scattering amplitudes from the amplituhedron nmhv volume

Scattering amplitudes from the amplituhedron NMHV volume forms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Scattering amplitudes from the amplituhedron NMHV volume forms Andrea Orta Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit at M unchen V

  1. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Scattering amplitudes from the amplituhedron NMHV volume forms Andrea Orta Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨ at M¨ unchen V Postgraduate Meeting on Theoretical Physics Oviedo, 17th November 2016 Based on 1512.04954 with Livia Ferro, Tomasz � Lukowski, Matteo Parisi

  2. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Table of contents 1 Scattering amplitudes in planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills Heavy computations for simple amplitudes N = 4 SYM 2 Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron Positive geometry Amplitudes as volumes 3 NMHV volume forms from symmetry Capelli differential equations The k = 1 solution Examples of NMHV volume forms 4 Conclusions

  3. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Scattering amplitudes . . . Scattering amplitudes are central objects in QFT. Interesting as an intermediate step to compute observables; as a means to gain insight into the formal structure of a specific model. How are they traditionally computed? 1 Stare at Lagrangian and extract the Feynman rules; 2 draw every possible Feynman diagram contributing to the process of interest; 3 evaluate each one of those and add up the results. Straightforward enough. What could possibly go wrong?

  4. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry . . . are complicated? Consider tree-level gluon amplitudes in QCD. 2 g → 2 g : 4 diagrams

  5. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry . . . are complicated? Consider tree-level gluon amplitudes in QCD. 2 g → 3 g : 25 diagrams [slide by Z. Bern]

  6. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry . . . are simpler than expected! Consider tree-level gluon amplitudes in QCD. 2 g → 3 g : 10 colour-ordered diagrams A tree (1 ± , 2 ± , 3 ± , 4 ± , 5 ± ) = 0 5 A tree (1 ∓ , 2 ± , 3 ± , 4 ± , 5 ± ) = 0 5 � 12 � 4 A tree (1 − , 2 − , 3 + , 4 + , 5 + ) = 5 � 12 �� 23 �� 34 �� 45 �� 51 � 3 + 2 − � � λ 1 λ 1 � � i λ β � ij � = ǫ αβ λ α i j j = � � λ 2 λ 2 4 + � � i j 1 − 5 +

  7. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry . . . are simpler than expected! Consider tree-level gluon amplitudes in QCD. 2 g → 3 g : 10 colour-ordered diagrams A tree (1 ± , 2 ± , 3 ± , 4 ± , 5 ± ) = 0 5 A tree (1 ∓ , 2 ± , 3 ± , 4 ± , 5 ± ) = 0 5 � 12 � 4 A tree (1 − , 2 − , 3 + , 4 + , 5 + ) = 5 � 12 �� 23 �� 34 �� 45 �� 51 � � ij � 4 A MHV (1 + , . . . , i − , . . . , j − , . . . , n + ) = n � 12 �� 23 � · · · � n 1 � [Parke, Taylor] MHV = maximally helicity-violating

  8. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry The simplest quantum field theory [Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo, Kaplan] Most symmetric theory in 4D is planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills. Maximal susy: spectrum is organized in a single supermultiplet with 2 gluons ( g ± ), 8 gluinos ( ψ ± ), 6 scalars ( ϕ ), all massless . Ω = g + + η A ψ A + 1 2 η A η B ϕ AB + + 1 ψ D + 1 3! η A η B η C ǫ ABCD ¯ 4! η A η B η C η D ǫ ABCD g −

  9. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry The simplest quantum field theory [Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo, Kaplan] Most symmetric theory in 4D is planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills. Maximal susy: spectrum is organized in a single supermultiplet with 2 gluons ( g ± ), 8 gluinos ( ψ ± ), 6 scalars ( ϕ ), all massless . (Ordinary + Dual) superconformal symmetries give rise to an � � infinite-dimensional Yangian algebra Y psu (2 , 2 | 4) [Drummond, Henn, Plefka] At weak coupling : more constrained, easier to compute At strong coupling : amenable to AdS/CFT techniques planar N =4 SYM N =4 SYM SYM massless [picture by L. Dixon] massive

