ship hull response in cylbumpinteribfoam tutorial

Ship Hull Response In cylBumpInterIbFoam Tutorial Mohsen Irannezhad - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ship Hull Response In cylBumpInterIbFoam Tutorial Mohsen Irannezhad Marine Technology/Naval Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2016-12-08 1. Introduction 2. Theory Immersed Boundary Method IBM boundary

  1. Ship Hull Response In cylBumpInterIbFoam Tutorial Mohsen Irannezhad Marine Technology/Naval Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden 2016-12-08

  2. 1. Introduction 2. Theory Immersed Boundary Method • IBM boundary conditions • IBM in FOAM-extend • 3. Test Case Idea formation • Workflow • cylBumpInterIbFoam tutorial modification • 4. Results and Discussion wave patterns • Future work •

  3. Introduction Fluid Flow Around An Immersed Body Body Fitted Computational Grid • Advantages  Easy boundary condition application  Good for simple geometries Disadvantages  Complicated geometries difficulties  Moving geometry handling problem  Deforming geometry handling problem General Grid Interface, Over-set Mesh, • Mesh Morphing, Immersed Boundary Method

  4. Immersed Boundary Method History • Mesh Generation • Governing Equations • Advantages over body fitted method  Re-evaluating cell types  Boundary Condition • Problem with fluid equation  Different methods to solve the problem  jeJasak/ImmersedBoundary.pdf Dead-to-Live Cells • Problem when body is deforming or/and moving  Solved by assuming that the cell has the condition of closest live cell for the first time step after change 

  5. Boundary Condition in IBM Continuous Forcing IBM •  Direct applied force/source term in governing equations prior to discretization e.g. momentum equation  Simple and efficient for deforming bodies  Difficult for rigid bodies e.g. ship hull and numerically unstable and inaccurate Discrete Forcing IBM •  Equations modifications after discretization  Scheme dependency results in more control over accuracy and stability of simulation  Two different methods: Indirect Forcing and Direct Forcing 1. Indirect Forcing DFIBM continuous source term – immersed body boundary is not sharply represented 2. Direct Forcing DFIBM not continuous source term – immersed body boundary is sharply represented

  6. Comparison of Methods CFIBM Indirect Forcing DFIBM Direct Forcing DFIBM Pros Pros Pros Good for rigid bodies Good for rigid bodies Easy to implement Good in handling dead-to-live cells More control over accuracy and stability Good for deforming bodies More control over accuracy and stability good at high Reynolds numbers Good for moving bodies Good for defined mechanical force Good in handling dead-to-live cells Cons Cons Cons More difficult to implement Accuracy and stability issues More difficult to implement Bad at high Reynolds numbers bad in handling dead-to-live cells Stiff equation for rigid body Bad at high Reynolds numbers

  7. Immersed Boundary in OpenFOAM Indirect Forcing DFIBM in FOAM-extend • Idea is solving equations using boundary values and neighboring live cell values  Moving the boundary from actual geometry to IB cell centers surrounding it  Usual process of solving governing equations  Approximation process is the same for all equations except for pressure  IB Cell Value Approximation In FOAM-extend • Assumption that all quantities follow a quadratic behavior near the boundary  Using least square weighting function  Both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions  IBM class implementation in FOAM-extend • Implementation through three classes  Immersed boundary wall functions in FOAM-extend • Introducing a sample point 

  8. Dirichlet & Neumann Boundary Conditions Dirichlet BC • Such as no slip condition on the walls  Coefficients are calculated through least square curve fitting  to neighboring stencil cells Neumann BC • Such as specified heat flux walls  Introduction of local coordinate system  Coefficients are calculated in same way as Dirichlet BC  Pictures

  9. IBM Class Implementation in FOAM-extend The immersedBoundaryPolyPatch class • Takes care of basic mesh support functions for IBM meshes  The immersedBoundaryFvPatch class • Supports basic and derive Fv properties of IBM  Recognizes live and dead cells  Calculates the background mesh and surface mesh intersection points, normal and distances  Calculates interpolation matrices used in imposition of boundary condition  The immersedBoundaryFvPatchField class • Using the interpolation matrices to evaluate boundary condition  Evaluate patch fields for IB patches  Takes care of any boundary updates due to movement or deformation 

