send and inclusion

SEND and Inclusion Helen Bancroft Rainbow Room Special Educational - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SEND and Inclusion Helen Bancroft Rainbow Room Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) I may ask our Speech and Language Therapist, our School Nurse, a Physio, or another specialist to meet with you and your child. Inclusion,

  1. SEND and Inclusion Helen Bancroft Rainbow Room

  2. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) I may ask our Speech and Language Therapist, our School Nurse, a Physio, or another specialist to meet with you and your child. Inclusion, equality and diversity English as an additional language (EAL) Pupil Premium

  3. the way they talk learning in class or in a either with adults or small group or by other children themselves SEN POLICY – every child is included 1. Talk to your child’s teacher Who do I 2. Talk to SENDCo talk to? their physical needs, including learning to control eyesight, hearing, their emotions spatial awareness etc

  4. Pupil Premium What is it? Is my child eligible? Please ask! Is your child eligible for the £1,320 Pupil Premium? The Pupil Premium is extra money given to schools by the government to support certain pupils. This may be due to circumstances in the home, the claiming of particular benefits or household income. The Pupil Premium is normally an additional £1,320 per pupil, per year. That money is spent specifically on those children to support their development. CONFIDENTIAL FSM19 Are you eligible? Free School Meal Registration Form Your child(ren) may be eligible for the Pupil Premium funding if you receive any of the following: Eligible by Benefit (EBB) All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in state funded schools in England qualify for Universal  Universal Credit Infant Free School meals (UIFSM), please contact the School.  Please register all primary and secondary aged pupils for Free School Meals - Eligible By Income Support Benefit (EBB) if you are in receipt of qualifying benefits as registration will attract additional  Income Based Jobseekers Allowance funding for your child’s scho ol for Pupil Premium (£1,320 per Primary pupil and £935 per  Secondary pupil for the financial year 2019-20). Income Related Employment and Support Allowance You can register your entitlement for Free School Meals if:  Child Tax Credit, without any Working Tax Credit  you have children who attend a school in Bath and North East Somerset or The Mendip School,  Shepton Mallet, and Run-on Working Tax Credit  you are in receipt of any of the qualifying benefits listed overleaf.  Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit How to register  Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999  Call 01225 394317 to make a telephone registration.  Complete this form and return it to the address overleaf.  Visit to download and complete a form online.  Email registration form or any query to How do you claim? Parent/Guardian(s) Details If you receive any of these, your child could benefit from the Pupil Premium. All you need to do is fill Date of Birth National Insurance Relationship Title Surname First Name (dd/mm/yy) or NASS number to child(ren) out the attached form, and send it to or you can register by / / telephone on (01225) 394317 / / Apply before January to secure funding for the 2019-20 school year! Current Address including postcode Previous Address including postcode (if you have moved in the last 6 months) What support is available? We are happy to help you with the filling out or sending of the form, and will treat all enquiries in complete confidence, just contact or drop into reception. Email: Date of Move (dd/mm/yy) / / Telephone: Dependent Children Please list all school age children who you wish to make a claim for. Date of Birth Surname First Name Name of School(s) (dd/mm/yy) / / Chandag Infant School, Chandag Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1PQ T: 0117 9864129 | W: / / / / / / / /


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