Kalamazoo Valley Community Kalamazoo Valley Community College College Employee Wellness Program Employee Wellness Program
Getting started: The Getting started: The Vision Vision � Health and Wellness in the new Health and Wellness in the new � Millennium Millennium � Leadership Leadership � � Culture Culture �
Program Goals Program Goals � Assist employees to improve their Assist employees to improve their � health and well- -being being health and well � Encourage and support healthier Encourage and support healthier � lifestyles through wellness lifestyles through wellness interventions interventions
Goals Goals � Create a culture of Wellness at Create a culture of Wellness at � Kalamazoo Valley Community College Kalamazoo Valley Community College � Reduce health Reduce health- -care costs to care costs to � employees and the college employees and the college
Holtyn & Associates – – Holtyn & Associates Wellness Services Wellness Services � Confidentiality Confidentiality � � Bio Bio- -metric Measures metric Measures � � Wellness Coaching Wellness Coaching � � Health Survey Health Survey � � Corporate Report Corporate Report �
On Site Resources On Site Resources � Wellness and Wellness and � Fitness Center Fitness Center
Fitness Classes Fitness Classes
Personal Training Personal Training
Workshops Workshops
KVCC Corporate Wellness Report KVCC Corporate Wellness Report December 2007 December 2007
KVCC Heart Disease Risks KVCC Heart Disease Risks Start 2001 – – December December Start 2001 2007 2007 60% 60% 50% 47% 45% 45% 40% 33% 2001- 193 emp. 29% 30% Nov. 2006 - 332 emp 20% Dec. 2007 - 334 emp 12% 10% 10% 9% 9% 8% 10% 7% 2% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% Poor Overweight High BP Chol. >200 Smoking Glucose Fitness %fat
KVCC KVCC Heart Disease Risks Per Employee Heart Disease Risks Per Employee Fitness, BP, Cholesterol, Waist, Smoking, Glucose Fitness, BP, Cholesterol, Waist, Smoking, Glucose 70% 66% 60% 60% 50% 40% 2001 224 emp 32% 2006 332 emp. 27% 30% 26% 2007 334 emp. 23% 18% 20% 11% 10% 9% 10% 4%1% 3% 2% 0% 0% 0 Risks 1 Risk 2 Risks 3 Risks 4 Risks
KVCC Heart Disease Risks KVCC Heart Disease Risks vs. vs. Michigan Michigan 70% 61% 60% 50% 50% 45% 44% 44% 42% 45% Michigan 40% KVCC 2004 33% 32% 30% 30% KVCC 2005 29% 27% 24% KVCC 2006 20% 15%15% KVCC 2007 10% 10% 10%9% 8% 10% 10% 7% 4% 3% 2% 3% 0% 1% 1%1% 0% Poor Fitness Overweight High BP Chol. >200 Smoking Glucose %fat
KVCC 12 Lifestyle Risk Factors KVCC 12 Lifestyle Risk Factors Goal: 70% No/Low Risk Goal: 70% No/Low Risk 73%74%77% 80% Fitness Fitness 1. 1. 70% Weight Weight 2. 2. Blood Pressur Blood Pressur 3. 3. 60% Cholesterol Cholesterol 4. 4. 50% Glucose Glucose 5. 5. 2005 Smoking Smoking 6. 6. 40% 2006 Stress Stress 7. 7. 30% Coping Coping 2007 8. 8. 21%21%18% Depression Depression 9. 9. 20% Alcohol Alcohol 10. 10. 6% 4% 4% 10% Fruit/ Fiber Fruit/ Fiber 11. 11. Fat I ntake Fat I ntake 12. 12. 0% No-Low 0-2 Med 3-4 High 5+ These “12 lifestyle risks have been associated with increased medical cost and lost productivity.” Goetzel RZ, et. al. (1998, October). The relationship between modifiable health risks and health care expenditures: An analysis of the multi-employer HERO health risk and cost database. JOEM, 40(10):843-54.
