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play 56. 56th Meunarodni sajam International maina - PDF document 56. 56th Meunarodni sajam International maina i alata Fair of Machines za drvnu industriju & Tools for the Woodworking Industry Medijski sponzori p m Nazna ajniji doga aj u sferi


  2. 56. 56th Međunarodni sajam International mašina i alata Fair of Machines za drvnu industriju & Tools for the Woodworking Industry Medijski sponzori  p m

  3. Nazna č ajniji doga đ aj u sferi dizajna, The most important event within furniture Uvod / Intro Beogradski Sajam Nameštaja Sada / Uvod  Beograde Furniture Fair Now / Intro  proizvodnje i distribucije nameštaja u design, manufacturing and distribution in ovom delu Evrope, 56. Me đ unarodni this part of Europe, the 56th International sajam nameštaja, opreme i unutrašnje Fair of Furniture, Equipment and Interior dekoracije, uz 56. Me đ unarodni sajam Decoration, with the 56th International mašina, alata i repromaterijala iz oblasti Fair of Woodworking Machines, Tools drvne industrije, utemeljen je kao vode ć i and Production Materials has been generator doma ć eg izvoza i mesto founded as the leading generator of the promocije najboljih ideja i proizvoda iz local exports and the promotion venue for regiona. the best regional ideas and products. U fokusu sajma su kompanije i The Fair focus is on the companies and proizvo đač i posve ć eni dizajnu, kvalitetu manufacturers devoted to design, quality i funkcionalnosti nameštaj i ugledni and functioning of furniture and respected dizajneri iz cele Evrope. Izlo ž beni designers from the whole Europe. program obuhvata nameštaj svih vrsta i The exhibiting product range includes namena, proizvode za ure đ enje enterijera furniture of all types and purposes, i unutrašnju dekoraciju kao i mašine, the interior furnishing and decoration alate i repromaterijale koji se koriste u products, as well as machines, tools and kompleksnoj industriji nameštaja. production materials used in the complex Veliki broj kompanija po prvi put ć e furniture industry. nastupiti u našoj zemlji na ovogodišnjem Many companies will participate for the izdanju sajma koji je tradicionalno i centralno mesto za sagledavanje of the Fair being the traditional and kompletne produkcije doma ć ih central venue for review of the complete proizvo đač a. production of the local manufacturers. Oba doga đ aja neguju jasnu biznis Both events foster clear business orijentaciju i od velikog su zna č aja za orientation and they are of great doma ć u i regionalnu privredu. Za strane importance for the local and regional investitore tokom protekle decenije economy. For international investors drvna industrija Srbije bila je jedan od Serbian woodworking industry was in the najatraktivnijih sektora za ulaganje. Sve past decade one of the most attractive ve ć a orijentacija Sajma ka biznisu daje sectors for investment. The increasing zna č ajne rezultate. Sajam potencira Fair orientation to the business provides ulaganja i saradnju i sublimira iskustva investitora, doma ć ih privrednika i out investments and cooperation me đ unarodnih institucija na razli č itim and sublimes the experiences of the projektima u ovoj industriji. investors, local businessmen and Uz kolekcije brojnih izlaga č a iz zemlje international institutions on various i sveta, posetioci ć e tokom sajamskih projects in this industry. dana mo ć i da u ž ivaju i tokom tri posebna Beside the collections of many exhibitors doga đ aja posve ć ena dizajnu koja su se from Serbia and the world, during the ve ć ustalila u sajamskoj agendi tokom Fair days the visitors will be able to prethodnih godina. Izlo ž ba mladih enjoy also three special events devoted dizajnera pod nazivom "Young Designers to design, already included in the Fair Exhibition" okupi ć e mlade i perspektivne agenda in the previous years. The Young autore koji su dosadašnjim radom Designers Exhibition will gather young zaslu ž ili šansu da predstave svoje nove, and perspective authors who deserved kreativne ideje i proizvode. in their previous work the opportunity Prošlogodišnja novina bio je doga đ aj pod to feature their new creative ideas and nazivom "Design Talks", razgovori sa products. dizajnerima i arhitektama, bitnih aktera u Last year’s innovation was the event called industriji nameštaja, koji prenose vlastita Design Talks, the talks with designers and profesionalna iskustva, a koji se pokazao kao pun pogodak, te ć e i ove godine biti furniture industry, who transfer their own organizovan u istom formatu. professional experiences. It was proved Na kraju manifestacije internacionalni to be the right thing to do and thus it will ž iri dodeli ć e nagrade “Zlatni be organized at the same format also this klju č ” najuspešnijim izlaga č ima za 2018. year. godinu. Od ove godine, dodeljiva ć e se još At the end of the event, the international jedna, nova nagrada, “Sajamski klju č ”. jury will grant the Golden Key awards to Okupljanje tima internacionalnih the most successful exhibitors in 2018. eksperata koji odlu č uje o nagradi Since this year, another award, a new one, predstavlja te ž nju da se celokupni sajam Fair Key, will be granted, as well. sagleda iz me đ unarodne perspektive, Gathering of the team of international odnosno kao relevantna institucija na experts who decide about the award is the evropskoj mapi. wish to let the entire Fair be seen from the Internacionalni karakter, brojne international perspective, i.e. as a relevant premijere i najava trendova koji nas tek institution at the European map. o č ekuju na doma ć em i regionalnom The international character, many tr ž ištu, pozicioniraju Beogradski sajam premieres and trend announcement nameštaja na evropskoj mapi najbitnijih waiting for us at the local and regional doga đ aja. market position Belgrade Furniture Fair at U č esnicima 56. Me đ unarodnog sajma nameštaja, opreme i events. unutrašnjedekoracije i 56. Me đ unarodnog We wish successful participation and sajma mašina, alata i repromaterijala iz new business deals to the exhibitors at oblasti drvne industrije ž elimo uspešan the 56th International Fair of Furniture, nastup i nove poslovne aran ž mane, a Equipment and Interior Decoration and gostima Beograda i posetiocima sajma the 56 th International Fair of Woodworking ž elimo dobrodošlicu. Machines, Tools and Production Materials and welcome Belgrade guests and the Fair visitors. Danka Seli ć Danka Seli ć Generalni direktor Beogradskog sajma Belgrade Fair CEO
