sharing key findings on european pangasius markets

Sharing Key Findings on European Pangasius Markets Establishing a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sharing Key Findings on European Pangasius Markets Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain in Vietnam Pangasius Supply Chain in Vietnam Launching Ceremony 02.08.2013, Ho Chi Minh City WWF Austria: Ms. Sabine Gisch-Boie, Ms. Linda

  1. Sharing Key Findings on European Pangasius Markets Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain in Vietnam Pangasius Supply Chain in Vietnam Launching Ceremony 02.08.2013, Ho Chi Minh City WWF Austria: Ms. Sabine Gisch-Boie, Ms. Linda Zednicek 1

  2. Background: Market Transformation Initiative (MTI) of WWF • Rising global demand for food, fiber, fuel etc. leads to increasing pressure on resources and unsustainable supply of commodities. • MTI was initiated to transform markets. Focus is on commodities (e.g. timber, whitefish) that most impact the critical biodiversity regions (e.g. Mekong). • MTI approach – Leverage Effect: 7 billion Consumers About 300-500 companies (e.g retailers) control approx. 70 % of choice 1.5 billion Producers 2

  3. SUPA Project: 3

  4. Study on market potential of sustainably produced Pangasius in Europe •Interviews with 14 retailers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria and UK •Time frame: April – September 2013 •Consultant: Mr. Carson Roper Objectives: Objectives: •Market analysis and market potential for sustainable Pangasius in Europe •Recommendations based on conclusions of the study what do retailers expect in terms of volume, price, sustainability, business relationships etc.? 4

  5. Some quotes from retailer interviews….. “Independent certification is important to build trust - ASC satisfies this need” “Customers rely on the retailer to act responsibly” “Need consistent quality products” “We need organic and ASC, Global GAP plus GFSI benchmarked “We need organic and ASC, Global GAP plus GFSI benchmarked food-safety program.” “Key issues are animal welfare, environment, food safety (chemical usage) and feed ingredients.” “Need a solution for non GM feed ingredients. Traceability is an issue.” “Opportunity for education about Pangasius…good stories are needed” 5

  6. Retailers are very sensible Biggest issues for retailers are: • Food safety • Social impacts • Environmental impacts • Price Very complex for retailers to include all those aspects! Do not want to RISK anything!!! Reputation!!! Retailers have clear (fish) purchasing policies Verification: Credible Third party certifications 6

  7. Retailers have fish sourcing policies Retailers are looking for solutions to credibly demonstrate that they have solved the issue of sustainability. e.g. Seafood sourcing policy of Aldi : e.g. Seafood sourcing policy of Aldi : - Certification: Global Gap, ASC or Bio - Siting: respectful use of eco-systems - No prophylactic use of anti-biotics or chemicals - Animal welfare – stocking densities - Etc… 7

  8. Retailers: Complexity of certifications 8

  9. Pangasius Certification - Opportunities • Fish consumption will increase: 2011: 154 Mio t / 2021: 172 Mio t (Aquaculture: +32%) • Retailers: fish sourcing policies • Certification schemes to demonstrate via 3rd parties responsible practices practices • GMO-free feed, animal welfare • Improved food safety / quality effect on customer relationships. Positive reputation of the Vietnamese pangasius sector. • Market development 9

  10. SUPA project Key ingredients for success: 1. Food safety/quality assurance along entire supply chain (sodium tri-polyphosphates, citric acid, (sodium tri-polyphosphates, citric acid, glazing, water quality, waste management, hormones etc.) 2. Certification along entire supply chain (food safety, environmental and social parameters) 10

  11. Thank you! 11


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