road is issues

Road Is Issues East Stoney Lake Cottage Association (ESLCA) Where - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ESLCA Stoney Lake Cottage rs Association Road Is Issues East Stoney Lake Cottage Association (ESLCA) Where is ESLCA? We had an AGM from Hell. Which forced us to: Move from handshakes to written agreements and informed consent

  1. ESLCA Stoney Lake Cottage rs’ Association Road Is Issues East Stoney Lake Cottage Association (ESLCA)

  2. Where is ESLCA?

  3. We had an AGM from Hell………. Which forced us to: • Move from handshakes to written agreements and informed consent • Talking to conservation authority vs. just getting work done • Collaboration with Township on planning • 5 Year road plan which is now going on for 10 years • Communicate before, during and after road work • Raise annual fees $65 to $125 to $200

  4. Where did we go wrong? • Replaced a culvert with a larger one, • in a wet Fall, • no contact with conservation authority, • downstream from a wetland, upstream from a brand-new cottage in a low-lying flat — with a basement, poor (verbal only) communication; • we then dug in our heels when we were very much in the wrong………….. Then came the AGM

  5. Lessons Learned: • Township Roads Manager is your NBFF • Written 5 road plan, minor revision renewed for 5 more years • Longer term road improvement projection based road fees

  6. New issues coming up: • Clear garbage bags • Challenging thinking on insurance costs and risk management planning • Use of social media and website for communication • Electronic billing • Lobbying

  7. Why Lobbying: • ESLCA Municipal taxes that are billed for the 69 properties for 2017 on our private roads are $265,898.56 • this amount includes the county and education levies- that the township has no control over. • The municipal portion of this total amount is approximately 35%. • Majority of the cottagers are paying taxes for services we do not use, this creates an argument approaching our township to request financial support/grant funding for road costs


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