scarring on invariant manifolds for quantum maps on the

Scarring on invariant manifolds for quantum maps on the torus DUBI - PDF document

Scarring on invariant manifolds for quantum maps on the torus DUBI KELMER Banff workshop Quantum chaos: Routes to RMT and beyond February 2008 Overview Quantum ergodicity and scarring Quantum maps on the torus Scarring on periodic

  1. Scarring on invariant manifolds for quantum maps on the torus DUBI KELMER Banff workshop Quantum chaos: Routes to RMT and beyond February 2008

  2. Overview • Quantum ergodicity and scarring • Quantum maps on the torus • Scarring on periodic orbits • Scarring on invariant manifolds 1

  3. Quantization • Classical flow: Φ t : X → X • Unitary flow U t on a Hilbert space H h • Quantum states ψ ∈ H h interpreted as dis- tribution W ψ on X . • Semi-classical limit h → 0 retrieve classical behavior ( W U t ψ ∼ W ψ ◦ φ t ) • If ψ is an eigenfunction then in semiclassi- cal limit W ψ becomes Φ t invariant. • What are the possible limiting (invariant) measures? 2

  4. Quantum Ergodicity • Chaotic dynamics: Small changes in initial condition result in drastic changes in out- come • Lose all information as t → ∞ • Quantum interpretation: for “small” h , U t ψ become evenly distributed as t → ∞ • Eigenfunctions become evenly distributed as h → 0 Quantum Ergodicity Theorem: When the classical dynamics is ergodic, in the semiclas- sical limit W ψ → vol for “almost all” eigenfunc- tions 3

  5. QUE and scarring • Scarring: There are eigenfunction localiz- ing on an invariant set h → 0 W ψ ( P ) � = 0 lim • Quantum Unique Ergodicity (QUE): the volume measure is the only limiting mea- sure • QUE is conjectured to hold for negatively curved surfaces. (Proved for “arithmetic” surfaces [Lindenstrauss]) Theorem (Anantharaman,Koch,Nonnenmacher) . For Anosov flows, any limiting measure has positive entropy. Conjecture. Entropy bounded below by half of maximal entropy 4

  6. Quantum mechanics on the torus • Phase space T 2 d = R 2 d / Z 2 d � � p coordinates x = q • Hilbert space H h = L 2 [( h Z / Z ) d ] (where h = 1 /N ). • Weyl quantization: f ∈ C ∞ ( T 2 d ) � Op h ( f ) • Wigner distribution ψ ∈ H h � W ψ ( f ) = � Op h ( f ) ψ, ψ � • If f = f ( q ) (function of position) f ( Q N ) | ψ ( Q W ψ ( f ) = h d � N ) | 2 5

  7. Quantization of Hamiltonian flows • H ∈ C ∞ ( T 2 d ) real valued Hamiltonian H : T 2 d → T 2 d • Hamiltonian flow Φ t d dt ( f ◦ Φ t H ) = { f, H } ◦ Φ t H • Quantization: unitary flow H ) = exp( it U ( φ t � Op h ( H )) • Egorov Theorem: U ∗ Op h ( f ) U = Op h ( f ◦ Φ H ) + O ( h ) implying: W Uψ ( f ) = W ψ ( f ◦ Φ H ) + O ( h ) 6

  8. Quantization of linear maps • A ∈ Sp(2 d, Z ) acts on T 2 d ( x �→ Ax (mod 1)) • A hyperbolic implies map is Anosov • Quantization [Hannay-Berry]: There is a unique unitary operator satisfying that U h ( A ) ∗ Op h ( f ) U h ( A ) = Op h ( f ◦ A ) [ Remark: A �→ U ( A ) is the Weil represen- tation of Sp(2 d, Z /N Z )] • For perturbation: Φ = Φ H ◦ A quantization: U (Φ) = U (Φ h ) U ( A ). 7

  9. Scarring on periodic orbits Theorem (Faure, Nonnenmacher, De-Bievre) . For linear maps on T 2 , there are e.f. satisfying W ψ ( f ) → 1 2 f (0) + 1 � fdx 2 • These scars occur only when U ( A ) has large spectral degeneracies • Arithmetic symmetries remove degenera- cies With arithmetic symmetries linear maps on T 2 are QUE [Kurlberg, Rudnick] • Perturbation remove degeneracies Open question: Is a generic perturbation QUE? 8

  10. Invariant manifolds for linear maps on T 2 d • A : T 2 d → T 2 d by x �→ Ax (mod 1) Dual action: A : Z 2 d → Z 2 d by n �→ nA • Correspondence: Λ ⊂ Z 2 d invariant lattice of rank d 0 ⇒ � x ∈ T 2 d | e n ( x ) = 1 , ∀ n ∈ Λ � X Λ = invariant manifold of co-dimension d 0 . • Invariant manifolds only exist for d > 1 • We say Λ is isotropic (or X Λ co-isotropic) if the symplectic form ω ( n, m ) = n 1 · m 2 − n 2 · m 1 vanishes on Λ × Λ. 9

  11. Scarring on Invariant manifolds Theorem (K.) . Let A ∈ Sp(2 d, Z ) . Assume that Λ ⊆ Z 2 d is invariant and isotropic: • There are eigenfunctions of U ( A ) localizing on X Λ � W ψ ( f ) → fdx X Λ • This also holds after taking arithmetic sym- metries into account • This also holds for perturbation Φ H ◦ A by any Hamiltonian flow preserving X Λ • If A has a fixed point ξ ∈ T 2 d there are also eigenfunctions localizing on X Λ + ξ . 10

  12. The simplest example B t � � 0 • Take A = for B ∈ GL( d, Z ) B − 1 0 �� p � ∈ T 2 d � • Invariant manifold X = 0 • Perturbation: (by Hamiltonian H = H ( q )) � p � B t p + ∇ H ( B − 1 q ) � Φ( � ) = q B − 1 q • Quantization: U (Φ) ψ ( Q N ) = exp( i � H ( BQ N )) ψ ( BQ N ) • The state ψ = δ 0 is an eigenfunction of U localized on X 11

  13. Sketch of proof • Consider the family of operators A = { Op h ( e n ) | n ∈ Λ } • Λ isotropic ⇒ A ∼ = ( Z /N Z ) d 0 is commuta- tive. • Decomposition into joint eigenspaces, � H h = H λ , (Op h ( e n ) ψ = λ ( n ) ψ ) . Each of dimension N d − d 0 . • For any ψ ∈ H 1 and n ∈ Λ, W ψ ( e n ) = � Op h ( e n ) ψ, ψ � = 1. • States from H 1 are concentrated on X Λ . 12

  14. • Exact Egorov ⇒ U ( A ) permutes eigenspaces U ( A ) : H λ → H λ ◦ A • Hamiltonian flow preserves X Λ ⇒ U (Φ H ) preserves all eigenspaces • The trivial eigenspace H 1 , is preserved by purerbed map: U (Φ H ◦ A ) H 1 = H 1 . • There is a basis for H 1 composed of eigen- functions • These are the localized eigenfunctions 13

  15. Concluding remarks • Quantum states localize on a co-isotropic manifold (uncertainty principle does not ap- ply) • The entropy of the scarred states is always bounded below by half the maximal entropy and it is equal if and only if dim X Λ = d • If A has an invariant lattice then U ( A ) has large spectral degeneracies. However, perturbation (generically) removes all degeneracies • Scarring on invariant manifolds does not imply spectral degeneracies 14

  16. THE END... 15


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