Clearlake Road (State Road 501) Clearlake Road (State Road 501) Project Development & Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study Environment (PD&E) Study F ROM M ICHIGAN A VENUE TO I NDUSTRY R OAD F ROM M ICHIGAN A VENUE TO I NDUSTRY R OAD B REVARD C OUNTY , F LORIDA B REVARD C OUNTY , F LORIDA Financial Project ID No: 433605-1-22-01 | Federal Aid Project No: N/A | ETDM No: 13120 Financial Project ID No: 433605-1-22-01 | Federal Aid Project No: N/A | ETDM No: 13120 BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND TRAILS ADVISORY COMMITTEE PRESENTATION | September 21, 2015
Agenda • What is a PD&E Study? • Background • Design Alternatives • Conclusion 2
What is a PD&E Study? • Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study • A process to analyze a transportation project 1. Engineering Identify potential design solutions 2. Environmental Evaluate potential impacts to the natural, social, and physical environments 3. Public Involvement Seek public input 3
Study Limits Industry Road • From Michigan Avenue E. INDUSTRY RD . to Industry Road N • Approximately 1.3 miles in length Michigan Avenue 4
Purpose and Need • Accommodate future traffic needs based on anticipated population and employment growth – Certain roadway segments are nearing capacity • Enhance safety and mobility – Gaps exist in sidewalks and bicycle lanes 5
Existing Roadway Typical Section - From Michigan Ave to 720 feet north of Michigan Ave NB SB 6 ' Sidewalk 3 ' 12 ' 12 ' 12 ' 12 ' 10 12 ' ' EXISTING R/W 73 ' 6
Existing Roadway Typical Section - From 720 feet north of Michigan Ave to north of Walmart SB NB 5 ' 5 ' Sidewalk Sidewalk 12 ' 12 ' 10 ' - 12 ' 11 ' - 34 ' 16 ' - 42 ' 10 ' - 12 ' EXISTING R/W VARIES 73 ' - 120 ' 7
Existing Roadway Typical Section - From north of Walmart to Industry Road WB EB ±5 ' Paved ±5 ' Paved 5 ' Shoulder Shoulder Sidewalk 12 ' - 22 ' 0 ' - 12 ' 12 ' - 33 ' VARIES (75 ' – 100 ' ) VARIES (129 ' – 164 ' ) EXISTING R/W VARIES 229 ' - 239 ' 8
Alternatives Considered • ‘ Build ’ Alternative – Widen road to four lanes, two travel lanes in each direction – Realign existing curve at Walmart – Provide continuous 7-ft bicycle lanes and 6-ft sidewalks on both sides – Provide access management − 22-foot grass/concrete median will limit left turns along corridor – Locate potential pond sites • ‘ No-Build ’ or ‘ Do Nothing ’ Alternative – No corridor improvements – No continuous sidewalks and designated bicycle lanes – ‘No-Build’ continues as an alternative throughout the PD&E study 9
10 Design Alternatives
Design Alternatives - From Michigan Avenue to Otterbein Avenue (Segment 1) Otterbein Avenue N Michigan Avenue 11
Proposed Roadway Typical Section - From Michigan Avenue to Otterbein Avenue 4-Lane Urban Divided Roadway Typical Section SB NB 6 ' 6 ' Sidewalk Sidewalk VARIES VARIES 22 ' 7 ' 11 ' 11 ' 11 ' 11 ' 7 ' 12 ' Min. 12 ' Min. 104’ MINIMUM PROPOSED R/W EXISTING R/W VARIES 73 ' - 120 ' 12
Design Alternatives - From Michigan Ave to Otterbein Ave – The proposed roadway typical section can be built along three different alignments: − West − Center − East – Each alignment has different right-of-way impacts 13
Design Alternatives - From Michigan Ave to Otterbein Ave West Alignment N Will require additional right-of-way from the west side of Clearlake Road only 14
Design Alternatives - From Michigan Ave to Otterbein Ave Center Alignment N Will require additional right-of-way from both the west side and east side of Clearlake Road 15
Design Alternatives - From Michigan Ave to Otterbein Ave East Alignment N Will require additional right-of-way from the east side of Clearlake Road Some right-of-way will still be needed on the west side of Clearlake Road, north and south of Mantes Drive 16
Design Alternatives - From Michigan Ave to Otterbein Ave Right-of-Way Impacts Each alignment has a different right-of-way impact and associated cost Four-Lane Urban Typical Section Evaluation Criteria West Alignment Center Alignment East Alignment Residential Parcels Impacted 17 17 3 Business Parcels Impacted 4 7 10 Unimproved Parcels Impacted 1 3 2 Total Parcels Impacted 22 27 15 Relocations # of Residences Relocated 17 17 2 # of Businesses Relocated 0 0 4 Total Number of Relocations 17 17 6 Right-of-Way Cost $6,400,000 $7,876,000 $11,714,500 17
