richland school district two

Richland School District Two Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Richland School District Two Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Plan October 2016 Dr. Helen Nelson Grant, Chief Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Officer Background The Diversity and Multicultural This is an evolving guide for

  1. Richland School District Two Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Plan October 2016 Dr. Helen Nelson Grant, Chief Diversity and Multicultural Inclusion Officer

  2. Background The Diversity and Multicultural This is an evolving guide for ● ● Inclusion Plan is the result of goals and strategies. work of the school district and The initiatives set out in the ● the community. plan are in addition to the The overall goal is to infuse the ongoing work of all the ● principles of diversity and departments of the district who multicultural inclusion in have committed to leveraging everything we do throughout diversity and fostering the district. inclusion.

  3. In the plan, diversity is A collection of attributes that religion, ● include, but are not limited to sexual orientation, ● characteristics such as: gender identity, ● socioeconomic status, ● race, ● veteran status, and ● color, ● differences among people ● national origin, ● concerning language, ● where they are from, ○ disability, ● where they have lived, ○ ethnicity, ● differences of thought, ○ gender, ● and age, ● life experiences. ○

  4. Instruction For this first step Communication and Partnerships in the plan Recruitment and Retention Goals are organized in the areas Business of: Climate

  5. Example: Instruction Goal 1 Instruction 1 - To provide Strategy 1.1 - Provide diversity July 2016 and continuing Number of and types of diversity and inclusion and inclusion professional professional development professional development to all development at district wide offered and the percentage of district staff professional development district staff that participate in opportunities throughout the diversity and inclusion year. professional development Strategy 1.2 - Organize school January 2017 and continuing List of school based diversity based diversity and inclusion and inclusion teams and of teams that provide diversity professional development and inclusion professional offered by each team development opportunities through school based functions such as faculty meetings, student activities and parent organizations

  6. Example: Communication and Partnership Goal 2 Communication and Strategy 2.2 - As vacancies January 2017 and continuing Job descriptions of front office Partnerships 2 - To have a occur in front office staff and staff and reception staff Spanish speaking person reception staff, include in the available at each school job description a preference for building and at the R2i2 district the new hire be able to office who can translate for translate, speak and write parents or community Spanish members who need assistance in our school buildings and at Strategy 2.3 - Offer July 2017 and continuing Conversational Spanish course the R2i2 district office conversational Spanish offerings and percentage of courses to front office and employees enrolled/completed reception staff Strategy 2.4 - Where August 2016 and continuing Report of use of student appropriate, use the district translators student translators to help provide Spanish translation

  7. Example: Recruitment and Retention Goals 2 and 3 Recruitment and Retention 2 Strategy 2.1 - Encourage all December 2016 and continuing Percentage of increase of - To place more minority principals to evaluate minority teachers in higher teachers in higher level and placement of minority teachers level and magnet courses magnet courses positions in higher level and magnet teaching positions Strategy 2.2 - Encourage December 2016 and continuing Percentage increase of minority teachers to obtain minority teachers with Advanced Placement Advanced Placement certification certification Recruitment and Retention 3 Strategy 3.1 - Encourage each December 2016 and continuing Identification of diverse and - To develop a district wide school interview panel to have multicultural representation on standard practice for school diverse and multicultural school interview panels interview procedures representation Strategy 3.2 - Encourage each December 2016 and continuing Identification of diversity within school to make selections from pool of candidates a diverse and multicultural pool of candidates

  8. Example: Business Goal 1 Business 1 - To increase the Strategy 1.1 - Make small and January 2017 and continuing Increase in numbers of small number of small and minority minority vendors aware of the and minority vendors who vendors who do business with the opportunities to do register to do business with the the district business with the district district Strategy 1.2 - Make each January 2017 and continuing Increase in the number of school and program aware of schools and programs who do the small and minority vendors business with small and who are willing to do business minority vendors with the district Strategy 1.3 - Continue to July 2016 and continuing Review contracts and work to require contractors to provide a ensure requirements are being percentage of their business to met small and minority subcontractors

  9. Example: Climate Goal 1 Climate 1 - To promote a Strategy 1.1 - Use available October 2016 Designation of priority areas for climate across the district that survey data to determine areas improvement acknowledges and respects that need improvement the diversity of our district and that seeks to be inclusive of all Strategy 1.2 - Develop and April 2017 Survey results students in the district administer a survey to district staff, by categories, to determine the current climate of the district regarding diversity and inclusion Strategy 1.3 - Use the data June 2017 and continuing Development and from the employee climate implementation of supports survey to inform decisions on and professional development supports, recruitment, hiring, to address needs retention and professional development Strategy 1.4 - Use district and July 2016 and continuing Speaker’s bank and resource community resources to list provide multicultural guests and/or materials for schools and programs

  10. The plan is not a static document. It will grow and change and evolve based on the needs of the district and community.

  11. Thank You for your continued support!


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