rosetta stone which was found in rashied in 1799 by

Rosetta stone which was found in Rashied in 1799 by French soldiers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rosetta stone which was found in Rashied in 1799 by French soldiers working at Rosetta (modern El-Rashied in the Nile Delta .a place not far from ALEXANDERIA. The stone has an inscription in three different forms of writing

  1. Rosetta stone which was found in Rashied in 1799 by French soldiers working at Rosetta (modern El-Rashied in the Nile Delta .a place not far from ALEXANDERIA. The stone has an inscription in three different forms of writing (Hieroglyphic-Demotic – Greek) . The precious find fell into the hands of the English in the wake of the defeat of NAPOLEON,s army in Egypt in 1801 , and was taken to the British museum . -for many years the stone presented a striking image , with bright white lettering.

  2. What kind OF stone IS ROS ETTA ? THE TYPE OF S TONE US ED WAS INVES TIGATED BY MAKING A THIN S ECTION FROM A S MALL FRAGMENT REMOVED FROM THE BACK OF THE S TONE . The section was examined using microscope . This allows the individual minerals that make up the stone to be identified.( GRANITE)

  3. The voice of ancient Egypt. Born at Figeac (FRANCE ) in 1790 . JEAN FRAANCOIS CHAMPOLLION soon concentred his studies on languages and the east in general , at the lycee of Grenoble and ,later ,in Paris ,at the college de France and the Ecole . JEAN spoke about ten languages and especially Coptic was of great use to him in his studies . When he was 18 years old . Chamopllion was made a professor at the univeristy of Grenoble , and he then spent the next studing the writing system of the ancient Egyptians. -Hieroglyphs. He based his appriash to the decipherment of this abstinate code , which had been taxing scholars for over a century ,on three fundamental and brilliant.

  4. The ROSETTA STONE WOULD HAVE This reconstruction of BEEN PLACED AGAINST A TEMPLE WALL, LIKE THIS ROUND – TOPPED the stela shows it might STELA IN THE TEMPLE OF isis of have looked. PHAILA.

  5. Where is rosetta stone in the British museum?

  6. WHO GUARDED Rosetta stone ?

  7. The goddess HATHOR 18 t h dynasty, about 1400 BC From THEBES , mortuary temple of Amenhotep 111 This fe mal figure wears a particular from of three part wig , which shows that she is a goddess , we know that she Hathor , although Her name is not found on this fragment , Egyptologists found the I nscribed lower S ection at the mortuary temple of Mernptah . The figure was once part of a large group , sitting to the left of the king Amenhotep 111 With the god Osiris on his right.

  8. The king Amenemhat 111 Head from a colossal statue of king Amenemhat 111 Black granite 12 t h dynasty, about 1830 B C From Bubastis This massive head comes from one of a pair of colossal statues set up in the temple of the cat – goddess Bastet at the city of Bubastis in the Nile shows the severe style of the late 12 th dynasty, and the striking appearance would have been enhanced by the inlaid eyes originally fitted in the sockets.

  9. The king Ramsses 11 About 1250 BC Thebes Granite This statue of the pharoah Ramsses 11 was designed to show him as a beneficent ruler , a mighty warrior and a living god.

  10. The king Amonhot ep 111 18 th dynast y, about 1370 B C From Thebes This fine sculpt ure st ood in t he king,s mort uary t emple t o t he west of t he NILe at Thebes. It was part of ext ensive arrary of which adorned t his t emple. archit ect ural sculpt ur

  11. The queen Ahmos – merytamon 18 th dynasty, about 1550 BC From Thebes This is upper half of a seated statue inscribed for Ahmos- mreytamon, the wife of Amonophis the lower half is still in S itu before the south face of the eight pylon in the temple of Karnak.the queen wears the wig the so-called Hathor.

  12. S ome visitors and some products of rosetta stone mugs and models of rosetta

  13. The visitors Never you can see rosetta stone alone . From the opening the museum till close the crowded around it .it is so difficult to take a photo to it .but I did.

  14. S HOPS Rosetta stone and its inscription in Different shapes . Y ou can find mugs , bags, models of rosetta stone Any sizes. And books , many book written about rosetta. Here some youth I asked about the best souveniers They would buy ? They answered , sure rosetta stone

  15. WHAT DO WANT TO S A Y TO Rosetta before leaving ?


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