  10. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry The simplest quantum field theory [Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo, Kaplan] Most symmetric theory in 4D is planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills. Maximal susy: spectrum is organized in a single supermultiplet with 2 gluons ( g ± ), 8 gluinos ( ψ ± ), 6 scalars ( ϕ ), all massless . (Ordinary + Dual) superconformal symmetries give rise to an � � infinite-dimensional Yangian algebra Y psu (2 , 2 | 4) [Drummond, Henn, Plefka] At weak coupling : more constrained, easier to compute At strong coupling : amenable to AdS/CFT techniques N = 4 SYM is a supersymmetric version of QCD: Tree-level gluon amplitudes coincide One-loop gluon amplitudes satisfy A QCD = A N =4 − 4 A N =1 + A scalar n n n n

  11. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry The power of momentum twistors “Masslessness” of the spectrum + conformal symmetry − → introduce momentum supertwistors for describing the kinematics. four-momenta p µ Instead of µ = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 and Grassmann-odd η A A = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 � α, ˙ � α = 0 , 1 , ˙ 0 , ˙ 1 mom. supertwistors Z A use A = A = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 The geometry of momentum twistor superspace CP 3 | 4 ensures masslessness of momenta and momentum conservation. Generating function for every tree-level N = 4 SYM amplitude � d k × n c α i 1 (1 · · · k )(2 · · · k + 1) · · · ( n · · · k − 1) δ 4 | 4 ( C · Z ) L n , k = GL( k ) [(Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo, Cheung, Kaplan) (Mason, Skinner)]

  12. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Towards the amplituhedron Two remarkable results inspired the amplituhedron: � d k × n c α i 1 (1 · · · k )(2 · · · k + 1) · · · ( n · · · k − 1) δ 4 | 4 ( C · Z ) L n , k = GL( k ) One-to-one correspondence between residues of L n , k and cells of the positive Grassmannian G + ( k , n ). [Arkani-Hamed, Bourjaily, Cachazo, Goncharov, Postnikov, Trnka] NMHV tree-level amplitudes can be thought of as volumes of polytopes in twistor space. [Hodges]

  13. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry 1 Scattering amplitudes in planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills Heavy computations for simple amplitudes N = 4 SYM 2 Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron Positive geometry Amplitudes as volumes 3 NMHV volume forms from symmetry Capelli differential equations The k = 1 solution Examples of NMHV volume forms 4 Conclusions

  14. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Positive means inside Z 2 Y Triangle in RP 2 Z 3 Z 1 Interior of a triangle Y A = c 1 Z A 1 + c 2 Z A 2 + c 3 Z A , c 1 , c 2 , c 3 > 0 3 Points inside are described by the positive triple ( c 1 c 2 c 3 ) / GL(1)

  15. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Positive means inside Y Simplex in RP n − 1 Interior of a simplex � Y A = c i Z A , c i > 0 i i Points inside are described by the positive n -tuple ( c 1 c 2 . . . c n ) / GL(1) , a point in G + (1 , n ) .

  16. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Positive also means convex Z 4 Z 5 Y Polygon in RP m Z n Z 3 Z 1 Z 2 Interior of a n -gon with vertices Z 1 , . . . , Z n is only canonically defined if   Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 . . . 1 2 n . . .  . . .  Z =  ∈ M + (1 + m , n ) . . .  Z 1+ m Z 1+ m Z 1+ m . . . 1 2 n

  17. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Tree-level amplituhedron Interior of an n -polyhedron in RP m � � i , C = ( c 1 . . . c n ) ∈ G + (1 , n ) � Y A = A tree c i Z A n , 1; m [ Z ] = Z = ( Z 1 . . . Z n ) ∈ M + (1 + m , n ) i

  18. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry Tree-level amplituhedron Interior of an n -polyhedron in RP m � � i , C = ( c 1 . . . c n ) ∈ G + (1 , n ) � Y A = A tree c i Z A n , 1; m [ Z ] = Z = ( Z 1 . . . Z n ) ∈ M + (1 + m , n ) i Generalize this picture to account for N k MHV amplitudes Tree-level amplituhedron � � C ∈ G + ( k , n ) A tree Y ∈ G ( k , k + m ) : Y = C · Z , n , k ; m [ Z ] = Z ∈ M + ( k + m , n ) [Arkani-Hamed,Trnka]

  19. Amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM Introduction to the tree-level Amplituhedron NMHV volume forms from symmetry The volume form Volume form Ω ( m ) Top-dimensional differential form ˜ n , k defined on A tree n , k ; m with only logarithmic singularities on its boundaries. Ω ( m ) → ˜ : Y ∈ G ( k , k + m ) − top-dimensional n , k is an mk -form n , k ∼ d α Ω ( m ) : approaching any boundary, ˜ log-singularity α


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