ESLCA Stoney Lake Cottage rs’ Association Road Is Issues East Stoney Lake Cottage Association (ESLCA)
Where is ESLCA?
We had an AGM from Hell………. Which forced us to: • Move from handshakes to written agreements and informed consent • Talking to conservation authority vs. just getting work done • Collaboration with Township on planning • 5 Year road plan which is now going on for 10 years • Communicate before, during and after road work • Raise annual fees $65 to $125 to $200
Where did we go wrong? • Replaced a culvert with a larger one, • in a wet Fall, • no contact with conservation authority, • downstream from a wetland, upstream from a brand-new cottage in a low-lying flat — with a basement, poor (verbal only) communication; • we then dug in our heels when we were very much in the wrong………….. Then came the AGM
Lessons Learned: • Township Roads Manager is your NBFF • Written 5 road plan, minor revision renewed for 5 more years • Longer term road improvement projection based road fees
New issues coming up: • Clear garbage bags • Challenging thinking on insurance costs and risk management planning • Use of social media and website for communication • Electronic billing • Lobbying
Why Lobbying: • ESLCA Municipal taxes that are billed for the 69 properties for 2017 on our private roads are $265,898.56 • this amount includes the county and education levies- that the township has no control over. • The municipal portion of this total amount is approximately 35%. • Majority of the cottagers are paying taxes for services we do not use, this creates an argument approaching our township to request financial support/grant funding for road costs
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