school district

SCHOOL DISTRICT the talents and abilities of all are valued and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Miss ission ion statement O ur mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and

  1. Miss ission ion statement O ur mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion. Core re Value ues NORTH BELLMORE C ommunities and  individuals thrive when SCHOOL DISTRICT the talents and abilities of all are valued and fostered.  E ach individual is responsible for his or her choices and the 2016 State Assessment Results impact they create. T here is no limit to  human potential.  H onesty, integrity and trust are essential to sustaining meaningful partnerships. A ll people want to  learn and succeed. A safe and healthy  environment optimizes learning. H uman life is precious. 

  2. CHANGES TO THE 2016 STATE ASSESSMENTS  Started with a new test vendor; even greater teacher involvement  Reduced the number of questions on every grade 3-8 assessment  Allowed students working productively to complete their exams (untimed)  Released more test questions than ever before and earlier to support instruction Source:

  3. CHANGES TO THE 2016 STATE ASSESSMENTS  The content & rigor of the 2016 Tests and 2015 Tests is comparable.  However, because of the changes made to the 2016 exam and testing environment, the 2016 tests scores are not an “apples -to- apples” comparison with previous years. Source:

  4. 2016 SUMMARY- STATEWIDE & COUNTY  Statewide:  the ELA proficiency level (Levels 3 & 4) of students in Grades 3-6 increased by 7 percentage points.  Statewide, the Math proficiency level (Levels 3 & 4) of students in Grades 3-6 remained the same.  In Nassau County:  the ELA proficiency level (Levels 3 & 4) of students in Grades 3-6 increased by 6 percentage points.  In Nassau County, the Math proficiency level (Levels 3 & 4) of students in Grades 3-6 decreased by 1 1 percentage point.

  5. DISTRICT-WIDE STATE ASSESSMENT REFUSAL COUNTS 2015 Refusal Count Grade 3-6 Grade 3-6 Grade 3-6 Total Number of Refusals Total Enrollment Percentage of Refusals English Language Arts 762 1209 63% Mathematics 741 1209 61% 2016 Refusal Count Grade 3-6 Grade 3-6 Grade 3-6 Total Number of Refusals Total Enrollment Percentage of Refusals English Language Arts 845 1243 68% Mathematics 829 1243 67% State Refusal Data  The test refusal rate was approximately 21% in 2016.  2016 Test Refusal Students were:  Much more likely to be from low-need or average-need districts  More likely to have scored at Level 1 and Level 2 in 2015 Less likely to be economically disadvantaged   Less likely to be a student with a disability  Much less likely to be English Language Learners

  6. NORTH BELLMORE SCHOOL DISTRICT 2016 STATE ASSESSMENT RESULTS English glish Langu guage age Arts ts Grades 3-6 Average Proficiency= 51% Mathemat thematics ics Grades 3-6 Average Proficiency= 51% Percentage of Students Scoring Levels 3 & 4

  7. ELA PROFICIENCY COMPARISON 2016 DISTRICT/COUNTY/STATE North h Bellmore re County nty State St Grade ade 3 48% 56% 42% Grad ade e 4 54% 54% 41% Grade ade 5 50% 46% 33% Grade ade 6 51% 47% 34% Aver verage age 51% 51% 38% Indicates Percentage of Students Deemed Proficient: Level 3 &4

  8. ELA STATE ASSESSMENT COMPARISON 2014-2016 60 54 54 51 50 48 50 46 nt (Levels 3 & 4) 41 41 37 40 36 34 32 2014 ficient 30 2015 nt Profi 2016 Percent 20 10 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grades Literacy- Current District Initiative

  9. MATHEMATICS PROFICIENCY COMPARISON 2016 DISTRICT/COUNTY/STATE North h Bellmo more re County nty St State Grade ade 3 37% 57% 44% Grad ade e 4 58% 61% 45% Grade ade 5 58% 56% 40% Grade ade 6 51% 58% 40% Aver verage age 51% 58% 42% Indicates Percentage of Students Deemed Proficient: Level 3 &4

  10. MATH STATE ASSESSMENT COMPARISON 2014-2016 80 71 70 62 58 58 60 55 nt (Levels 3 & 4) 52 51 51 49 48 50 45 2014 37 ficient 40 2015 nt Profi 2016 30 Percent 20 10 0 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grades

  11. ACADEMIC INTERVENTION SERVICES  Students who score below the median scale score between level 2 and level 3 (see tables on next slides) are identified as eligible for AIS. Districts must then apply local measures to determine which students shall receive AIS. These multiple measures may include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) developmental reading assessments for grades K-6; 2) New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT); 3) benchmark and lesson-embedded assessments for reading and math in grades K-6 based on teacher designed and selected assessments; 4) common formative assessments that provide information about students’ skills.




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