road commission of kalamazoo county rckc and kalamazoo

Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) and Kalamazoo Township - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) and Kalamazoo Township December 11, 2017 Investing in Roads NOW For our FUTURE 1 Your Local Road Professionals since 1909 How many local miles of road were improved

  1. Road Commission of Kalamazoo County (RCKC) and Kalamazoo Township December 11, 2017 Investing in Roads NOW For our FUTURE 1 Your Local Road Professionals since 1909

  2. How many local miles of road were improved over three years? 1. 38 miles 0% 2. 47 miles 8% 54% 3. 56 miles 38% 4. 65 miles 2 010 13

  3. How many tons of hot mix asphalt (HMA) were used over three years for local roads? 1. 50,000 tons 0% 2. 65,000 tons 14% 29% 3. 80,000 tons 57% 4. 100,000 tons 3 010 14

  4. Construction Season 2015 - 2017 FAST FACTS  64.36 Miles of Local Road Improvements  75 Miles Total Local Roads in the Township  99,513 Tons of HMA  667,143 Square Yards of Cold Milling  746 Drainage Spillways  225 Drainage Structures 4

  5. Construction Season 2017 FAST FACTS  19.43 Miles of Local Road Improvements  2015 = 25  2016 19.93  25,946 Tons of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)  2015 = 32,545  2016 = 41,022  187,616 Square Yards of Cold Milling  2015 = 220,049  2016 = 259,478  188 Drainage Spillways  2015 = 356  2016 = 202  34 Drainage Structures  2015 = 87 5  2016 = 104

  6. OR Better S aid… 443 Statue of Liberty National Monuments of HMA 6

  7. OR… 104 Football Fields of Cold Milling 7

  8. OR… 254,000 Gallons would fit in the new drains… 2,540 Bath Tubs 635 Jacuzzis 2 1/2 Average Swimming Pools 8

  9. Construction Season 2017 FAST FACTS  0 Feet Concrete Curb and Gutter  2015 = 823  2016 = 1,682  RCKC Maintenance  11 YTD Stop Signs Replaced  2015 = 223  2016 = 18  $4,088 YTD Tree Trimming  2015 = $2,300  2016 = $86,000  $8,181 YTD Brush Removal  2015 = $7,300  2016 = $5,000  $60,602 YTD Inspections and Cleaning Drainage Structures 9  2016 $87,000

  10. Construction Season 2017 FAST FACTS  Stewart Street Culvert Estimate $175,839  Coordination of 200+ Lead Service Lines with the City of Kalamazoo  Coordination of 5 Consumers Energy Gas Main Projects 10

  11. Construction Season 2015 - 2017 FAST FACTS  Estimated Total: $9,888,066  Final Approximate Total: $8,230,000  Approximately: -$1,658,066  12 informational meetings held in Westwood, Eastwood, Northwood - OUTREACH! 11

  12. Construction Season 2017 FAST FACTS  Estimated Total: $2,900,066  2015 = $3,027,000  2016 = $3,961,000  Final Approximate Total: $2,070,000  2015 = $2,510,000  2016 = $3,650,000  Approximately: -$830,066  2015 = -$517,000  2016 = -$311,000  Number of Change Orders 7  2015 = 12 12  2016 = 9

  13. Construction Season 2017 FAST FACTS  Start Date: May 19 th  2015 = May 25 th  2016 = May 1 st  End Date: November 10 th  2015 = November 1 st  2016 = November 15 th  Service Requests: 544 (Most prior to construction/includes primary roads)  2015 = 463 (481 in 2014)  2016 = 372 13  Not counting requests to the Township Highway Commissioner/Supervisor

  14. Contractor Partnerships 2015 - 2017  Rieth Riley  JL Milling  Caporossi Construction LLC  Remington Construction  Northern Construction  Rathco S afety S upply  James E. Fulton & S ons  RCKC Team  Pipeline Maintenance  S uperior S weeping  City of Kalamazoo 14  Consumers Energy

