HELCOM STATE & CONSERVATION 7-2017 Revision of HELCOM Monitoring Guidelines Johan Håkansson SMHI
Draft guidelines for determination of salinity and temperature using CTD (2MA-5) Draft for determination of salinity previously presented to the meeting Use of CTD included in new version Determination of temperature included in new version, as suggested by S&C Workshop on use of CTD use in monitoring in the Baltic Sea (initiated by IOW, Germany) provided valuable input
Draft guidelines for determination of dissolved oxygen DELAYED! Recommendations for use of optodes/oxygen sensors for CTD still missing (choice of sensors, maintenance, calibration) Upcoming workshop on use of CTD use in monitoring in the Baltic Sea (initiated by IOW, Germany) will likely provide material guidelines
Draft guidelines for physical oceanography STILL NOT COMPLETE! Material difficult to fit into template Should probably be split into multiple guideline documents Previous S & C meeting recommended focus on techniques/applications currently used in monitoring
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