single factor experiments estimating the parameters

Single Factor Experiments: Estimating the Parameters In the means - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Single Factor Experiments: Estimating the Parameters In the means model: i = y i . In the effects model, i = + i , and we cannot estimate and i separately without a

  1. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Single Factor Experiments: Estimating the Parameters In the means model: ˆ µ i = ¯ y i · . In the effects model, µ i = µ + τ i , and we cannot estimate µ and τ i separately without a constraint on the τ i ’s: “Natural” constraint: � τ i = 0; The intercept µ is then an overall mean. “Baseline”, or “reference level”, constraint: most computer packages set one τ to zero. The intercept µ is then the mean for that baseline level. 1 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  2. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II R command for “effects” model summary(lm(EtchRate ~ factor(Power), data = etchRateLong)) Output Call: lm(formula = EtchRate ~ factor(Power), data = etchRateLong) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -25.4 -13.0 2.8 13.2 25.6 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 551.200 8.169 67.471 < 2e-16 *** factor(Power)180 36.200 11.553 3.133 0.00642 ** factor(Power)200 74.200 11.553 6.422 8.44e-06 *** factor(Power)220 155.800 11.553 13.485 3.73e-10 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1 Residual standard error: 18.27 on 16 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.9261, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9122 F-statistic: 66.8 on 3 and 16 DF, p-value: 2.883e-09 2 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  3. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II R command for “means” model # to get the means model, suppress the intercept in the formula: summary(lm(EtchRate ~ 0 + factor(Power), etchRateLong)) Output Call: lm(formula = EtchRate ~ 0 + factor(Power), data = etchRateLong) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -25.4 -13.0 2.8 13.2 25.6 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) factor(Power)160 551.200 8.169 67.47 <2e-16 *** factor(Power)180 587.400 8.169 71.90 <2e-16 *** factor(Power)200 625.400 8.169 76.55 <2e-16 *** factor(Power)220 707.000 8.169 86.54 <2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1 3 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  4. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Graphical Comparison of Means ( Not recommended ) Montgomery suggests a graphical presentation of the mean response by factor: curve(dt((x - 552.2)/8.169, df = 16)/8.169, from = 530, to = 730) abline(v = 552.2, lty = 2) curve(dt((x - 587.4)/8.169, df = 16)/8.169, add = TRUE) abline(v = 587.4, lty = 2) curve(dt((x - 625.4)/8.169, df = 16)/8.169, add = TRUE) abline(v = 625.4, lty = 2) curve(dt((x - 707.0)/8.169, df = 16)/8.169, add = TRUE) abline(v = 707.0, lty = 2) Can you visualize sliding one curve to a position where all the means could be sampled from that distribution? If so, the population means might be equal. If not, they most likely are not equal. 4 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  5. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Interval Estimates One-at-a-time 100(1 − α )% confidence intervals: For a treatment mean µ i : � MS E y i · ± t α/ 2 , N − a ¯ . n For a pairwise difference µ i − µ j : � 2MS E y i · − ¯ ¯ y j · ± t α/ 2 , N − a . n 5 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  6. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Fisher’s Least Significant Difference Note that for a single pair of means µ i and µ j , we reject H 0 : µ i = µ j if and only if � 2MS E | ¯ y i · − ¯ y j · | > t α/ 2 , N − a . n The right hand side is Fisher’s Least Significant Difference, or LSD. R command library("agricolae") print(LSD.test(lm(EtchRate ~ factor(Power), data = etchRateLong), "factor(Power)")) 6 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  7. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Output $statistics Mean CV MSerror LSD 617.75 2.957095 333.7 24.49202 $parameters Df ntr t.value 16 4 2.119905 $means EtchRate std r LCL UCL Min Max 160 551.2 20.01749 5 533.8815 568.5185 530 575 180 587.4 16.74216 5 570.0815 604.7185 565 610 200 625.4 20.52559 5 608.0815 642.7185 600 651 220 707.0 15.24795 5 689.6815 724.3185 685 725 $groups trt means M 1 220 707.0 a 2 200 625.4 b 3 180 587.4 c 4 160 551.2 d 7 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  8. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II A Problem: Multiplicity Each interval is an assertion: “ µ i − µ j lies between two values”. The probability that the assertion is wrong is α (often 5%). If we make many such assertions, we should expect around 5% of them to be wrong. If we make all pairwise comparisons among a treatments, we make a ( a − 1) / 2 assertions. E.g. for a = 7 that’s 21 assertions, so we expect roughly one to be wrong. 