simple tabular dataset

Simple Tabular Dataset Kaarel Sikk 2012 Project background * data in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

History of Estonian Archaeological Excavations. Geo- and Network Visualization of Simple Tabular Dataset Kaarel Sikk 2012 Project background * data in archaeology - a lot, uneven, not accessible * 2012 - list of archaeological excavations * no

  1. History of Estonian Archaeological Excavations. Geo- and Network Visualization of Simple Tabular Dataset Kaarel Sikk 2012

  2. Project background * data in archaeology - a lot, uneven, not accessible * 2012 - list of archaeological excavations * no complete overviews so far * application for data visualization

  3. Data sources 1 List of archaeological excavations - 1500 excavations (A. Tvauri, M. Konsa, K.Sikk, A. Kivirüüt) metadata: researcher, year, monument name, location (county parish), monument type (2 levels), register id

  4. Data sources 1 Simile Exhibit faceted browsing environment

  5. Data sources 2 Mapinfo work used for creating of Cultural Heritage application for Estonian Land Board Geoportal.

  6. Goal 1 Geovisualization Map application * distribution map * interactive * filter results * clearly distinct elements

  7. Goal 2 Network visualization Toorandmed paberil või arvutustabelis * social connections * work done in comparison * alternative view to research history * explore the possibilities

  8. Problem 1 Visual channels * Icons on the map distinguish between monument types and researchers * Visual channels dedicated to data dimensions * Color schema?

  9. Problem 2 Network visualization effect * pack maximum information to network diagram * 2 types of nodes (researcers, monument types, area) * relations between node types * quantities of node types * quantities of connections of node types * user's ability to select view and filter data * user experience and visual clarity

  10. Implemetation 1 Data preprocessing * Extracting coordinates from Mapinfo files (Python scripting, Quantum GIS) * Getting missing locations (Google Geocoding API) * Joining coordinates to data (Googel Refine) * Storing data (MySQL database table)

  11. Implementation 2 Web Application Structure

  12. Implementation 3 Geovisualization application * Javascript application * Google Maps API v3 * JSON data transport * Filter: researcher, time range, monument type

  13. Implementation 4 Visual channels * Visual channels: Text - researchers Colors - monument types (and subtypes) * Color schema 26 colors by Green-Armytage

  14. Implementation 5 Network view * D3.js visualization library * Force-directed graph layout * Visual channels: Text - node names Line width - relation quantity Node size - node quantity Position - similarity * Provides comparison between nodes of same type together with connetcions * Filtering capabilities

  15. Conclusions Feedback from users - positive * Created alpha version of application * Missing: Better map icons, graphics Color legend Additional data has to be added * Network - further work has to be done on making network view more easily understandable by people - new concept - may disappoint in a lot of cases * Finalize the application


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