Health I nsurance % I ncrease Health I nsurance % I ncrease U.S vs. Kalamazoo Valley Community U.S vs. Kalamazoo Valley Community College College 15 11.7 11.4 11.2 9.2 10 6 3.5 3.5 5 U.S. Av. KVCC 0 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Projected -5 -7.5 -10 KVCC Wellness program implemented in 2001. Health plan costs 2001,2002,2003 double digit
KVCC KVCC Employee/ Spouse Health Employee/ Spouse Health I nterests I nterests � 64% Increase physical activity 64% Increase physical activity � � 95% Spouse 95% Spouse � � 68%% Lose weight 68%% Lose weight � � 86% Spouse 86% Spouse � � 43% Reduce fat intake 43% Reduce fat intake � � 57% Spouse 57% Spouse � � 29% Cope better with stress 29% Cope better with stress � � 38% Spouse 38% Spouse �
Wellness Goals for KVCC Wellness Goals for KVCC � 75% Participation 75% Participation � – 94% Participation 94% Participation Goal achieved Goal achieved – � 70% No or low risk based on 12 Lifestyle factors 70% No or low risk based on 12 Lifestyle factors � – 77% 77% Goal achieved Goal achieved – � 50% No CVD risks 50% No CVD risks � – 66% 66% Goal achieved Goal achieved – � Culture of Wellness Culture of Wellness � – “ “Achieving and in process Achieving and in process” ” High Support and Peer High Support and Peer – Scores Scores � Maintain all above goals for multiple years (Six Years Maintain all above goals for multiple years (Six Years � to Date) to Date) Goal achieved with continuing improvements Goal achieved with continuing improvements
Holtyn & Associates, LLC Holtyn & Associates, LLC � Ken Holtyn Ken Holtyn �
Why KVCC Works! Why KVCC Works! � Strong and Strong and continued continued Leadership Leadership � Support Support � Program is Comprehensive, works with Program is Comprehensive, works with � and engages each individual and engages each individual � Creates a culture of wellness Creates a culture of wellness �
How Leadership at KVCC supports How Leadership at KVCC supports wellness wellness Describe the wellness program in a way that employees understand. . Describe the wellness program in a way that employees understand 1. 1. Express enthusiasm for the wellness initiative. Express enthusiasm for the wellness initiative. 2. 2. Share how I personally benefit from wellness. Share how I personally benefit from wellness. 3. 3. Help employees to see how they may personally benefit from welln Help employees to see how they may personally benefit from wellness. ess. 4. 4. Discuss why wellness is among the top organizational priorities. Discuss why wellness is among the top organizational priorities. 5. 5. Explain how employees can participate in the wellness effort. Explain how employees can participate in the wellness effort. 6. 6. Ask for employee input about the wellness effort. Ask for employee input about the wellness effort. 7. 7. Make lifestyle choices that demonstrate my commitment to wellness. Make lifestyle choices that demonstrate my commitment to wellnes s. 8. 8. Participate in the wellness program. Participate in the wellness program. 9. 9. Eliminate and reduce barriers to healthy lifestyles. Eliminate and reduce barriers to healthy lifestyles. 10. 10. Recruit and select people for their openness to pursuing wellness. s. Recruit and select people for their openness to pursuing wellnes 11. 11. See to it that new people are aware of the wellness program. See to it that new people are aware of the wellness program. 12. 12. See to it that people are taught skills needed to achieve their wellness goals. wellness goals. See to it that people are taught skills needed to achieve their 13. 13. Establish wellness traditions and rituals. Establish wellness traditions and rituals. 14. 14. See to it that individuals get regular lifestyle assessments. See to it that individuals get regular lifestyle assessments. 15. 15. See to it that work teams are given collective feedback regardin See to it that work teams are given collective feedback regarding wellness. g wellness. 16. 16. To use wellness activities for team building. To use wellness activities for team building. 17. 17. See to it that adequate time, space, and other resources are available for wellness practices. ilable for wellness practices. See to it that adequate time, space, and other resources are ava 18. 18. Reward and recognize individuals for their wellness efforts. Reward and recognize individuals for their wellness efforts. 19. 19. Reward and recognize groups and work teams for their collective wellness efforts. Reward and recognize groups and work teams for their collective wellness efforts. 20. 20. Adapted from: Adapted from: Lifegain Lifegain Health Culture Audit , Health Culture Audit , Dr. Judd Allen. Dr. Judd Allen.
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