restora ve jus ce making right a5er everything goes wrong

Restora(ve Jus(ce: Making right a5er everything goes wrong - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Restora(ve Jus(ce: Making right a5er everything goes wrong Introduc)on to Restora)ve Jus)ce & C4RJ Erin V. Freeborn, C4RJ Execu)ve Director January 4, 2016 Thank you v Chief Corr & the Lexington PD v Community Endowment

  1. Restora(ve Jus(ce: Making right a5er everything goes wrong Introduc)on to Restora)ve Jus)ce & C4RJ Erin V. Freeborn, C4RJ Execu)ve Director January 4, 2016

  2. Thank you v Chief Corr & the Lexington PD v Community Endowment of Lexington & Chair Leslie Zales v Enhance the quality of life for all Lexington ci(zens v Lexington Rotary v “Service above self”

  3. Restora(ve Jus(ce is… “ … a process to involve, to the extent possible, those who have a stake in an offense and to collec(vely iden(fy and address harms, needs and obliga(ons, in order to heal and put things right as possible. ” - Howard Zehr, PhD The LiLle Book of Restora)ve Jus)ce

  4. Three Ques(ons Tradi)onal approach RJ approach 1. What law was 1. Who has been hurt/ broken? (charge) affected? 2. Who did it? (iden(fy 2. What are their offender) needs? 3. What should we do 3. Who is obliged to to them? meet these needs? (punishment/ sentencing)

  5. Our Mission To provide regional communi(es with a complement to the tradi(onal judicial system wherein: Vic(ms Vic(ms of crime are given the opportunity to address the person(s) who have harmed them, to ask ques(ons in a safe environment, and to share ideas on ways that the harm can be repaired.

  6. Offenders be^er understand the impact of their ac(ons, are held accountable, and encouraged to make amends to those they have harmed. Community offers support for the process, strengthening community connec(ons, and engaging in ma^ers of concern to its members.

  7. Our Process v Referral Police, Prosecutor or Courts v Opening Circle v Work with Facilitators v Closing Circle

  8. How Does C4RJ Fit? Criminal Record Arrest or Summons (CORI) Arraignment, Case, Convic(on


  10. The Data: Does it Really Work? Criminal Jus,ce (%) Restora,ve Jus,ce (%) Recidivism 27 18 (16-C4RJ) Vic(m Sa(sfac(on 57 79 (94-C4RJ) Vic(m’s fear of revic(miza(on 23 10 Offender Sa(sfac(on 78 87 81 Completed Res(tu(on 58 (100-C4RJ) Also: RJ is 6 (mes more cost effec(ve (UMass 2012 study) Source:


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