8 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  9. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II A Solution: Simultaneous Confidence Intervals The probability that any of a collection of confidence intervals is wrong is the experiment-wise error rate. The probability that one specified confidence interval is wrong is the comparison-wise error rate. Sometimes we use confidence intervals with a given comparison-wise error rate, like those on an earlier slide. Sometimes, e.g. when we need to rank the treatments, we need to control the experiment-wise error rate. Methods: Bonferroni, Scheff´ e, Tukey, Dunnett. 9 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  10. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II The key to controlling the experiment-wise error rate is to make the intervals wider, to reduce the error rate. The Bonferroni approach for N intervals is to construct each of them with comparison-wise rate α/ N ; the experiment-wise error rate is then at most α . The Tukey approach uses the “Honestly Significant Difference” or HSD, and gives an experiment-wise error rate exactly α . 10 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  11. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II R command TukeyHSD(aov(EtchRate ~ factor(Power), data = etchRateLong)) Output Tukey multiple comparisons of means 95% family-wise confidence level Fit: aov(formula = EtchRate ~ factor(Power), data = etchRateLong) $‘factor(Power)‘ diff lwr upr p adj 180-160 36.2 3.145624 69.25438 0.0294279 200-160 74.2 41.145624 107.25438 0.0000455 220-160 155.8 122.745624 188.85438 0.0000000 200-180 38.0 4.945624 71.05438 0.0215995 220-180 119.6 86.545624 152.65438 0.0000001 220-200 81.6 48.545624 114.65438 0.0000146 11 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  12. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Balance; Unbalanced Designs A design with the same number n of runs for each level of the factor is balanced . Sometimes we may have different sample sizes: n i runs for level i . By chance: e.g. one or more measurements has to be excluded from the analysis because of incorrect procedures. By design: if we are interested in making comparisons between one distinguished level, the control level, and each of the others, we may use more runs at the control level, to gain precision. Formulas for F 0 and CIs change to reflect lack of balance. 12 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  13. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Model Adequacy Checking Using the F -distribution to assess F 0 and using the t -distribution to set up CIs both depend on the data being normally distributed with constant variance. Checks are based on residuals e i , j = y i , j − ˆ y i , j where in the single-factor model ˆ y i , j = ˆ µ i = ¯ y i · . 13 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  14. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Probability plot (quantile-quantile plot) of pooled residuals: may reveal outliers, other departures from normality. Time plot (residuals in time order): may reveal correlation . Residuals versus fitted values: may reveal non-constant variance; e.g. variance changes systematically with mean. logarithms, but also square roots, other powers (Box-Cox). 14 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  15. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II In R, use the residuals() and fitted() methods on the object returned by either the lm() or aov() function. E.g. for the etch-rate data: etchRateLm <- lm(EtchRate ~ factor(Power), data = etchRateLong) # quantile-quantile plot of pooled residuals: qqnorm(residuals(etchRateLm), datax = TRUE) # plot residuals versus fitted values: plot(fitted(etchRateLm), residuals(etchRateLm)) # to better see non-constant variance, plot abs(residuals): plot(fitted(etchRateLm), abs(residuals(etchRateLm))) You can also plot the object itself: plot(etchRateLm) produces a standard set of graphs. 15 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  16. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II A data set that suggests transformation: peak discharge rate, estimated using 4 methods (peak-discharge.txt). peakDischarge <- read.table("data/peak-discharge.txt", header = TRUE) peakDischargeLong <- reshape(peakDischarge, varying = 2:7, v.names = "Discharge", timevar = "Obs", idvar = "Code", direction = "long") boxplot(Discharge ~ Method, peakDischargeLong) boxplot(sqrt(Discharge) ~ Method, peakDischargeLong) 16 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters

  17. ST 516 Experimental Statistics for Engineers II Peak discharge rates 15 10 5 ● ● 0 1 2 3 4 17 / 18 Single Factor Experiments Estimating the Parameters


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