rethinking road planning and design workflows

Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unlocking king - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unlocking king the Pot Potential tial of LiDAR AR Craig ig Speirs Softre tree Technical ical Systems ms Fo Fores est t roa oad d cons co nstructio ruction n is is one one

  1. Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unlocking king the Pot Potential tial of LiDAR AR Craig ig Speirs Softre tree Technical ical Systems ms

  2. Fo Fores est t roa oad d cons co nstructio ruction n is is one one of t of the he most ex mo expe pens nsive ive co comp mponen onents ts of of tim imber ber ha harve vesting. ting. Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  3. Fo Fores est t roa oads ds are a maj ar e a major or sour so urce ce of of dis isturbance urbance in in f for ores est de deve velopm lopment. ent. Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  4. Ou Our go goal al is is t to hel o help en engi gine neer ers s fin ind better r er road oad loca lo cations tions.  Redu duce constr tructio uction n costs ts  Redu duce envi vironment mental al imp mpact ct  Redu duce cycl ycle e time mes  Im Impr prove ove safety ty Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  5. A n A new ew me methodo hodology logy for or pl plannin anning g an and des d desig igning ning How ar How are we e we for ores est roa oads ds us usin ing g goi going t ng to d o do o it it? ac accu curat ate e Li LiDAR AR dat ata a and mat an d mathe hematical matical optimization op imization so software. ware. Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  6. Road d pl planning ing opt ptimizat mization ion is not is not ne new. ? However Ho ver, , app pplyin ying g these e ? ? tools ls to imp mprecise ecise ma map p da data rende ders s them m imp mpracti actical. cal. Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  7. Traditiona aditional l Wor orkf kflow low Field L2 Field Survey Design & Route “Area of Verification (C/L, side Construction Interest” & Route shots…+) Documents Selection Selection Contour Maps Air Photos Terrain Maps • Identify suitable alignments • Centerline & side shot survey (typically compass and chain) • • Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections Identify unstable soils and regions, steams and wetlands • Road pegging for grades & switchback locations • Can be inaccurate • • Done for contractual documentation or permitting Confirm grades and switchback locations • No geometric design Labour-intensive • Labour intensive investigation of route alternatives Cost estimates are available • • • No detailed cost information Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  8. Traditiona aditional l Wor orkf kflow low Field L2 Field Survey Design & Route “Area of Verification (C/L, side Construction Interest” & Route shots…+) Documents Selection Selection Contour Maps Air Photos Terrain Maps • Centerline & side shot survey (typically compass and chain) • • Identify unstable soils and regions, steams and wetlands Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections • Can be inaccurate • • Confirm grades and switchback locations Done for contractual documentation or permitting Labour-intensive • Labour intensive investigation of route alternatives Cost estimates are available • • Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  9. Traditiona aditional l Wor orkf kflow low Field L2 Field Survey Design & Route “Area of Verification (C/L, side Construction Interest” & Route shots…+) Documents Selection Selection Contour Maps Air Photos Terrain Maps • Centerline & side shot survey (typically compass and chain) • Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections • Can be inaccurate • Done for contractual documentation or permitting Labour-intensive • Cost estimates are available • Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  10. Traditiona aditional l Wor orkf kflow low Field L2 Field Survey Design & Route “Area of Verification (C/L, side Construction Interest” & Route shots…+) Documents Selection Selection Contour Maps Air Photos Terrain Maps • Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections • Done for contractual documentation or permitting Cost estimates are available • Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  11. Incr In creasin easing g Use Use of of Li LiDAR AR in in the the For Fores est t In Indus dustr try • 63% 63 % of forestr try y comp mpanies nies using ng LiDAR AR now, +1 +18% 8% in the near future LiDAR Usage in the Forest Industry Lower r acqu quisi isition tion costs ts • 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 • Quic icker ker return n on i inves vestm tment ent Time Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  12. Oppor Op portunity tunity to imp o improve ove the he wor workf kflow low A n A new ew me meth thodo odology logy for or roa oad d pl plan anni ning ng us using ng: : Accur Ac urate LiDAR AR Data • Im Impr proved oved engineeri eering g & route selecti ection Geome metri tric c Desig sign Opt ptimiz imizatio ation n So Software ware • Im Impr proved oved field ld time me LiDAR AR-bas based ed Field ld So Softwar tware • Redu duced d constru tructi ction on costs ts Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  13. LiDAR Li AR-based based Wor orkf kflow low Design & Route Field C/L Field Construction Selection & Verification Survey Documents Pre-Field & Route Design Selection Terrain Maps Air Photos LiDAR Quickly locate & optimize alignments (with Geometric Optimization Software) • Centerline survey (compass and chain or GPS) Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections More route confirmation, less reconnaissance • • • • Compare costs and quantities • • • Final alignment optimization Uses LiDAR for side-shots Identify unstable soils and regions, steams and wetlands, pit locations • Review geometry and cross sections for stability, safety, etc. before going to the field Get construction quantities and updated costs Less time-intensive compared to L2 side-shot survey Assistance from LiDAR-enabled in-field solutions • • • Prepare digital map and design data for field use • Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  14. LiDAR Li AR-based based Wor orkf kflow low Design & Route Field C/L Field Construction Selection & Verification Survey Documents Pre-Field & Route Design Selection Terrain Maps Air Photos LiDAR Centerline survey (compass and chain or GPS) Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections More route confirmation, less reconnaissance • • • • • • Final alignment optimization Uses LiDAR for side-shots Identify unstable soils and regions, steams and wetlands, pit locations Get construction quantities and updated costs Less time-intensive compared to L2 side-shot survey Assistance from LiDAR-enabled in-field solutions • • • Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology

  15. LiDAR Li AR-based based Wor orkf kflow low Design & Route Field C/L Field Construction Selection & Verification Survey Documents Pre-Field & Route Design Selection Terrain Maps Air Photos LiDAR Geometric design: plans, profiles, cross-sections Centerline survey (compass and chain or GPS) • • • • Final alignment optimization Uses LiDAR for side-shots Get construction quantities and updated costs Less time-intensive compared to L2 side-shot survey • • Rethinking Road Planning and Design Workflows: Un Unloc ocking ing the Pot otentia ial l of LiDAR AR with h New w Optimiz mizatio ion Tec echnolo ology


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