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Santa Maria/Santa Barbara County Continuum of Care Regular Board - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Santa Maria/Santa Barbara County Continuum of Care Regular Board Meeting February 6, 2020 Public Comment Approval of the Agenda Item III.A. Approval of Minutes from December 5 th Meeting Item IV.A Homeless Assistance Program Staffing

  1. Santa Maria/Santa Barbara County Continuum of Care Regular Board Meeting February 6, 2020

  2. Public Comment

  3. Approval of the Agenda Item III.A.

  4. Approval of Minutes from December 5 th Meeting Item IV.A

  5. Homeless Assistance Program Staffing Item V.A.

  6. Homeless Assistance Program Staffing Homeless Assistance EDP Systems Analyst I Housing Specialist I Department Business Computer Systems Deputy Director Housing Specialist Sr. Housing Specialist Sr. Program Manager HMIS Administrator Grants Administration Specialist II Specialist I Dinah Lockhart Kimberlee Albers Jett Black-Maertz Lucille Boss Kanika Mahajan Miriam Moreno Roc Lowry Rudy Razo CoC, ESG HHAP, CES HMIS, CES ESG, CCP, General Shelter HEAP, CESH HMIS Grant Program Grant Program Grant Program ESG, CCP, GF Homeless Programs Assist with County Administration, Administration, HUD Reporting LSA, Sys Administration, HMIS End User Training Reimbursement Oversight Wide Strategy and Plan Compliance and Compliance and PM, APR Compliance and and Support Processing Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Collaborate with Assist with Facilitation Quarterly Stakeholders/ CoC Lead Agency HMIS Capacity Building Homeless Grants HMIS System Admin and Fiscal Oversight of Phase II Homeless Reimbursement Communtiy Responsibilites Implementation Administrative Support Data Quality Review Plan Processing, Cost Reports Engagement Board and County Community Corrections Homeless Coordinating CoC Lead Agency Coordinated Entry HMIS and CES System HMIS Program Set Up Leadership 2020 PIT Count Partnership Reporitng and Financing Council Responsibilites System Oversight Configuration and Security Audits Communication and Referral Tracking Office Hours Technical Assistance, Youth Homelessness, Homelessness Staff and Consultant Compliance, Action Board, Housing and Data Prevention and Community Dashboards Supervision Monitoring to Demonstration Project, Analysis Reducing Inflow and HAP Website Providers and Strategies Advocate HIAPC Support and Agendas, Notifications, Agendas, Notifications, Captial Project Support HMIS Shelter and Skan Participation - County Minutes at CoC Minutes at CoC CES from Ted Teyber Point Implementation Work Plan Meetings Meetings HHAP Invoice State HMIS HEAP Homeless Grant Programs Management CoC Grants Reporting Processing and Grants Reporting, Data Reporting Integration All Reporting Review CoC and UW CEO Maintain Veteran and and Submission Invoice Processing, FUP Master Lists

  7. Homeless Assistance Program Staffing

  8. Strategy Champions Update Item V.A.

  9. Updates • The Following Strategies were combined to avoid redundant efforts: • #5 (increase the rate at which individuals and families in permanent housing retain their housing or exit to other permanent housing), and #6 (Strategies to reduce returns to homelessness) • #7 (to increase access to employment, volunteerism, and community service) and #8 (promote partnerships and access to employment opportunities with private employers and private employment organizations) • #9 (increase non-employment cash income (mainstream benefits)) and #10 (increase access to other cash income/ SSDI and SSI)

  10. Strategy Champions Strategy Champion HCD Staff 1 . Strategies to increase Homeless Rudy Management Information System Dinah Lockhart, County of Santa Barbara HM Razo (HMIS) bed coverages to 85% Jett Black- 2 . Strategies to address individuals and Glenn Bacheller, Social Venture Partners Maertz families at risk of becoming homeless (SVP) and Roc Lowery 3 . Strategies to re-house families with Kanika children within 30 days of becoming Sylvia Barnard, Good Samaritan Shelter Mahajan homeless 4 . Strategies to increase the rate at which individuals and families in SVP and Karen Nielson, Partners in emergency shelter, transitional housing, Housing Solutions Glenn Bacheller, and rapid rehousing exit to permanent Social Venture Partners (SVP) housing

