP SSAP KP SOFIA Aggregators Device KP KP Aggregators Aggregators KP Information level f i l l Ontology driven KPs interoperability ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Ontologies g Semantic Web Semantic Web • Built on existing standards • Built on existing standards Project • Specify information semantics • Machine interpretable • Support reasoning • Extendible Once a certain domain has been specified using an ontology, software agents based on the same ontology are interoperable and so ft t b d th t l i t bl d may communicate and cooperate

  3. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Generic Approach to pp Interoperability • Scenario analysis and application requirements Scenario analysis and application requirements • Ontology as a formal representation of the detected Ontology as a formal representation of the detected concepts and properties • HW/SW architecture • Implementation and testing ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Maintenance Domain • Sensor networks provide data about environment • Rules and normatives specify limits over which fault are detected • Faults are signaled and communicated to maintenance companies and operators p p • Maintenance interventions are scheduled and performed • Office tenants are informed of faults and intervetion which happens in their office to have a less intrusive intervention • Maintenance operators are guided to fault location and signal start and end of operation p

  4. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Building Maintenance Scenario N Normatives ti Business rules Aggregators Contextualized Contextualized Observations Observations Contextualized Faults and WSN WSN corrective interventions corrective interventions Knowledge Base corrective interventions details Contextualized Faults and corrective interventions corrective interventions details Maintenance company and operator ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Sensor Network adaptation p •Dolce: high abstraction level entities •Sensor Ontology: entities related to sensors and data •Sensor Ontology: entities related to sensors and data Characteristic ≡ Dolce:Quality Characteristic ≡ Dolce:Quality OWL:Thing MeasureRegion ≡ Dolce:region Sensor DataValue ≡ Dolce:Quale ProducedBy PhysicaObject Data DescriptiveDataOf Measurand MeasureSpace MeasureSpace M MeasureRegion R i Calsses Characteristic HasDataValue Instances DataValue Properties

  5. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Faults and Corrective interventions Faults and Corrective interventions Fault definition from EN 13306: state of an item (e.g., an A/C unit) or a building element (e.g., the HVAC system) f i ( A/C i ) b ildi l ( h HVAC ) characterized by its inability to perform a required function” OWL:Thing OWL:Thing Dolce:State Parameter Parameter Fault HasState AssociatedTo Item Detected D t t d ManualDetection AutomaticDetection Calsses FaultDetection Instances Properties ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Maintenance: software infrastructure Building Building Fault Fault Automatic Fault Automatic Fault Monitor Monitor Announcer Announcer Generator Generator Temperatur Temperatur KP KP KP KP e Humidity Fault CorrectiveIntervention Fault Automatic Fault Automatic Fault Tenant Tenant CorrectiveIntervention Generator Generator notifier notifier Discomfort index KP KP CorrectiveIntervention SMAR SMAR SMAR SMAR KP KP SIB Fault T M3 M3 KP SIB SIB CorrectiveIntervention Maintenance Maintenance Software for Software for operators operators p Temperature Consumer KP Update Humidity Producer … Subscribe WSN WSN Query Query Aggregator Aggregator Manager Manager

  6. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Building monitoring GUI g g Intervention Intervention Place Fault Urgency Parameter Value Measurement Detection start time stop time Operato Comment unit time r Room1 Temperature- low temperature 18,5 °C 2010-06-18 2010-06-22 2010-06-22 Mario out-of-range 09:30:10 10:30:34 13:28:10 Rossi Room2 anomalous- high Water YES YES/NO 2010-06-18 2010-05-20 Maria water- presence 11:44:22 14:30:10 Bianchi presence Room1 Humidy-out- medium Relative 70 % 2010-05-20 of-range humidity 22:12:55 … … … … … … … … Real time indoor space parameters monitor Place Temperature ( o C) Relative humidity (%) Water on the floor (YES/NO) Room1 18.5 70 NO R Room2 2 2 27.5 63 63 YES YES ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Operator GUI p • Acceptation by only one of the pool of appropriately skilled operators • Synchronization of multiple acceptations The fault in your office has been repaired • Fault info to help the operator • Buttons to interact with the SIB • Notification of all processes interested in the modified fault instances => Tenant GUI

  7. ARTEMI S JU SP3 / 1 0 0 0 1 7 : Sm art Objects For I ntelligent Applications Conclusions and future works Conclusions and future works • Evaluation of ontology based approach in a real scenario gy pp • Work with domain experts for conceptualization of the domain d i • HW/SW architecture to support the desired behaviour HW/SW architecture to support the desired behaviour • Software implementation on multiple platforms p p p • Intrinsic extendibility and interoperability

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