rock prairie

Rock Prairie Campus Improvement Plan 2009-2010 Rock Prairie - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rock Prairie Campus Improvement Plan 2009-2010 Rock Prairie Elementary where teachers and students Celebrate Learning Page 1 Rock Prairie Elementary Goals and Objectives 2009-2010 Goal 1: Rock Prairie provides opportunities for each

  1. Rock Prairie Campus Improvement Plan 2009-2010 Rock Prairie Elementary where teachers and students “Celebrate Learning” Page 1

  2. Rock Prairie Elementary Goals and Objectives 2009-2010 Goal 1: Rock Prairie provides opportunities for each individual student to successfully achieve his/her maximum potential. (Correlate - District Goal 1.) Objectives: 1. Each Rock Prairie student will be given opportunities to achieve the state standards and reach commended performance status in reading, writing, and math. 2. Instructional gaps and redundancies will be identified through district curriculum development and testing data. 3. Instructional gaps will be eliminated among sub populations served at Rock Prairie Elementary. Goal 2: Rock Prairie creates a supportive environment for the unique needs of all student groups. (Correlate - District Goal 2.) Objectives: 1. Students will be provided with appropriate instruction along with classroom accommodations. 2. Support teachers and staff will provide supplemental instruction that accelerates and/or reinforces regular classroom instruction. 3. Teachers will regularly evaluate students to document progress. Page 2

  3. Goal 3: Rock Prairie encourages parent and community involvement and communication. (Correlate - District Goal 4.) Objectives: 1. Rock Prairie will seek opportunities to create an atmosphere that encourages all parents to participate in their child’s education and to foster positive parent and community relations. 2. Rock Prairie will provide opportunities to enhance family support for student achievement. Goal 4: Rock Prairie provides a positive, safe, healthy and productive learning and working environment for staff and students. (Correlate – District Goal 5.) Objectives: 1. Rock Prairie students will attend school at least 97% of the instructional school days. 2. Rock Prairie staff will utilize safety plans and training strategies to promote a safe school culture. 3. Rock Prairie faculty and students will follow rules and procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and Rock Prairie Student Handbook. Page 3

  4. Foreword The 2008 - 2009 TAKS data provided a baseline for Rock Prairie. In the 3rd grade, 99% of the students met the reading standard established by Texas. The 4th graders also met the standard with 98% success. On the math test, 99% of 3rd grade students met the standard while 100% of the 4th grade students met the standard. In writing, 98% of the 4th grade students met the TAKS standard. During the course of the school year, we will continue to address the needs of the following student groups as a campus. • African/American students in math (100%), reading (100%), and writing (88%). • Economically disadvantaged students in math (98%), reading (98%), and writing (95%). • Hispanic students in math (95%), reading (91%), and writing (86%). After receiving the 2008-2009 TAKS results, as a campus, we will re-evaluate student performance by objective and by curriculum area so that we can continue to incorporate strategies to improve individual student scores. We are continuing to implement the following practices from our 2008 - 2009 Campus Improvement Plan during the 2009- 2010 school year. • The staff will plan and implement effective practices to meet the needs of all students. • Identify K through 4th grade students who need support in the areas of math, reading, and writing. • Using tutors to work one on one and in small groups with our African/American, Hispanic, and Economically Disadvantaged students or any other student identified as being at-risk of not meeting academic standards. • The SIT will meet weekly to monitor identified student’s progress and recommend research based interventions to classroom teachers. We will continue to determine campus level professional development based on student and staff data. One of our priorities is being sensitive to meeting the needs of all students so that each can be successful. The driving force behind our decisions, programs, and re- evaluations is the individual needs of students. Rock Prairie teachers and staff will continue to be open to initiatives and activities that lead them towards the ideal meaning of “the way we do business” in this district so that each day, every student is successful in learning. Page 4

  5. Campus Improvement Committee 2009-2010 Mike Martindale Principal 764-5570 Kathryn Ballard Academic Coordinator 764-5570 Brenda Germenis Counselor 764-5570 Suzanne Gallagher Enrichment Coordinator 764-5570 Lora Nolen Instructional Coach/Special Education 764-5570 Kristen Devine Head Start 764-5570 Renee Pratt Kindergarten Teacher 764-5570 Keri Bedard First Grade Teacher 764-5570 Paula Roddy Second Grade Teacher 764-5570 Jane VanGuilder Third Grade Teacher 764-5570 Keri Foley Fourth Grade Teacher 764-5570 Don Weir CAMP Team 764-5570 Kathy Barker Math Specialist 764-5570 Cheryl Westervelt Reading Early Interventionist 764-5570 Kristi Mueller Parent Representative 764-5570 Amy Heye Community Representative 696-0205 John Crockett Business Representative - MicroAge 846-9727 Page 5