  10. Immersed Boundary Wall Functions in FOAM- extend Implementation complexity in comparison with body fitted grids • Sampling point is introduces at distance 1.5 times the grid resolution normal to body • Calculation of flow properties at that point using neighboring live cells • The mesh resolution should be finer than body fitted approach  One possible solutions is to refine the mesh around the immersed body  Mesh refinement could be performed using refineImmersedBoundaryMesh  utility

  11. Test Case Idea is simulating the flow around a ship hull with IBM support, using similar case •  Immersed boundary method available in FOAM-extend-4.0  Ship hull geometry, DTC-scaled hull available in OpenFOAM  Two fluids and a structure interaction Similar case is cylBumpInterIbFoam tutorial in immersedBoundary tutorials •  Two fluids and a rigid body (ibCylinder) interaction  VOF approach for free surface simulation

  12. Idea Formation Use DTC-Scaled hull geometry and use it as a ” bump ” • Place and fixed the hull in a 3D tank with a water level depth • Introduce different boundary conditions for the tank • Introduce some simple conditions at inlet •  Constant velocity of water condition  Wave propagating condition Study the response of the • ship to the introduces conditions

  13. WorkFlow Copy cylBumpInterIbFoam tutorial to the run directory 1. Replace the ibCylinder with DTC-hull in triSurface directory 2. Define and create a new volume mesh using blockMeshDict dictionary in polyMesh 3. directory Include immersedBoundaryPolyPatch into boundary in polyMesh directory 4. Refine the volume mesh around the immersed boundary using 5. refineImmersedBoundaryMesh utility and make a new boundary file (optional) Modify properties in constant directory 6. Modify solution control in fvSolution in system directory and continue with… 7. 8. Constant Velocity case •  Modify setFieldsDict and controlDict dictionaries  Modify boundary fields of alpha1, U and pd 8. Wave propagating case •  Download, install and utilize swak4Foam library  Make funkySetFieldsDict dictionary and modify the controlDict  Modify boundary fields of alpha1, U and pd with groovyBC 9. Run the case and post process with paraview

  14. Case Setup Geometry • DTC-hull available in OpenFOAM as ” .stl ” format (water tight)  Use surfaceConvert utility to make ” .ftr ”  f40NR mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN run cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/immersedBoundary/cylBumpInterIbFoam . cd cylBumpInterIbFoam/constant/triSurface rm ibCylinder.stl In OpenFOAM terminal window • OF4x cp $FOAM_TUTORIALS/resources/geometry/DTC-scaled.stl.gz $FOAM_RUN run gunzip DTC-scaled.stl.gz surfaceConvert DTC-scaled.stl mv DTC-scaled.stl hull.stl mv Replace the ibCylinder with the hull in consant/triSurface directory 

  15. Case Setup Volume Mesh Modification •  blockMeshDict modified to have two blocks f40NR run cd cylBumpInterIbFoam gedit constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict  One block containing geometry and inlet with finer mesh and another block containing the outlet to the first one  Modify the boundary file by including the geometry in that blockMesh gedit constant/polyMesh/boundary

  16. Immersed Boundary Mesh Refinement refineImmersedBoundaryMesh Utility implementation (Optional) •  Three different level of mesh refinement (ibCells, ibCellCells, ibCellCellFaces)  Refine the mesh by running refineImmersedBoundaryMesh utility with one of the available levels flag  A 0 directory is produced containing a polyMesh directory  Copy it to the constant/polyMesh directory and remove 0 directory

  17. Case Setup Modify properties in constant directory •  Gravity g should be modified fvSolution and fvSchemes remain untouched interIbFoam solver • Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids  using VOF approach  immersed boundary support 

  18. Case Setup  Constant Velocity case Modify setFieldsDict to introduce water depth of 0.2 m • Adjust the time step in controlDict • Modify alpha1, U and pd by including immersed boundary (hull) • Modify boundary condition according to the case • Run the case by running interIbFoam • Post process the results in paraview •


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