  15. How much money did RCKC invest in Kalamazoo Township roads over the last 3 years? 1. $950,000 0% 2. $1,500,000 13% 33% 3. $2,400,000 53% 4. $2,700,000 15 010 15

  16. RCKC Project Investments 2015 - 2017  Primary Road $1,873,313.61 in S tructural and Preventive Maintenance (not including rout ine maint enance, et c.)  Local Road Participation Funds $550,342.47  Total $2,423,656.08  Plus $335,000.00 Trees,Brush,Drains,Signs 16

  17. What is the acronym for the Asset Management rating system RCKC uses to rate roads? 1. THUMBS 0% 2. BUMP 7% 7% 3. TASER 86% 4. PASER 17 010 14

  18. PASER System PASER 10, 9, 8 PASER 7, 6, 5 PASER 4, 3, 2, 1 Preventive: Routine: Rehabilitation/ Chip Seal Crack Fill Reconstruction: Hot Mix Asphalt Minor Patching Resurface (HMA) Wedging Pulverize/HMA Paving Concrete Joint Repair Replace Concrete Slab Reconstruction P AS ER – Pavement S urf ace Evaluat ion & Rat ing S yst em

  19. What was our Kalamazoo Township local road Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) in 2015? 1. 4.2 21% 2. 4.6 43% 29% 3. 5.1 7% 4. 5.3 19 010 14

  20. What is our Kalamazoo Township local road Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER) today? 1. 4.6 0% 2. 6.0 17% 8% 3. 7.1 75% 4. 8.2 20 010 12

  21. 2015 Asset Management Ratings Map Kalamazoo Township

  22. 2016 Asset Management Ratings Map Kalamazoo Township

  23. 2017 Beginning Asset Management Ratings Map Kalamazoo Township

  24. 2017 Final Asset Management Ratings Map Kalamazoo Township

  25. Kalamazoo Township 3 Year Local Road PASER Summary 9 8 8.2 7 6 7.1 5 6.4 4 Insert here 6 3 4.6 2 1 0 26 2015 2016 2017 Now primary

  26. How many miles of new sidewalks were added between 2015-2017? 1. 1.8 Miles 0% 2. 2.1 Miles 7% 53% 3. 2.8 Miles 40% 4. 3.5 Miles 27 010 15

  27. Non-motorized 2015 - 2017  Over 44 “orphaned sidewalks” installed to connect existing sidewalks to roadways and to replace curb and gutter barriers with ADA-compliant ramps  100 small sidewalk repairs (each consisting of typically 1-7 concrete slabs) on high-use, existing sidewalks  4+ miles of signed, bicycle routes  2.8 miles of new sidewalks adjacent to primary and other busy roads, including portions of Grand Prairie Road, Nazareth Road, Sunnyside Drive, Kendall Avenue, Olmstead Road, and West Main Street/M-43 Data Courtesy of Steven C. Leuty, Kalamazoo Township Trustee 28

  28. 29

  29. Where are we today?  Best Local Roads in the County!  Remaining projects for treatments in 2018  Dayton and Stewart  Approximately 1 Mile  Maintenance, Maintenance –Asset Management!  MOST IMPORTANTLY A GREAT PARTNERSHIP AND COLLABORATIVE EFFORT BUILT ON TRUST AND COOPERATION IN PUBLIC 30 SERVICE!

  30. Award Winning  2015 Organizational Award from Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council  2015 Project of the Year Award from S outhwest Branch of the American Public Works Association (APWA) for the Kalamazoo Township Local Infrastructure 3 Y ear Plan proj ect in the category of Transportation – Greater Than $2 Million.  2016 Don Martin, Highway Commissioner  Recognized by RCKC for his LEADERS HIP  2016 Douglas Davidson Recognized by RCKC for his work in the Cumberland S treet proj ect and neighborhood notifications  2016 Aaron Srackangast , RCKC Employee  Recognized for his work on inspect ing proj ect s and public 31 relat ions


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