senior c lass meeting c o lle g e applic atio n pro c e s

Senior C lass Meeting C o lle g e Applic atio n Pro c e s - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Senior C lass Meeting C o lle g e Applic atio n Pro c e s s C are e e e r r S S e e a arche e s s C olle e g ge e S S e e a arche e s s S AT ( T (or A AC T) T) Type pe s of A Appl

  1. Senior C lass Meeting

  2. C o lle g e Applic atio n Pro c e s s ● C are e e e r r S S e e a arche e s s ● C olle e g ge e S S e e a arche e s s ● S AT ( T (or A AC T) T) ● Type pe s of A Appl pplications ● Nav avian ance ● Le e tte t e r rs o of Re e c c’d

  3. C are e rs T ake a “Career Interest Survey” at Research careers at

  4. C o lle g e s You can also research colleges by: ● Visitin g th e web site & its acad em ic p ro gram s ● Registerin g fo r “O p en H o u ses” o r “T o u rs” o n th e co llege’s web site ● Atten d in g M H S (o r o th er) Co llege Fairs MHS C C o lle lle g e Fair F ir: We e d dne e sday, O s Oc to be e r r 1 8th MHS G ym

  5. S AT ) vs ACT ( ( It is up to the individual student to choose the SAT and/ or the ACT . SAT vs . ACT O ffered at M H S N ot offered at M H S D oes not have a science section H as a science section Fee waiver available Fee waiver available W riting section available W riting section available GO to... / college/ sat-act to see further which one is right for you… EIT H ER W AY YO U N EED T O PRACT ICE!!!

  6. SATs ● D on’t forget to take your SAT S (or ACT s)! ● Students with free/ reduced lunch, ask your counselors for SAT Fee W aiver. SAT Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline October 7, 2017 September 8, 2017 September 27, 2017 November 4, 2017 October 5, 2017 October 25, 2017 December 2, 2017 November 2, 2017 November 21, 2017

  7. Type s o f Applic atio ns ● Rolling Admissions: The college reviews the admissions folder as soon as all information is complete and returns a decision in a timely fashion on a “rolling” basis (no specific date). Early Decision: The student applies to his/her first choice school by a specified date early ● in the fall and agrees by contract to enroll in that college if offered admission. Students can be denied admission or deferred to the regular applicant pool. Early Decision is intended for students who have a definite first choice school to which they are ready to make a commitment if accepted. Please speak to your counselor about completing additional applications. Early Action: This is a non-binding decision which follows the same timetable as Early ● Decision but allows candidates until May 1 to accept or decline. Students can be accepted, deferred to the regular pool or denied admission outright ● Priority Deadlines: Some large universities have priority deadlines. Completed applications received before the priority deadline is more favorably looked upon. ● EOF Application: EOF stands for “Educational Opportunity Fund” = a way to get accepted into a college you might not without this program!! **Pick up EOF info in guidance**

  8. W hat is the Com m on Application? (A way to ap p ly to several co lleges th ro u gh O N E ap p licatio n ) W h ere d o I fin d it? m m o n ap p .o rg H o w m an y sch o o ls accep t it in th e US? O ver 70 0 H o w m an y sch o o ls accep t it in N J? 22 YO YO U M U ST T EL EL L YO YO U R REC ECO M M EN EN D ER ERS/ T EA EACH ER ER T H AT YO YO U ARE E U SIN G N G T H T H E CO M M O N N APP!!

  9. 2017-2018 Common Application Essay Prompts 1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? 3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking ? What was the outcome ? 4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma - anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. 5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. 6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more? 7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

  10. Navianc e W hat is N aviance? Naviance is a website where you can search careers, colleges, scholarships, and more!! W h ere d o I go ? www.n avian H o w d o I sen d m y tran scrip ts to m y co lleges? Go to www.n avian & click “Requ est T ran scrip ts” H o w d o I lo g in ? Yo u r u sern am e is yo u r sch o o l ID (ex. 11756) Yo u r p asswo rd is yo u r sch o o l ID (ex.11756)

  11. Le tte rs o f Re c o m m e ndatio n Step 1: Ask teacher/ counselor face-to-face and “Invite” them on Step 2: Provide a list of activities, etc. (See “T eacher Rec’d Form ” on Google Classroom ) Step 3: Give 2-3 weeks notice Step 4: T eacher will upload the letter to N aviance

  12. MHS O ns ite s Rutgers (EO F only) N JCU Bloom field College H CCC M onm outh Kean FD U St.Peter’s W PU Paul M itchell T raining School H udson County Schools of T ech

  13. The C C o lle lle g e Applic lic atio io n C he c klis lis t S S t te p b by S S t te p... ☐ Research careers, majors and colleges ( OR ☐ Visit college campuses/Attend several college “Open Houses” or Campus “Tours” ☐ See your counselor for SAT and/or an ACT waiver ☐ Register for SATs ( or ACT ( It’s recommended to take one of these tests twice. ☐ Complete the “Student Info Sheet” & “Teacher Rec’d Form” ☐ Ask 2 teachers if they would write you a letter of recommendation ☐ Log on to and invite your teachers to write a recommendation letter for you. ☐ Begin writing your personal statement/college application essay ☐ Check out to see your chances of being accepted ☐ Email your counselor for an appt. ☐ Apply to colleges (on college website or ☐ Determine if you will apply to your NJ schools as an EOF student (see EOF flyer) ☐ Attend MHS college fair (Wednesday, October 18th) ☐ Sign up for college onsites in guidance ☐ Begin applying to colleges (at the college website or ☐ Add your colleges to & “Request Transcripts”

  14. G uidance Dept ● Em ail: cbuckm m am


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