Being Agile Plan for change
When things go wrong “This is more complex than we thought. We won’t make the deadline.”
When things go wrong “We might deliver on time, but what we’re delivering is not fit for purpose!”
When things go wrong “There’s a better way, but we’ll have to start from scratch...”
I hate to be the bearer of bad news...
Why are we doing nothing to fix it? We don’t feel that we can change anything…. ...the requirements/timelines are “set in stone”
Why are we doing nothing to fix it? We’d have to scrap everything and start again… ... and that’s going to cause panic
Why are we doing nothing to fix it? Everything seems to be going great… ...we haven’t talked to the people who know otherwise
Agile ------
Agile Scrum Rapid Application Development Extreme Programming Kanban
Principles Adaptive rather than Prescriptive = Don’t over-plan
Principles Iterative = Deliver “early and often” and get feedback
Principles People over Process = Trust and communication are the most important things in a team
Scrum Small team of peers Regular, short meetings (the “scrum”) Project broken into blocks (“sprint”) Each sprint has planning, delivery and retrospective
The Scrum Team Small (5-15ish), cross functional Everyone is a peer, no rigid hierarchy Self-organising This structure promotes free communication - WHY? everyone feels respected, taken account of, and can speak their mind
Project overview Project broken up into equal-sized sprints: Project Project Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint N planning retrospective Project Deliverable The end of each sprint is a “course correction WHY? point” - if things are going wrong, the next sprint can be adjusted to address it
Project Planning Break down work into tasks, not take longer than a sprint The team estimates the size of each task Tasks are assigned a priority
The Backlog A list of the tasks remaining in the project, with an associated priority The team will work on the highest priority item in the backlog at any given time Items may be reprioritised, added, removed during the project
The Sprint Usually a few weeks long (1-4) Assign a “sprint goal” to be met at the end of the sprint Regular scrum meetings occur during the sprint Looks familiar…. Sprint Scrum Scrum Scrum Sprint planning meeting 1 meeting 2 meeting N retrospective Sprint Deliverable
Project Sprint Sprint Sprint Scrum meetings
Sprint Planning Choose the work that will be done this sprint Pick highest priority tasks from the backlog Reprioritise, estimate, or re-estimate as required
How many tasks fit into a sprint? Estimating process will give a size to each task First sprint: informed guess at how much the team can get through Adjust this - the “capacity” - as sprints continue Unfinished tasks can be moved into the next sprint
The Scrum Meeting As regular as possible As short as possible! Everyone speaks Keep it brief and informative
Scrum meeting: individual update What I achieved since last meeting What I plan to achieve for the next meeting Anything that’s blocking me from completing my task Important: Everyone should have their say. Longer discussions should be moved into a meeting dedicated to that topic
Project Project Sprint 1 Sprint 2 Sprint N planning retrospective Project Deliverable Sprint Scrum Scrum Scrum Sprint planning meeting 1 meeting 2 meeting N retrospective Sprint Deliverable
Sprint deliverable Deliver or present work to someone who is not in your team “Work” can be partially complete, or just a discussion Use the feedback to adjust the backlog, if necessary It’s better to discover any problems or WHY? miscommunications early on, rather than at the end of the project when it’s too late
Sprint retrospective How did we do in this sprint? Problems/insights Course correction?
Project retrospective How did we do overall? How well did our plans and estimates match up with what happened? How well did our process work? What can we learn for next time?
How does this help us?
The Scrum A good scrum team... Team … is a small group of equals who trust each other
A good scrum team... The Scrum Meeting … communicates regularly, and it’s not a chore
A good scrum team... … is not restrained by an inflexible plan Sprint Planning
A good scrum team... The Scrum Meeting … is always checking how things are going Sprint Retrospective
A good scrum team... Project Planning Sprint Retrospective … knows it can change direction Sprint Planning
A good scrum team... Project Retrospective … learns lessons for next time
A good scrum team... … is not afraid of change
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