rock paper fibers

Rock-Paper-Fibers Bringing Physical Affordance to Mobile Touch - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rock-Paper-Fibers Bringing Physical Affordance to Mobile Touch Devices Frederik Rudeck Patrick Baudisch Preview Motivation on current touch devices, every interaction feels the same Microsoft Surface Jord, S., et al. The reacTable. TEI

  1. Rock-Paper-Fibers Bringing Physical Affordance to Mobile Touch Devices Frederik Rudeck Patrick Baudisch

  2. Preview

  3. Motivation

  4. on current touch devices, every interaction feels the same Microsoft Surface™

  5. Jordà, S., et al. The reacTable. TEI ’07.

  6. Rekimoto, J., et al. DataTiles. CHI ’01.

  7. Goal: bring custom-shaped physical controls to mobile touch devices

  8. Rock-Paper-Fibers

  9. Main Idea: create physical affordance by reshaping the device

  10. Main Idea: create physical affordance by reshaping the device this limits users to one widget at a time, but it is efficient using bimanual interaction

  11. Benefit/Contribution: • physical affordance by deforming the device as to best match the interaction at hand • mobility by serializing the interaction

  12. Limitations: • repeated reconfiguration requires additional time and manual skills • the range of widgets is limited we address both later with wedges&clamps

  13. Hardware Prototype

  14. fiber optic bundle web cam casing

  15. Recognition

  16. Guessing Game: slider or play button

  17. Challenge: • fiber location is meaningless • however, number of touched fibers is meaningful

  18. count the number of touched fiber over time # touched # touched fiber fiber t t

  19. convolution of finger and fiber bundle shape

  20. slider

  21. play button

  22. Processing

  23. # touched fiber t

  24. match pattern against a database of labeled widget templates # touched fiber matching t

  25. recognition rate of first time use 100 92.4 92.4 88.7 85.0 80 66.2 62.6 62.6 60 40 20 0 9 participants, 3 repetitions each

  26. Wedges, Clamps and Sieves

  27. wedges create multiple widgets

  28. clamps give widgets custom shape

  29. large interaction surface sieve ring

  30. large interaction surface

  31. Conclusion

  32. Rock-paper-fibers: • bring physical affordance to mobile touch devices • users reshape the touch device itself • additional expressiveness by using wedges and clamps

  33. Vision :: touch pads that we can really reconfigure

  34. we think of rock-paper-fibers as a reconfigurable touch pad

  35. we just started to bend devices... Lahey, B., et al. PaperPhone. CHI ’11.

  36. …we have started to stretch touch devices... Wimmer, R., and Baudisch, P . Touch using TDR. UIST ’11.

  37. …but this is just the first step

  38. reconfigure the device into whatever it takes to best support our task at hand

  39. we think of rock-paper-fibers as the first step in this direction

  40. CHI 2009 - nominated CHI 2010 UIST 2010 CHI 2011 UIST 2009 UIST 2010 CHI 2011 CHI 2010 CHI 2010 - best paper CHI 2011 berlin we have one open PhD/postdoc position Patrick Baudisch

  41. Rock-Paper-Fibers Bringing Physical Affordance to Mobile Touch Devices Frederik Rudeck Patrick Baudisch


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