responsibility and resource sharing

Responsibility and Resource Sharing Ken Long Mark Palmer May 8, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

MICE Construction: Responsibility and Resource Sharing Ken Long Mark Palmer May 8, 2013 MIPO Draft: 02/2013 Rev. E MICE International Project Team RAL PPD Director MICE Collaboration D. Wark A. Blondel (Spokesperson) MICE International

  1. MICE Construction: Responsibility and Resource Sharing Ken Long Mark Palmer May 8, 2013

  2. MIPO Draft: 02/2013 Rev. E MICE International Project Team RAL PPD Director MICE Collaboration D. Wark A. Blondel (Spokesperson) MICE International Project Of fi ce MICE Project Manager Collaboration Interface A. Nichols MICE-UK PI US MAP Dir Beam Line Experimental K. Long M. Palmer Integration Scientist Integration Scientist UK Reporting US Reporting Line Line MICE-International MICE-UK Capital MICE-US Construction MICE-UK US MAP Project Project Project PMO PMO R. Preece Contributions A. Bross Mechanical RF Integration Electrical Magnets Integration Focus Coil Detector Liquid Hydrogen Magnetic Responsibility Delivery Shielding Consultation Component RF Power Integration 2 MICE RLS Review (RAL) May 7-8, 2013

  3. MIPO • Provides a mechanism for: – Detailed and integrated scheduling – Assessing realistic budget constraints with contingency – A management chain integrated with the funding paths, thus providing a clear chain of responsibility • Comments: • A realistic and robust schedule cannot be achieved on the basis of a simplistic model of components being delivered to RAL for modular integration into a beam line – Risks and potential for contingencies are simply too great – Systems integration issues are significant – These issues have major budget and manpower impacts for the primary members of the construction effort • Construction and integration of a muon cooling channel requires a more holistic approach 3 MICE RLS Review (RAL) May 7-8, 2013

  4. Near Term MIPO Priorities • Detailed analysis of contingency issues – Requires integrated team – Requires integrated tools – Requires an agreed upon model for managing a project with significant technical risks still active • Thus providing a schedule which – Realistically assesses the budget and contingency constraints – Can specify the expected dates for experimental capabilities with a high degree of reliability • And also budget assumptions to complete each experimental step which are believable 4 MICE RLS Review (RAL) May 7-8, 2013

  5. MIPO Challenges • Have already discussed integrated scheduling and a mutually agreed upon model for assessing budget and contingency • Management of contingency across international funding boundaries remains challenging – Potential bias in the solutions chosen – Potential inefficient use of resources • Need a clear funding profile among all major participants that accounts for contingency so as to enable proper execution a Would like to negotiate with funding agencies how to implement this 5 MICE RLS Review (RAL) May 7-8, 2013

  6. MIPO: in operation • Many discussions on implementation of MIPO, how it operates, interface with MICE collaboration etc. – Realised when asked at RLSR that we were not clear amongst ourselves about the details of its operation • Propose to produce a one-page specification for the operation of MIPO in time for the MICE collaboration meeting at FNAL/IIT in 17 — 19 June 2013 – Andy Nichols has agreed to produce this document on this timescale 6 MICE RLS Review (RAL) May 7-8, 2013


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