seeding dallas

Seeding Dallas November 11 Nature Law of Return Forest Floor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Seeding Dallas November 11 Nature Law of Return Forest Floor Decomposition Build more topsoil Protects soil Recycle to new life Compost vs Mulch What is composting? What is good compost? Compost Happens Composting

  1. Seeding Dallas November 11

  2. Nature – Law of Return • Forest Floor • Decomposition • Build more topsoil • Protects soil • Recycle to new life

  3. Compost vs Mulch

  4. What is composting? What is good compost? • Compost Happens – Composting is managing the combinations to produce a good compost to amend soil for growing plants. • Good compost is active and alive. Millions of diverse microbes • Good compost is a food resource for fungal/bacterial feeders • Good compost has ambient temperature. • Good compost is dark brown and crumbly aggregate. • Good compost smells like the forest floor.

  5. Composting System – M3AT • Mass • Materials • Moisture • Air • Temperature • Tools - pitchfork

  6. Mass and Location • 3ft x 3ft x3ft • Contained or piles on ground • Sunny area • Central for movement of materials • Collection area for building compost piles

  7. C.E. Shepherd Bins – Right size, stores, removes for turning. Build Pile and flip pile when turning.

  8. Materials – Diversity is Key • Organic Trimmings • Carbon material – Brown and Dry • Nitrogen material – Green and Moist • 2/3 Carbon to 1/3 Nitrogen in volume • Particle size matters • Small scale composting – limits to materials

  9. Spent plants from the garden are chopped, composted and return to the soil. Bacteria based for growing soft tissue plants vs. fungi based for woody plants.

  10. Moisture • Water throughout layers as you build pile • Damp sponge feel • City water and chlorine vs Rain Water • Add water while turning pile

  11. Air • Aerobic vs Anaerobic • Use your sense of smell • Bulky and woody materials adds space • Container vented • Solution – Turn pile when temperature drops

  12. Temperature • Heats up to 135 within 24 hours • Turn when temp lowers – about 10 days • Too high temperature will kill off good microbes

  13. What is composting? What is good compost? • Compost Happens – Composting is managing the combinations to produce a good compost to amend soil for growing plants. • Good compost is active and alive. Millions of diverse microbes • Good compost is a food resource for fungal/bacterial feeders • Good compost has ambient temperature. • Good compost is dark brown and crumbly aggregate. • Good compost smells like the forest floor.

  14. Compost Use • Soil amendment – Add ½ inch soil – Lay on top like mulch • Gently scratch in to existing soil to plant seeds. • Lawns – ¼ - ½ inch spread over existing grass • Sidedress plants when start to set (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants)

  15. Compost Tea – Drench and Foliar Feed • My favorite way to make compost tea • Air temps between 40 and 90 degrees • Vortex stirring adds air • Horticulture molasses and fish emulsion • Microbes multiplied • Watering can application

  16. Amanda Vanhoozie ier Ju Just Pick icked TX TX amanda@ju justpic ickedtx.c .com


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