revision of helcom monitoring guidelines

Revision of HELCOM Monitoring Guidelines Johan Hkansson SMHI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HELCOM STATE & CONSERVATION 7-2017 Revision of HELCOM Monitoring Guidelines Johan Hkansson SMHI Draft guidelines for determination of salinity and temperature using CTD (2MA-5) Draft for determination of salinity previously

  1. HELCOM STATE & CONSERVATION 7-2017 Revision of HELCOM Monitoring Guidelines Johan Håkansson SMHI

  2. Draft guidelines for determination of salinity and temperature using CTD (2MA-5)  Draft for determination of salinity previously presented to the meeting  Use of CTD included in new version  Determination of temperature included in new version, as suggested by S&C  Workshop on use of CTD use in monitoring in the Baltic Sea (initiated by IOW, Germany) provided valuable input

  3. Draft guidelines for determination of dissolved oxygen  DELAYED!  Recommendations for use of optodes/oxygen sensors for CTD still missing (choice of sensors, maintenance, calibration)  Upcoming workshop on use of CTD use in monitoring in the Baltic Sea (initiated by IOW, Germany) will likely provide material guidelines

  4. Draft guidelines for physical oceanography  STILL NOT COMPLETE!  Material difficult to fit into template  Should probably be split into multiple guideline documents  Previous S & C meeting recommended focus on techniques/applications currently used in monitoring


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