  6. Goal 1: Rock Prairie provides opportunities for each individual student to successfully achieve his/her maximum potential. Objective 1: Each Rock Prairie student will be given opportunities to achieve the state standards and reach commended performance status in reading, writing, and math. Summative: 2008-2009 TAKS Results in Reading, Writing, & Math. Activity Person Responsible Evaluation Resource/Cost Time Frame 1.1.1 Assessment data will be Administration AIMS Web, CSISD Aug 09 –June 10 TAKS, TPRI, Running disaggregated and continually K– 4 Teachers Assessment Records, CBM-Math, monitored to identify areas of Coordinator, Reading Benchmarks need. DMAC (fluency, accuracy, comprehension) 1.1.2 Individual student needs will be Administration AIMS Web, Aug 09 –July 10 AIMS Web, TAKS, addressed through differentiated Classroom Professional TPRI, Running instruction in core subjects based Teachers K-4 Development Records, Progress on frequent on-going assessments Technology Materials, Rock Reports, Facilitator Prairie Staff Read Naturally, Read Well, CBM – Math, Accelerated Reading, PDAS, Walk-Throughs 1.1.3 Instructional staff will strive to All Instructional Staff Development Aug 09 –May 10 TAKS, TPRI, Running actively engage all learners Staff & materials Records, PDAS, Walk through the implementation of Administration Throughs Design Qualities. Page 6

  7. Goal 1: Rock Prairie provides opportunities for each individual student to successfully achieve his/her maximum potential. Objective 2: Instructional gaps and redundancies will be identified through district curriculum development and testing data. Summative: Scope and Sequence Documents Activity Person Responsible Evaluation Resource/Cost Time Frame 1.2.1 Scope and Sequence documents PLC, Leadership Campus Budget Aug 09 –May 10 Scope and Sequence will be used to support Team, Principal, documents in place, vertical/horizontal team meetings, Academic Vertical/Horizontal Professional Learning Coordinator Team meeting agendas, Community(PLC) meetings, Teachers PLC and Leadership instructional faculty meetings, Team minutes, leadership team meetings and Administrative instructional Evaluations classroom planning. 1.2.2 Curriculum alignment based on PLC, Leadership Campus Budget Aug 09 –May 10 Scope and Sequence TEKS standards. Team, documents Academic Coordinator Classroom teachers Page 7

  8. Goal 1: Rock Prairie provides opportunities for each individual student to successfully achieve his/her maximum potential. Objective 3: Instructional gaps will be eliminated among sub populations served at Rock Prairie Elementary. Summative: 2008-2009 TAKS Results in Reading, Writing, & Math and 2008-2009 Grade Distribution Activity Person Responsible Evaluation Resource/Cost Time Frame 1.3.1 Campus-wide full scale PLC, Principal, AIMS Web, Sept 09 – April 10 CBM - Math/TAKS benchmark assessments aligned Academic DMAC, TAKS Release Tests results in with TEKS. Coordinator, Release Tests, TAKS K – 4 Teachers CBM - Math 1.3.2 Ensure students identified PLC, TAKS Release Oct 09 –April 10 CBM - Math/TAKS through benchmark assessments Administration, Tests, CBM – Release Tests results in receive interventions support. K – 4 Classroom Math, AIMS Web TAKS teachers, Intervention and Specialist teachers 1.3.3 Establish parent conferences with PLC, Principal, Benchmark and Oct 09 –April 10 Parent conferences identified students through Academic assessment results occur with all students on October 12 th with benchmark and assessment Coordinator, programs. 3 – 4 Teachers required follow-up conferences in the spring 1.3.4 Monitor grades and progress Principal, 6 week grade Sept 09 –May 10 End of each grading among all populations served on Academic distribution cycle and cumulative campus. Coordinator, reports, AIMS end-of-year grade All Teachers, Web, DMAC distribution report Page 8


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