small waste water treatment

Small Waste Water Treatment Plants WWTP Technical aspects and cost - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Small Waste Water Treatment Plants WWTP Technical aspects and cost estimation of pilot plants Indira Sulejmanagi Sanja Bosilji Pandur WWTP and Sewerage System In BiH, inadequate inadequate at atten tentio tion was given to

  1. Small Waste Water Treatment Plants WWTP Technical aspects and cost estimation of pilot plants Indira Sulejmanagić Sanja Bosiljčić Pandur

  2. WWTP and Sewerage System • In BiH, inadequate inadequate at atten tentio tion was given to protection of waters in in the past. • This situa situati tion on wa was ad additio itional ally ly aggra aggravate vated by by in infrast frastructu ructural al dama mages, that occurred due to war activities (during the period 1990-1995), and inap appr prop opri riate ate re repa pair ir and and ma main inten tenan ance ce serv service ices, caused by difficult financial situation of public utility companies. • Percentage of pop opula latio tion con connecte ected to to the the se sewe wera rage ge syst systems ems in in urban are reas (cities and settlements > 10,000 inhabitants) is is about 56 56%. • Gen Genera erally, ly, the the smal smalle ler, r, rural rural settleme settlements nts ha have no no sewera sewerage ge system system. Some of them, that have a sewerage system for collection of waste waters, usually are without the waste water treatment. That means that the untreated effluent is discharged into recipients, what present a serous threats against for human health.

  3. WWTP and Sewerage System The key problems of waste water treatment plants / WWTP in the whole Bosnia and Herzegovina are as follows: • Most of the planned wastewater treatment plants are not built, neither were reconstructed; • The existing WWTP are under-maintained (due to low water price - insufficient for functionality costs of a simple water system), and they lose their planned efficacy, quite fast; • Even in towns and settlements that have a WWTP, insufficient inhabitants are connected to facilities.

  4. WWTP and Sewerage System • Thanks to international organizations and programs funds (World Bank, KfW, EIB, EBRD, IPA, SIDA), as well as local participation of municipalities and financing from Environmental Protection Fund FB&H, curre rrent constru constructio ction level vel / situ situatio tion of of WWTP WWTP is is im improve ved. So far, a number of fac facil ilitie ities is bu built lt or or rec reconstru nstructed cted, which have already been put into operation, such as: Živinice 25.000 PE, Sre Srebre brenik ik 18.000 PE, Bi Bije jeljin jina 40.000 PE, Tr Treb ebinj nje 16.000 PE, Bileća 5.000 PE, Ljubušk i 6.000 PE, Čitluk 7.000 PE, Žepč e 6.000 PE, Trnovo vo 5.000 PE, Odžak 10.000 PE. • Plants in Sa Sarajevo ajevo 600,000 PE and Konjic onjic 5,000 PE are in test test operation ation phase. • The construction of the facilities for the city of Mostar Mostar and and Bihac Bihac (100,000 and 55,000 PE) is in in imple implement mentati tion, and WWTP for settlements Tomis Tomisla lavgr vgrad ad and and S iro iroki ki Bri Brije jeg (each 10,000 PE) are in prepara arati tion on phase (for the works).

  5. Definition and Classification • The resu esult lt of wastewater treatment is the rem remova oval of of ha harmful mful su substa bstance nces from the water and thus is is ach achieve eved / pro provi vide ded a certa certain in req require ired sanitary, sanitary, che chemica ical, l, eco ecolog ogic ical al and and ae aesthe sthetic tic quality ity of of natura ral recipie ipients ts. • Facilities by size: for for la large ge and med mediu ium citie cities and and smal small town wns and and villag ages. • Plant size for smaller towns and villages: up up to to 50 50 PE PE and nd betwee een 50 50 and and 5,000 000 PE PE (in rare cases up to 10,000 PE).

