Roofing: Functional Decomp. & Eng. Requirements Function Test Cleanliness Bacterial swab test after processing Can withstand pulling force of high Binding materials wind speeds or dismantling Assembly # of finished roofs Targets low income Take survey every month and set and homeless timeline goals populations Amount of water is suitable for Water collection sanitation or farming needs Withstand wind and Survives hurricane weather in Haiti water conditions
Roofing: Concepts & Feasibility
Roofing: Benchmarking Fizzy Bottle Hut Thatch Roof Tile Roof Traps less heat, dampens sound of Bottle designed to bend into tiling Built from 7000+ bottles rainwater for roofs (David Saiia, Professor of strategic management (Donald Thompson, Canadian designer and (William Waterhouse & Linda Loakes) and sustainability at Duquesne University) entrepreneur)
Roofing: Benchmarking Haitian “Gingerbread Typical Rainwater Catch System Solar Water Disinfection Houses” Victorian-inspired design Design for rainwater collection usually Water treated by sunlight for that survived in earthquake involves gutter and cistern systems 6+ hours kills pathogens (William Waterhouse & Linda Loakes) (Professor/Researcher Jose Payero) (Swiss group SODIS)
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