safety pin

Safety PIN Friday 21 st June 2013 Presentation for DPU, UCL talk - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Safety PIN Friday 21 st June 2013 Presentation for DPU, UCL talk - feedback Wednesday, 21 August 13 1 WHY The construction and garments industries are dangerous and unjust. The collapse of the Rana Plaza, follows major deadly fires

  1. Safety PIN Friday 21 st June 2013 Presentation for DPU, UCL talk - feedback Wednesday, 21 August 13 1

  2. WHY • The construction and garments industries are dangerous and unjust. • The collapse of the Rana Plaza, follows major deadly fires at Tazreen (2012) and Hameem (2010) • Various institutions have pushed for monitoring, building demolition, biometrics and politics • Brands have signed up to Fire and Safety Accord devised by IndustriALL • Parliament is rushing through Bangladesh Labour Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 2 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 2

  3. SOME HISTORY >19 th century Bengal textiles flourish • Colonial deindustrialisation and the rise of the machines • 1947+ Factories largely not owned by Bengalis • 1952 The Building Construction Act • 1965 Factories Act • 1972 Industrial Nationalisation • 1974 New Investment Policy (post famine) • 1979 Daewoo Training Kick • 1980 First Export Processing Zone in Chittagong • 1982 New Industrial Policy: Denationalisation. RMG boom • Early 90s Growth of Knitwear • 1996 Buildings Act • 2005 The Multi Fibre Agreement ends: The world doesn’t. • 2006 Bangladesh Labour Act • 2012 Murder of worker’s activist Aminul Islam • 2013 Savar Disaster • Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 3 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 3

  4. INITIAL IDEA • To enable the transformation of garments factories in Bangladesh through a socially just process of creating dialogical relations between power holders, workers and the public. This will be realised by practical solidarity and social surveillance of factories, starting with building a relevant set of tools and providing Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 4 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 4

  5. NEW IDEA • To enable the transformation of the construction sector in Bangladesh through a socially just process of creating dialogical relations between power holders, workers and the public. Through piloting a project focused on mapping factories in Dhaka’s Savar and Mohakhali. Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 5 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 5

  6. THE TOOL-BOX To devise and create a robust online + o ffm ine tool sets that can train and help facilitate the documentation, monitoring and evaluating of factories and other buildings over time. Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 6 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 6

  7. OBJECTIVES? • To develop a robust and open source database • To train a group of people able to document, survey and map buildings by using tools provided • A written and visual report for dissemination to various audiences (Govt, Press, Communities, Factories, Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 7 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 7

  8. • To nurture a network and data resource base that carries weight with exploiters and exploitees. • To encourage public dialogue, scrutiny and reform of the garments and construction industry. Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 8 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 8

  9. Project Methodology > Develop a clear analytical framework and criterias for measurement > Develop the Terms of Reference + Risk assessments >ACTION RESEARCH : (August 2013 onwards) Fieldwork on 3 sites - collaboration with Google Map-makers of Dhaka + GIS layers) (fieldwork support from students and other relevant practitioners / professionals.) >RESEARCH ANALYSIS: Technical and qualititative analysis of gathered data and information. >TOOL-BOX: Development of Tool-box (accessible to workers, students, others to use as needed) (designers + trainers) > DISSEMINATION: online + o ffm ine platforms (tech-geeks / writing / film / presentations / photographs) / presentation to stakeholders for opportunities to scale to Divisional / national (communication + design strategy) Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 9 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 9

  10. Action research 1. Survey conditions 2. Sampling factors – social / economic / political / access 3 . Structural Engineering – building integrity a) Highlight di fg erent types of factories through: a.i) CAD Floor plans / elevations – highlighting entry/exit/ fire exits/ density a.ii) Sections showing access points / density issues b) Density ratios (e.g. how many fire exits per person?) c) Number of workers? / approx / or estimate from existing data d) How many di fg erent businesses operate from one factory? e) Where they supply to (if possible) – local / national / international – specific companies? Countries? f) Building integrity – construction / engineering components/ where is the generator located? size and brand g) Working conditions - light + air qualities / duration + breaks + commutes + harassment Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 10 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 10

  11. Sites selected • site 1a Mohakhali to airport road west of Banani, wall of factories. (retrofit types) this site is easy for students of Banani cluster to access • site 1b near BUET factories are for internal market. Bangabazar, Gulistan • site 2 Savar’s Ashiula Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 11 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 11

  12. Analysis a) Comparison of types of factories b) Establish and look to existing criteria’s for working conditions / building construction / engineering: and compare with existing factories. c) Recommendations d) for further work / research Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 12 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 12

  13. Dissemination • Develop an active website and online INDEPENDENT forum / space • Publication which includes recommendations for the Government, Factories, Unions, Workers and others interested in the development of the sector • Various presentations once final pilot established – ILO / Bd Govt / BGMEA / Etc / UK community > Brands, Diaspora Safety PIN ( Peoples Information Network) DPU, UCL presentation 21st 13 June 2013 Wednesday, 21 August 13 13

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