science technology librarian

Science & Technology Librarian University of Hawaii at Manoa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Carolyn Dennison, MA, MLIS, AHIP Science & Technology Librarian University of Hawaii at Manoa Library Topics Searching Tips Newspaper articles Peer-reviewed articles Subject headings Best practices Statistical data

  1. Carolyn Dennison, MA, MLIS, AHIP Science & Technology Librarian University of Hawaii at Manoa Library

  2. Topics  Searching  Tips  Newspaper articles  Peer-reviewed articles  Subject headings  Best practices  Statistical data resources

  3. Searching Tips  Identify terms describing your topic  Patient, Population, Problem  Intervention  Comparison  Outcome  Identify synonymous terms to include in your searches  Example: Adult-Onset Diabetes Mellitus, Non-Insulin- Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, NIDDM  Solution? Use subject headings if available  Use truncation to search for word stems  Hawaii* will find Hawaii, Hawaiian, Hawaiians

  4. Searching: Newspaper Articles  Newspapers in Hawaii LibGuide   Honolulu Star-Advertiser Index   TIP: Check off the “full - text” box. Community names are unique and may NOT consistently be mentioned in newspaper articles.  Hawaii Pacific Journal Index 

  5. Searching: Peer-Reviewed  PubMed  Most journals are either peer-reviewed or referred.  Check the journal's editorial policies or ask the publisher.  CINAHL  Able to limit to peer-reviewed journals.  Keep in mind that CINAHL more than just journal articles.

  6. Searching: Subject Headings  Controlled vocabulary  Standardized terms describing concepts, diseases, conditions, etc.  Takes the guesswork out of searching  Example: Nurse Administrators  Other “titles”: Nurse Executives or Nurse Managers

  7. Searching: PubMed with MeSH  Incorporate Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) into your search  Use MeSH subheadings  epidemiology  manpower  mortality  statistics & numerical data  supply & distribution  Help? See Getting the Most Out of PubMed Medline Guide (

  8. Searching: CINAHL with Headings  Incorporate CINAHL Headings into your search  Use subheadings  epidemiology  manpower  mortality  statistics & numerical data  supply & distribution  Help? See Getting the Most Out of CINAHL Guide (

  9. Searching: Incidence v. Prevelence  Incidence  PubMed: The number of new cases of a given disease during a given period in a specified population. It also is used for the rate at which new events occur in a defined population.  CINAHL: The number of new cases of a disease or the rate at which a new event occurs in a defined population during a given time period. General only; consider /epidemiology with specific disease or event.  Prevalence  PubMed: The total number of cases of a given disease in a specified population at a designated time.  CINAHL: Total number of cases of a disease or event in a defined population during a specified time period. General only; prefer /epidemiology with specific disease or event.

  10. What About Best Practices?  Possible search terms  Guideline*  Best practice*  Good practice*  Guidance

  11. Statistics  Health Statistics Subject Guide  See  Selected key resources for Hawaii  Selected key resources for the United States  Tips  Identify the census tract number and geographical boundaries for your community  Use the census tract number to find socio-economic and demographic information

  12. Statistical Resources: Local  Go to Health Statistics Guide  By Location  Local   Hawaii State Dept. of Health, Data & Statistics  Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System  Hawaii Health Data Warehouse  Hawaii Health Matters  Hawaii Health Survey  Summary Data of Reportable Diseases  Vital Statistics  Hawaii Census Data  Center on the Family Data Center

  13. Census Data  Identify the geographic location  Census tract numbers  Note: Census Bureau has defined locations for smaller/larger areas  Note: Your neighborhood may be made up of more than one census tract  Gather data for the geographic location

  14. Start here

  15. Click on “+” to zoom in Click on the area for its profile

  16. Another place to explore

  17. How does your census tract compare?

  18. Statistical Resources: National  Go to Health Statistics Guide  By Location  National   U.S. Census Bureau for demographic statistics  American Fact Finder  U.S. Department of Health & Human Services  Healthy People 2020  Health related statistics are available from various pages from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics

  19. From Healthy People 2020 > Tools & Resources > County Data Resources (scroll to the bottom to link to this site)

  20. Cultural Resources  Nursing Guide  Web Links  Cultural Resources

  21. Reminders about statistics …  Is there a specific agency or organization that collects data for your community, ethnic group, socioeconomic issue, or health issue?  Example: American Diabetes Association  May not find data if the number of respondents is too small where people could identify individual respondents  Know your geographic area  How geographic areas are defined depends on the agency or organization collecting the data. For example, census tracts are not the same as school districts.

  22. Citing References in APA Format  Nursing Guide  Organizing and Citing  Standard examples  Other resources to check for help  APA Style Blog  How to Cite Something You Found on a Website in APA Style

  23. Need More Help?  Library Guides  Getting the Most Out of CINAHL  Getting the Most Out of PubMed Medline  Health Statistics  Carolyn Dennison  956-2541;  Science & Technology Reference Desk (UHM Library)  Mon-Fri, 9 am-4 pm; 956-8263;


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