European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Road ad Ma Markin ings: An essent ntial l contrib ibut utor or to Road ad Safe fety Rik k Nuy uytte ttens Vice-President European Union Road Federation (ERF) ZVÖ Ö Fa Fach chtag agung Trend Hotel West Salzburg, Östenreich 12. November 2015 1
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Ro Road marki rkings : one of one of the the most st cos cost-ef effecti ective e safety ety soluti utions ons BU BUT Fiscal cal pres essure e on state b te budgets ets Mor ore foc ocus on on vehicle and d dr driv iver’s beha haviour our Declining quality ty of of roa oad marki kings Impact act on saf afety ety and d economy nomy 2
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Some Some criti itical issu ssues 3
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Declin inin ing inves estm tments nts into nto road oads Confirmed by the EC DG Move White Paper for Transport 2020-2050 4
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Poor oor investm tment ents into to road oads COU OURT OF OF AUDITORS S REPOR EPORT 2 2011 GERMA MANY (Schles eswig-Holstei tein) Expen enditu tures es in n roa oad marki kings : inef effecti ective Reasons ons: : choice ce of of marki king type pes in in t tende ders Low Low perfor orming ng pain int (>75% 75% of th the cas e cases es) Markin ings gs in invisible in in ra rainy condit ditio ions ( (85% 85% of th the e cas cases es) 5
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Declin inin ing qualit lity of of r roa oad marki rkings 2012 VTI SU TI SURVEY ( (Swed eden en) Per erce centa tage of of r roa oad markin ings gs fulf lfilli lling requi uirement nt: Less ss th than an 50 % 50 % of of markings for or dry ry r roa oad markin ings gs 21% 21% of of markin ings gs fo for we wet-ro road markin ings gs 6
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Ro Road marki rkings not not replac aced ed as s need needed 2012 R 2 RSMA exten tensive e survey ey / 7250 7250 k km of ro roads (Englan and, Scotl tlan and a and W Wales es) CONCLUSION IONS Imme mmedi diate replace acemen ent require red on: on: 40% 40% markin ings gs on S on Scot otland mot otorways and du d dual carriag ageway ays 40% 40% markin ings gs on d on dua ual carriageways in W in Wale les Imme mmedi diate or or schedu dule led re repair req equired ed on: on: 38% 38% markin ings gs on d on dua ual carriageways maintai tained ed by by HA HA in in En Englan and 25% 25% markin ings gs on H on HA s sin ingle carriageway (19% 19% schedu dule led) 7
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Agei eing ng Pop opul ulation i in n Eur urope Growi owing ng part t of the populati tion More e mobile Reduced ced vision on capaci aciti ties es / Long Longer reacti ction times es Speci cific requirem emen ents ts fo for better ter quality ty marki kings 8
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon A Roa A R oad tha that a car a car cannot nnot re read La Lane ne depar artu ture Warn rning System tems can can pro rovide significan cant benef efits ts… … if th the e mark rkings ar are e visible 9
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon SO SOLUTIONS EXI S EXIST Cas Case studies es 10
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Case e Stud tudy – Cheshi hire e Coun ounty Counci uncil ( (2007) 007) High ighway sect ection (A (A55 556) 16 16 persona onal injuri ries es during th the 3 e 3 previous ous years rs Estimated ted societal etal co cost: 1, 1,4 4 M M £ £ Applica cation of of we wet-night t visible r e road marki kings 11
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon Case e Stud tudy – Michi higan ( n (2006) 006) Study to assess benefit of wider road markings Before (2001 – 2003) / after (2005 – 2006) analysis 12
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion EU funded project (2013 -2015) Driver impact study to understand the effectiveness of reflective road markings : Dry – Wet – Rain One step further than COST 331. Compare Age and Gender Consortium : ERF European Union Road Federation 3M Germany (Lab) Aximum France ( Develter Driver Simulator) Test &Training Austria (Track Test) Road Safety Marking Association (RSMA) UK (Road Tests) 13
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion Milestones : Driver Simulator : Establish wet-night visibility levels with significant impact on driving behaviour (age and gender) Test Track : Reproduce the findings towards towards real-life situations Improve high accident areas using different road markings – monitor speed and incidents. 14
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion : Te Test Track ck MMI = RL (dry) 570 - 685mcd/m² lx (exceeding Class R5 in EN 1436) RL(wet) 3 -12mcd/m² lx (RW0 = no wet reflectivity performance according to EN 1436) MMII = RL (dry) 407 - 572mcd/m² lx (exceeding Class R5 in EN 1436) RL (wet) 43 - 112mcd/m² lx (Class RW2 – RW4 ) 15
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion : Te Test Track ck 16
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion : Te Test Track ck : : Exper erience nce 17
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion : Te Test Track ck : : Beha haviour our Left turn 18
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion : Te Test Track ck : S Speed ed 19
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon RainVis isio ion : : Overa rall Conc nclus usion ons « MM II » Markings generally prefered by all drivers Better « wet-night visibility » assists all drivers and does not cause « unsafe » driving and speeding. All age groups benefit, especially elder drivers. Better visibility of the road network promotes more comfort and road safety. Technology exists – European Norms (EN1436) can by used to implement it today. 20
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon ERF Position Paper on Road Markings THE ERF CALLS FOR: Establishing a minimum intervention and maintenance level for RM in EU Applying good road markings, i.e.: Marking visible at all times For both the driver and the intelligent vehicle Irrespective of : light conditions (day / night) weather conditions (dry / wet / wet-rainy) Driver’s age (young > < old) 21
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon ERF Position Paper on Road Markings THE ERF PROPOSAL: Minimum intervention and maintenance policies Guarantee of visible horizontal signage all year round Minimum marking width: 150 mm Minimum Performance under dry conditions: 150 mcd/lux/m² Minimum performance under wet conditions: 35 mcd/lux/m² 22
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon ERF Position Paper on Road Markings Available in English, German, French & Italian 23
European Union Road Federation 1.000 delegates to gather in Lisbon 24
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