session outline

Session Outline To Todays Learning Ob Objectives Activity - PDF document

Rewards Dont Work! May Institute New England Positive Behavior Fine-Tuning Reward Systems to Increase Support Forum; 11/14/2019 Effectiveness in School-Based Settings Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency

  1. “Rewards Don’t Work!” May Institute New England Positive Behavior Fine-Tuning Reward Systems to Increase Support Forum; 11/14/2019 Effectiveness in School-Based Settings Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA “D “Do-No Now” Directions: Independently Complete the “Staff Forced-Choice Reinforcement Menu” “Rewards Don’t Work!” worksheet by: Fine Fi ne-Tu Tuning Reward Systems to Increase 1. Read through the 2 reward options presented for each item Ef Effectiveness in School-Ba Base sed Setti tings 2. Make a “check” in the box for the item you would prefer 3. Complete scoring on page 3 by adding total checks in each column Presented by: (1-4) and write the total on the line Chris Barclay, Ph.D., BCBA, NCSP provided Erin Crosby, M.A., BCBA 1 2 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Session Outline To Today’s Learning Ob Objectives Activity Duration Attendees will learn how to: 1. Explain five key factors that may influence the Overview of Function-Based Reinforcement 20 min. effectiveness of reinforcement systems Immediacy 8 min. 2. Learn to use a practical tool for assessing how Frequency 8 min. well existing behavior intervention plans align with factors impacting the effectiveness of Size/Amount 8 min. reinforcement, in order to make meaningful Contingency 8 min. improvements to plans Variety/Choice 8 min. 3. Effectively respond to common statements of resistance to providing reinforcement Choose Your Own Adventure: 15 min. Practice with the Reflection Tool OR • Promoting Buy-In & Rolling with Resistance • 3 4 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Ma Materials & Handouts: Session Routines: Se 5 6 Presented by Chris Barclay, PhD, BCBA, NCSP and Erin Crosby, MA, BCBA 1

  2. “Rewards Don’t Work!” May Institute New England Positive Behavior Fine-Tuning Reward Systems to Increase Support Forum; 11/14/2019 Effectiveness in School-Based Settings Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Has this ever happened to you? Operationalizing the Problem Start Why even the best-laid reinforcement plans may fail… here This reward The Implementation of the The Plan Itself system isn’t Plan Then move to working! Parameters of reinforcement in the • plan were not implemented with fidelity, which could be due to many Parameters of reinforcement in factors, such as: • the plan were unspecified or • Skill deficit inadequate • Performance deficit • Logistical/resource barriers • Philosophical barriers and/or resistance 7 8 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Wh Why Reinforcement Systems? • Build relationships • Provide instant feedback to students for desired behaviors § Reinforcing Praise Statements makes them more likely to occur again in the future • Focus attention on desired behaviors • Provide a reminder to staff to pay attention to and reinforce desired behaviors • Build internal motivation 9 9 10 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Aren’t extrinsic rewards Aren’t “Rewards” detrimental to intrinsic Dangerous? motivation? • Extrinsic Motivation: Behavior that is driven by external rewards (items, activities, recognition) • “ …our research team has conducted a series of reviews and • Intrinsic Motivation: Behavior that is driven by internal rewards (naturally We are all intrinsically satisfying) analysis of (the reward) literature; our conclusion is that there motivated to do some things is no inherent negative property of reward. Our analyses and extrinsically motivated to • ---What are some tasks you are intrinsically motivated to perform? indicate that the argument against the use of rewards is an • ---What are some tasks you are extrinsically motivated to perform? do other things. overgeneralization based on a narrow set of circumstances. ” • Judy Cameron, 2002 • ---What are some tasks your students are intrinsically motivated to perform? • Cameron, 2002 • ---What are some tasks your students are extrinsically motivated to perform? • Cameron & Pierce, 1994, 2002 • Cameron, Banko & Pierce, 2001 • “ The undermining effect of extrinsic reward on intrinsic motivation remains unproven ” 11 12 • Steven Reiss, 2005 11 12 Presented by Chris Barclay, PhD, BCBA, NCSP and Erin Crosby, MA, BCBA 2

  3. “Rewards Don’t Work!” May Institute New England Positive Behavior Fine-Tuning Reward Systems to Increase Support Forum; 11/14/2019 Effectiveness in School-Based Settings Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA How muc Ho uch h re reinforc rcement is OP OPTIMAL ? Business Proactive Behavior Teams Interaction Corrections Successful Learning Marriages Supports n k s o n , t h a J a s g . . . h e l p i n f o r 5:1 Marie , nice teamwork… But wait Bu it, , ther ere e are e also lso di differ eren ent Jess , great idea… ty types of of reinfor orceme ment! t! Scott , excellent 5 positive work… Johnny , get back in your seat... interactions to Marisa , great job… What’s reinforcing to me at school or at home, might not be the same Praise Corrections as what’s reinforcing to you. 1 correction 5:1 13 14 13 14 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Do you know your “Love Language”? Do Fu Function ons that behavior ors serve: Just another way of thinking about the Functions of Behavior (i.e., what motivates us)! Problem Behavior Escape/ Obtain/Get Avoid Something Something The 4 Stimulation/ Tangible/ Social Sensory Activity Functions of Behavior Adult Peer 15 15 16 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Let’s Look at your “Do Now” Wh What would happen if the on only “r “reward” ” I offered was recognition or approval appr al? How many of you chose Based on this self-assessment, which types of something different and as such “rewards” did you prefer? might be less motivated? A. Recognition/Approval (aka Attention) B. Rest & Relaxation (aka Sensory) C. Item/Food (aka Access) How many of you actually find D. Acts of Service/Free Time (aka Escape) recognition/approval to be punishing? 17 18 Presented by Chris Barclay, PhD, BCBA, NCSP and Erin Crosby, MA, BCBA 3

  4. “Rewards Don’t Work!” May Institute New England Positive Behavior Fine-Tuning Reward Systems to Increase Support Forum; 11/14/2019 Effectiveness in School-Based Settings Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Pa Parameters of Reinforcement This reward Immediacy system isn’t & Frequency working! Contingency Size & Variety & Amount Choice Function of Foundation Behavior 19 20 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Con Consider… What do my students prefer ? What is motivating students to Consider… Con engage in the problem behavior ? Survey students in order to identify More on this topic later! preferences Ex. Chris engages in disruptive behavior Which function? • during class in order to obtain peer attention Which options within each function are • most powerful What is most likely to be a powerful reward? • Earning time on the iPad at the end of the day? • A “no homework pass”? • An activity with peers? 21 22 Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Overview Immediacy Frequency Size/Amt. Contingency Variety/Choice CYOA Wh When we can be sure we’ve When we can begin to assess other factors that Wh establ es ablished hed the he ri right re reinforc rcers… influence the effectiv influ iveness of f reinf inforcement! Immediacy Immediacy & & Frequency Frequency Contingency Contingency Size & Variety & Size & Variety & Amount Choice Amount Choice Feed the Function! Function of Function of Behavior Behavior 23 24 Presented by Chris Barclay, PhD, BCBA, NCSP and Erin Crosby, MA, BCBA 4


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