  6. Technological Scheme • The usual purification technology / waste water treatment includes: The level of Isolated treatment substances Waste from grids, Pre-treatment sand, gravel, fat 1. Stage 1. Stage primary sludge primary sludge Sludge treatment secondary 2. Stage or biological sludge treatment Organic substances 3. Stage N and P Disinfection Pathogenic organisms Discharge of treated water

  7. Investment Costs - Conventional Plant Invest estment ment Cost st WWTP TP Wit ith h a receiving ceiving stat ation ion for or waste e water er from om septic ptic tank nks € /PE PE Wit ithout out a rece ceivin iving g stat atio ion for or waste e water er from om septi ptic c tank nks ize (PE ) Siz

  8. Small Settlements • In smaller settlements there is the problem roblem of of lack ack of of pr prof ofess essio ional al staff ff and and limite ted financial ancial resources urces • The advantage tage of of plants ts wherein the: • Energy consumption is small or a zero • Operation and maintenance are simple • The efficiency and continuous work are good and at extremely high variations of flow and level of influent's load • Small or no sludge production and its simple treatment • The smaller WWTP that meet these requirements are classified as so-called. unconven ventio tiona nal

  9. Study of unconventional technologies and Pilot projects • GEF - Project of water quality protection • Feasibility study on the implementation of As pilot projects, the following settlements natural treatment procedures of urban waste were selected: water of small towns and settlements on territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina • Velagići+Hadžići ( Appli pplied d Techn hnolo ology gy: • The objectives of this study were: Hybrid brid art rtif ificial icial wetlan lands ds with h the e 1. to develop the proposals for improving remov oval of nut utri rien ents), Municipali nicipality of wastewater management through the Ključ, FB&H implementation of „ NTC" - technology 2. to identify the optimal strategies for the need • Grbo bore rezi i (Appli pplied ed Tec echn hnolog ology: Hybrid brid "NCT" - technology wastewater treatment with art rtif ificial icial wetland lands with h the e remov oval al of regard to natural, social, cultural, economic, nut utri rien ents), Municipali nicipality of Livno, o, FB&H institutional and climatic aspects and other features 3. to create a long-term and short-term investment • Orahova (Applied Technology: Trickling filter), Municipality of plans for waste water treatment plants, based Gradiška, RS on the application of "NCT" - technology 4. to identify the pilot projects of waste water treatment with a low cost / low energy consumption in various typical areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  10. Investment Costs Investment costs per PE for some types of small plants 700 € /PE 600 € /PE 500 € /PE The stabilizing wetlands The artificial wetlands 400 € /PE Hybrid artificial wetlands Trickling filters 300 € /PE Rotating biological contactors 200 € /PE 100 € /PE 0 € /PE 0 PE 2.000 PE 4.000 PE 6.000 PE 8.000 PE 10.000 PE Plant size

  11. Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual operation and maintenance costs / PE 700 € /PE 600 € /PE 500 € /PE The stabilizing wetlands The artificial wetlands 400 € /PE Hybrid artificial wetlands Trinkling filters 300 € /PE Rotating biological contactors 200 € /PE 100 € /PE 0 € /PE 2.000 PE 0 PE 4.000 PE 6.000 PE 8.000 PE 10.000 PE Plant size

  12. Preliminary design of WWTP for settlement Grborezi, Municipality of Livno GENERAL: SEWERAGE SYSTEM: • Responsible persons and residents • Two phases of construction of the sewage system have were very interested for the project been completed, that includes the main collector and several secondary collectors construction • The proposed settlement is located in a karst area, Livno field, that has • The sewage system is separate. The main collector a size of 30,000 hectares, and is (3,000 m, DN 300) is currently finishing in a septic tank one of the largest in Europe • Recipient is the irrigation canal, that is over the year • Sensitive area - the area of karst mostly dry • The water from the Livno field is • The existing sewage system is designed for the 1200 used in the Republic of Croatia for PE drinking • Residents of the settlement LOCATION OF WWTP: Grborezi participated with 50% of • There is a potential location for the wastewater funds in the investment for treatment plant in the field called „ Podovi „ construction of sewage system • The site is in private ownership, but according to • Climate: mountain information received from inhabitants solving this issue • The whole settlement Grborezi should not be a problem because the owner is willing to counts of 800 residents cooperate • The settlement has no industry • The high level of ground water (approx. 80 cm in winter), filling of the terrain is necessary


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