sea teach s l port petit 324 07660 cala d or tel 0034

Sea Teach S.L. Port Petit 324 07660 Cala Dor Tel: 0034-971648429 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sea Teach S.L. Port Petit 324 07660 Cala Dor Tel: 0034-971648429 Fax: 0034-971648101 email: Located in Marina Cala Dor Mallorca Balearic Islands Spain

  1. Sea Teach S.L. Port Petit 324 07660 Cala D‘or Tel: 0034-971648429 Fax: 0034-971648101 email:

  2. �������� Located in � Marina Cala D‘or � Mallorca � Balearic Islands � Spain

  3. ���� ������������ private limited company � SME: 3 – 10 Staff � (seasonal) Approx: 50 adult � education courses per year Approx. 200 students per � year Charter fleet of approx. � 10 motor boats

  4. ��������������� ������� RYA (Royal Yachting � Association/ UK) recognised Sea School Offering the RYA Course � scheme for Motor Cruising & Powerboating Specialists courses, i.e. � VHF, First Aid, Radar Age of students: 16 to 70 � years.

  5. ���������� ����������������

  6. ���������� ���������������

  7. ���������� ������� Powerboat Level 1 & 2 � Day Skipper Practical � Coastal Skipper � Yachtmaster offshore � Boat Handling � Courses run individally � or in groups of up to 4 students

  8. ������������ ������� Essential Navigation & � Seamanship Day Skipper Theory � Coastal Skipper/ � Yachtmaster Theory

  9. ��� ������������ Coordinator of Leonardo � da Vinci – Development of Innovation - Project TRECVET : • Analysing & comparing the syllabi of the vocational skipper qualifications in the Small �������������� Commercial Vessel sector in Germany, Spain & UK • Development of a new software tool for ECVET

  10. ��� ������������ Coordinator of Leonardo � da Vinci – Partnership - Project GETAFIX : • Collecting information about availability, recognition and transferability of skipper ���������� ��� qualifications in the Small Commercial Vessel sector in all EU member states • Creating an informative website about status quo

  11. ��� ������������ Partner in Grundtvig – Partnership -Project FALATAE : � • Sea Teach offers in its Adult Education various methods of ACTIVE LEARNING • We are looking forward to sharing our experiences and learning about other methods and best practices • We hope to contribute to the research on ACTIVE LEARNING for the benefit of a wider audience

  12. ���������������� ���������� Learning by doing on the � boats „Hands on“ approach � Working as a team � Learning different roles, � i.e. Captain & Crew Teaching each other �

  13. ���������������� ���������� 1) In the Practical Part a) Learning by doing

  14. ���������������� ���������� b) Teamwork/ different roles

  15. ���������������� ���������� c) Learning by observing

  16. ���������������� ���������� d) 3 Step - Model • Planing • Demonstrating • Doing

  17. ���������������� ���������� 1) In the Theoretical Part a) Learning by doing

  18. ���������������� ���������� b) Teamwork/ teaching each other

  19. ���������������� ���������� c) „Hands on“ - approach

  20. This project has been founded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2011-1-BG1-GRU06-04964 5


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