simpson road pd e study

SIMPSON ROAD PD&E STUDY PUBLIC HEARING from US 192 to 560 south - PDF document

SIMPSON ROAD PD&E STUDY PUBLIC HEARING from US 192 to 560 south of Myers Road Osceola County, Florida Contract No. PS-18-9906-DG FM No.44516-1 Osceola County Department of Transportation and Transit Narration - Welcome and thank you for

  1. SIMPSON ROAD PD&E STUDY PUBLIC HEARING from US 192 to 560 south of Myers Road Osceola County, Florida Contract No. PS-18-9906-DG FM No.44516-1 Osceola County Department of Transportation and Transit Narration - Welcome and thank you for attending the Simpson Road Improvement Project Development and Environment, or PD&E study from US 192 to Myers Road. Osceola County is conducting this meeting as an open house, or workshop format allowing you to review the project exhibits, speak with study personnel and ask questions. We welcome your comments. 1

  2. PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING The purpose of this Public Hearing is to share information with the general public about the proposed improvement, its conceptual design, alternatives under study, and the potential social, economic, and environmental effects upon the community. S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 2 Narration - The purpose of this Public Hearing is to share information with the general public about the proposed improvement, its conceptual design, alternatives under study, and the potential social, economic, and environmental effects upon the community. The Public Hearing also serves as an official forum providing an opportunity for members of the public to express their opinions regarding the project. 2

  3. PURPOSE OF TONIGHT’S MEETING Answer Questions & Describe the Explain the Project Review the Obtain Feedback on Study Process & Preferred Preferred the Preferred Alternative Alternative Alternative S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 3 Narration – The purpose of tonight’s meeting is to: • describe the study process; • explain the project and preferred alternative; • review the benefits and effects of the preferred alternative to the natural, physical, social, and cultural environments; • answer your questions; • and obtain your comments on the preferred alternative. 3

  4. TITLE VI COMPLIANCE This meeting and study is being conducted without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to the County’s compliance with Title VI may do so by contacting: S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 4 Narration - This meeting and study are being conducted without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns relative to the County’s compliance with Title VI may do so by contacting the person listed here. 4

  5. NEPA ASSIGNMENT The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by Osceola County pursuant to Title 23 United States Code Section 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2016 and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT. S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 5 Narration - The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by Osceola County pursuant to Title 23 United States Code Section 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2016 and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT. 5

  6. AGENDA • Open House • Presentation • Project Overview • Purpose and Need • Preferred Alternative • Evaluation Factors • Next Steps • Formal Comment Period S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 6 Narration – There are three primary components to tonight’s hearing: • First, the open house, which occurred prior to this presentation, where you were invited to view the project displays, speak directly with the project team, and provide your comments in writing or to the court reporter. • Second, this presentation, which will explain the project purpose and need, study alternatives, potential effects, both beneficial and adverse, and proposed methods to mitigate adverse project effects. • Third, a formal comment period following this presentation, where you will have the opportunity to provide oral statements at the microphone or you may provide your comments directly to the court reporter or in writing. 6

  7. PUBLIC HEARING NOTIFICATION • Consistent with federal and state requirements • Section 120.525, F.S. (Meetings, hearings and workshops) • Section 286.011, F.S. (Government in the Sunshine Law) • Section 335.199, F.S. (Access Management) • Section 339.155, F.S. (Transportation Planning) • 49 CFR Part 24 (Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition) • 40 CFR Part 1506 (NEPA) • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 7 Narration – This public hearing was advertised consistent with the federal and state requirements, including: • Section 120.525 Florida Statute for meetings, hearing, and workshops; • Section 286.011 Florida Statute, Government in the Sunshine Law; • Section 335.199 Florida Statute, Access Management; • Section 339.155 Florida Statute, Transportation Planning; • 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 24, Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition; • 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1506, National Environmental Policy Act; • and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 7

  8. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT (PD&E) STUDY SIMPSON ROAD PD&E Study Objectives Perform engineering, Use analysis to support Develop basic design social, & decisions of if and how concepts based on environmental studies transportation analysis of transportation improvement should be improvement built S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 8 Narration - The objectives of this PD&E Study are to perform engineering, social, and environmental studies of a proposed transportation improvement to support decisions concerning if and how it should be built and the basic design concepts. 8

  9. PROJECT OVERVIEW LOCATION - S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 9 Narration - The project is located in Osceola County, Florida between US 192 and Myers Road, a distance of 4.1 miles. Simpson Road from Boggy Creek Road to Myers Road is an independent or separate project. 9

  10. PROJECT PURPOSE • Enhance safety for all travel modes • Enhance mobility for Simpson Road communities including Buenaventura Lakes • Improve regional connections • Improve overall traffic operations • Provide consistency with local plans S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 10 Narration - The purpose of the project is to enhance mobility on Simpson Road from US 192 to Myers Road improving connections between the communities along Simpson Road to the City of Kissimmee, the emerging NeoCity, the Orlando International Airport (OIA), and the emerging Medical City at Lake Nona. In addition, the project purpose is to improve overall traffic operations and safety of the existing highway network within the project study area. 10

  11. PROJECT NEED • Provide safer mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and others on the corridor • Achieve consistency with transportation plan • Enhance regional system linkage • Provide additional capacity • Address transportation demand • Meet social and economic needs • Improve modal interconnections S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 11 Narration - The needs for this project are to provide safer mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and others in the corridor; consistency with transportation plans; system linkage; increase capacity; address transportation demand; and meet social and economic needs. In addition, a secondary need is to provide improved modal interconnections. 11

  12. PD&E STUDY PROCESS Select viable Newsletter to notify Develop all alternatives and hold public alternatives stakeholder meetings Public hearing: Alternatives public Refine alternatives present No build and - meeting preferred alternative Select and recommend an Study complete alternative S I M P S O N R O A D I M P R O V E M E N T S : F R O M U S 1 9 2 T O 5 6 0 S O U T H O F M Y E R S R O A D ’ 12 Narration - The PD&E study process includes several steps. In December 2018 newsletters were mailed out to notify people of the study. Alternatives were then developed and narrowed down to viable alternatives. The Alternatives Public Meeting was held on May 16, 2019 to provide an opportunity for the public to review the alternatives and provide comments on them. The input received was used to refine the alternatives. The preferred alternatives are also on display boards at tonight’s meeting for review. Tonight, the Public Hearing will present the findings for the preferred Build Alternative and the No-Build Alternative. Following the hearing, the Preferred Build or No-Build Alternative will be selected by Osceola County. 12


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