Finalist in Clair A. Hill Agency Award for Excellence Sacramento River Joint Intake and Fish Screen Project Reclamation District 2035/ Woodland-Davis Clean Water Agency RD 2035 Yolo County, CA
The project success was due to the collaboration of all parties involved RD 2035
RD 2035 RD 2035
The new facility replaced one of the largest unscreened intakes on the Sacramento River which dates back to 1919 New Facility Old Intake RD 2035
Restoring the ecosystem while building a more secure and sustainable water supply RD 2035
The new facility is a 400 cubic-feet-per-second screened diversion of river water RD 2035
Stainless Steel Profjle Screen, 1.75 mm openings RD 2035
Flow regulating baffmes for fjsh screens and automated traveling brush cleaner RD 2035
High pressure sediment control system to remove sediment from wetwell RD 2035
Refugia between each fjsh screen panel to protect juvenile salmonids from predator fjsh RD 2035
RD2035 and WDCWA pumps RD 2035
Siphon assist system for energy savings RD 2035
Electrical switch gear and control panel RD 2035
Outlet piping to deliver water to agricultural and urban communities RD 2035
The new joint intake and fjsh screen facility provides signifjcant benefjts to the environment, and supports the goals of protecting endangered fjshery species RD 2035
The new joint intake and fjsh screen facility provides a continued reliable water source for both agricultural and urban communities RD 2035
“A signifjcant milestone for the Anadromous Fish Screen Program, it represents completion of the screening of one of the last major large previously unscreened diversions on the Sacramento River.” Rick Woodley, the Bureau of Reclamation’s Regional Resources Manager RD 2035
“The project incorporates the very latest in fjsh screening design and technology, resulting in the highest levels of fjsh protection while still reliably providing water to farms, cities and wildlife habitats.” Dan Meier, Retired Program Manager for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Anadromous Fish Screen Program RD 2035
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