singapore national climbing standards

Singapore National Climbing Standards SPORT CLIMBING COURSE LEVEL 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Singapore National Climbing Standards SPORT CLIMBING COURSE LEVEL 1 1 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077 Passing Standards 1. Correct harness usage 2. Correct tie-in technique using figure of 8 knot 3. Correct belay technique using friction

  1. Singapore National Climbing Standards SPORT CLIMBING COURSE LEVEL 1 1 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  2. Passing Standards 1. Correct harness usage 2. Correct tie-in technique using figure of 8 knot 3. Correct belay technique using friction device 4. Correct use of climbing calls 5. Perform pre-climb safety checks 2 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  3. Climbing rope Static rope ▪ For top-rope anchors, rappelling, hauling loads or doing rescue work ▪ Stretch less than 5% ▪ Not suitable for climbing due to insufficient rope stretch in case of a fall 3 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  4. Climbing rope Dynamic rope ▪ Designed to stretch in the event of a fall ▪ 30-40% dynamic stretch during a fall ▪ 5-10% static elongation when weighted 4 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  5. Harness Gym Harness Sport Harness Sport Harness with adjustable Leg loops 5 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  6. Harness buckles 6 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  7. Carabiner 7 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  8. Carabiner 8 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  9. Carabiner 9 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  10. Carabiner 10 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  11. Carabiner 11 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  12. Carabiner Bent gate Wire gate HMS Screw Gridlock Oval shape Carabiner carabiner gate Magnetron screw gate Not suitable Not suitable for belaying for belaying 12 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  13. Friction Belay Device Black Diamond Petzl Singing Rock Black Diamond ATC Guide Reverso Figure 8 ATC 13 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  14. Friction Belay Device 14 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  15. Assisted Braking Belay Device Petzl Trango Edelrid Mammut GriGri 2 Cinch Mega Jul Smart 15 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  16. Tie-in figure of 8 knot 16 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  17. Belaying technique Top rope belay – Arresting a fall 17 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  18. Climbing calls Climber Belayer Calls Actions Calls Actions On rope (Climber tied on to rope) Climb when ready (Belayer take in rope tight) That’s me (Rope tight on climber) (Belayer stop taking in rope) Climbing (Climber ready to climb) Climb on (Belayer acknowledge) Slack (Rope too tight) (Belayer give slack) Tight (Rope too slack) Tight (Belayer take in till tight) Rock (Falling object) (Belayer look out for falling object) Resting (Need to rest on the rope) (Belayer take in tight to hold climber) Tight (Climber reach to top) Tight (Belayer take in till tight) That’s me (Rope tight on climber) (Belayer stop taking in rope) Lower me (Lower down to ground) Lowering (Lower climber) 18 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  19. Safety Checks (A) Anchor (B) Belayer (C) Climber ▪ Check the direction to ▪ Check harness is worn ▪ Check harness is worn the anchor correctly correctly ▪ Rope run through both ▪ Know how to use the ▪ Check figure of 8 is tied anchors belay device correctly ▪ Rope is not twisted ▪ Rope is set up correctly ▪ Check belayer into the belay device ▪ Rope is running ▪ Carabiner is locked smoothly ▪ Check climber 19 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  20. Helmet Hard shell Shelled form 20 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  21. Climbing shoes Lace Velcro Slip on 21 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  22. Chalk and chalk bag Climbing chalk ▪ Magnesium carbonate ▪ Keep hands dry during climbing Chalk Bag ▪ Worn around the waist during climbing 22 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  23. Climbing grades ▪ In Singapore sport climbing routes are graded using French grading system 23 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  24. Climbing hand holds Jug Slopper Under cling Full crimp 24 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  25. Climbing hand holds Mono Pinch Gaston Side pull Pocket pocket Climbing holds – 25 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  26. Climbing foot work Swap feet Heel hook Smear Edging Toe hook 26 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  27. Climbing techniques Lay back Back Step Flagging Drop knee 27 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  28. Climbing techniques Cross Stemming Hand foot match Knee bar Climbing Techniques – 28 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  29. Climbing wall Vertical wall Slab wall Overhang 29 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077

  30. Climbing wall Chimney climb Arête climb Crack climb 30 KONG YONG EN - LICENSE NO. 9077


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