  11. Strategy Champions Strategy Champion HCD Staff 5 . Strategies to increase the rate at Kristine Schwarz, New Beginnings which individuals and families in Counseling Center, Wayne Mellinger permanent housing retain their housing Sara Grasso, SB County Department of or exit to other permanent housing Behavioral Wellness and Emily Allen, 6 .Strategies to reduce returns to Home For Good Santa Barbara County homelessness 7 . Strategies to increase access to Dominique Samario, City of Goleta employment, volunteerism, and Frank Quezada, Housing Authority of the community service 8 . Strategies to City of Santa Barbara and Edwin Weaver, promote partnerships and access to Fighting Back SMV employment opportunities with private employers and private employment 9 . Strategies to increase non- Noel Lossing, Department of Social employment cash income (mainstream Services and Jasmine Gaytan, DSS benefits) 10 . Strategies to increase Department Business Specialist access to other cash income/ SSDI and supporting the Medi-Cal program SSI

  12. Elected Leaders Forum to Address Homelessness Presentation February 5, 2020 Item V.C. 12

  13. Objectives Provide overview of current homeless system including persons served, 1. housing resources, funding, and system performance Provide observations of current system, gaps, and recommendations 2. Receive feedback on proposed guiding principles 3. Receive feedback on proposed goals 4. Receive feedback on proposed action plan governance structure 5. Receive feedback on proposed new housing intervention targets 6. Receive feedback on proposed action strategies 7. Other questions/feedback 8. 13

  14. Introduction and Background • Homelessness is traumatic for those who experience it and has significant impact on one’s overall well -being. • Homelessness significantly impacts community: law enforcement, healthcare, business, tourism, and neighborhoods. • Homelessness is a top concern among diverse stakeholders across the region including the general public. • Efforts to address homelessness have been building. • Bringing Our Community Home: 10 Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness (2006) • Enhanced governance structure of the Continuum of Care (CoC) • Fully implemented a Coordinated Entry System (CES) • Expanded formal and informal cross-sector collaboration within the system of care • Network of partners – County, Cities, governmental agencies, homeless services providers, faith-based providers, healthcare, and others are more engaged and working together than ever before 14

  15. Introduction and Background – Phase I Plan Collaborative engagement process that identified needs and set 5 overarching goals: Increase Access to Safe, Affordable Housing 1. Use Best Practices to Deliver Tailored Supportive Services to Meet Individual 2. Needs Build a Collective Action Plan; Improve Data Sharing 3. Strengthen Support System Available to Help Residents Obtain and Maintain 4. Housing Build Provider Capacity to Address the Needs of Specific Populations 5. 15

  16. Persons Served Annually in Homeless Programs October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 Sub-Populations (Adults 18+) Households 3,623 349 200 Veterans youth (18-24) 2,877 153 were housed permanently total households total persons accessed 1,289 2,407 homeless chronically had health 2,626 250 homeless insurance services single adult families with households children 960 1,027 substance mental Note: Data includes all programs that entered data into HMIS, including permanent health issue use housing programs such as RRH and PSH, so data is not entirely representative of just those in homeless living situations as it includes some in permanent housing settings. 16

  17. Santa Barbara Homeless Housing Interventions Temporary Housing Permanent Housing Emergency Shelter: Low-barrier, safe place for Rapid Re-Housing: Permanent housing model that people to stay while awaiting housing placement. uses the private rental market and provides time-limited Focused on housing but generally has some rental assistance with wraparound case management to support services – healthcare, linkages to promote housing stability and taking over of the rent. mainstream services, some employment, etc. Targeted to mid-level acuity households who will be self-sufficient in time and most likely be employed. Transitional Housing : Temporary housing with Permanent Supportive Housing: Subsidized more support services and longer length of stay – housing with intensive services – targeted to those most up to 2 years. Focused on addressing challenges – in need, with significant challenges, who are disabled. employment, mental health, substance use, etc … Single site and scattered site. prior to permanent housing. Generally higher barrier programs with rules and sobriety Other Permanent Housing: Affordable housing requirements. dedicated to homeless households. Minimal services provided. 17

  18. Homeless Housing Inventory Trends 1200 1000 962 890 840 800 774 648 # of 600 572 bed 542 531 510 s/ 443 slot 408 408 400 s 328 318 311 293 273 213 217 200 166 127 108 59 54 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Emergency Shelter Transitional Housing RRH PSH/PH Source: County of Santa Barbara Continuum of Care Housing Inventory Chart, 2014-2019 18


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