Design Alternatives - From Otterbein Avenue to Industry Road (Segment 2) Industry Road E. INDUSTRY RD. N Otterbein Avenue 18
Proposed Roadway Typical Section - From Otterbein Avenue to Industry Road 4-Lane Urban Divided Roadway Typical Section SB NB 6 ' 6 ' Sidewalk Sidewalk VARIES VARIES 22 ' 7 ' 11 ' 11 ' 11 ' 11 ' 7 ' 12 ' Min. 12 ' Min. 104’ MINIMUM PROPOSED R/W EXISTING R/W VARIES 120 ' - 239 ' 19
Design Alternatives - From Otterbein Avenue to Industry Road – Four alternatives developed to realign the existing curve: − 45 mph curve − 35 mph curve − Bulb-Out − Roundabout N Existing Curve – Each alternative to realign curve has different right-of-way impacts 20
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - 45 MPH Curve 21
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - 45 MPH Curve N 22
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - 35 MPH Curve 23
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - 35 MPH Curve N 24
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - Bulb-Out 25
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - Bulb-Out N 26
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - Roundabout 27
Design Alternative to Realign Curve - Roundabout N 28
Design Alternatives - From Otterbein Avenue to Industry Road Right-of-Way Impacts Each alternative to realign the curve has a different right-of-way impact and associated cost Realign Curve Evaluation Criteria 45 mph curve 35 mph curve Roundabout Bulb-Out Residential Parcels Impacted 0 0 0 0 Business Parcels Impacted 3 3 2 3 Unimproved Parcels Impacted 0 0 1 2 Total Parcels Impacted 3 3 3 5 Relocations # of Residences Relocated 0 0 0 0 # of Businesses Relocated 2 0 0 0 Total Number of Relocations 2 0 0 0 Right-of-Way Cost $4,762,500 $2,538,000 $813,000 $3,102,000 29
Cost Estimate for Entire Study Limit - Michigan Avenue to Industry Road Realign Curve Evaluation Criteria 45 mph curve 35 mph curve Roundabout Bulb-Out Phase Cost Construction (Entire Study Limits) $10,100,999 $10,260,818 $10,393,540 $10,509,539 Design (Entire Study Limits) $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 Right-of-Way (Otterbein Ave to Industry Rd) $4,762,500 $2,538,000 $813,000 $3,102,000 Right-of-Way (Ponds) TBD TBD TBD TBD Construction Engineering and Inspections $1,010,100 $1,026,082 $1,039,354 $1,050,954 Mitigation TBD TBD TBD TBD Total Cost * $17,775,439 $15,749,371 $14,068,525 $16,841,565 Four-Lane Urban Typical Section Evaluation Criteria West Alignment Center Alignment East Alignment Right-of-Way Cost (Michigan Ave to Otterbein Ave) $6,400,000 $7,876,000 $11,714,500 * Total Estimated Option chosen to align the Option chosen Project Cost typical section to realign curve West Alignment Bulb-Out $23,241,565 30
31 Conclusion
Funding • Design Funded in 2016 Concurrent PD&E & Design phases New process by FDOT to streamline and accelerate all projects in the pre-construction phases • Right-of-Way Purchase Currently not funded • Construction Currently not funded 32
Next Steps • Further refine and evaluate design alternatives • Select a recommended design alternative • Complete environmental and engineering reports • Public Hearing Anticipated in February of 2016 All reports will be available for public review 21 days prior to the Public Hearing • Obtain State Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) approval from the FDOT District Five Secretary Anticipated in April of 2016 33
Study Website Documents & Publications: All information presented at public meetings, including the presentation All draft engineering and environmental and reports 34
Contact Us! Jazlyn Heywood, P.E. Aniruddha (Rudy) Gotmare, P.E. FDOT Project Manager Consultant Project Manager FDOT District Five Scalar Consulting Group, Inc. 4152 W. Blue Heron Blvd. Suite 119 719 South Woodland Blvd., M.S. 501 ,P.E. Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Deland, FL 32720 Tel: (954) 263-3243 Tel: (386) 943-5388 Email: Email:
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