resource prospector instrumentation for volatile analysis

Resource Prospector Instrumentation for Volatile Analysis OVEN Lead - PowerPoint PPT Presentation 2017-10-24T23:13:00+00:00Z National Aeronautics and Space Administration Resource Prospector Instrumentation for Volatile Analysis OVEN Lead - Aaron Paz, JSC LAVA Lead - Janine Captain, Ph.D., KSC

  1. 2017-10-24T23:13:00+00:00Z National Aeronautics and Space Administration Resource Prospector Instrumentation for Volatile Analysis OVEN Lead - Aaron Paz, JSC LAVA Lead - Janine Captain, Ph.D., KSC Science PI – Tony Colaprete, Ph.D., ARC EDR #1371 - EAR 99

  2. Resource Prospector (RP) Overview Mission: • Characterize the nature and distribution of water/volatiles in lunar polar sub-surface materials • Demonstrate ISRU processing of lunar regolith 2 kilometers 100-m radius landing ellipse Project Timeline: RP Specs:  FY13: Pre-Phase A: MCR (Pre-Formulation) Mission Life: 6-14 earth days (extended missions being studied)  FY14: Phase A (Formulation) Rover + Payload Mass: 300 kg  FY15: Phase A (Demonstration: RP15) Total system wet mass (on LV): 5000 kg  FY16: Phase A (Risk Reduction) Rover Dimensions: 1.4m x 1.4m x 2m • FY17: L2 Requirement Lockdown (July 11) Rover Power (nom): 300W • FY18: MRD and PDR (Implementation) Customer: HEOMD/AES • FY19: CDR (Critical design) Cost: ~$250M (excl LV) • FY20: I&T Mission Class: D-Cat3 • FY21: RP launch Launch Vehicle: EM-2 or ELV 2 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  3. Resource Prospector – The Tool Box Presentations: 11:30 Ted Roush -- Water Mobility Prospecting Processing & Ice in Lunar Simulants: Analysis Rover NIRVSS Drilling Neutron Spectrometer System • Mobility system Observations Oxygen & Volatile Extraction (NSS) • Cameras • Water-equivalent hydrogen > 0.5 Node (OVEN) • Surface interaction 2:35 Julie Kleinhenz -- • Volatile Content/Oxygen wt% down to 1 meter depth Characterization of Extraction by warming NIR Volatiles Spectrometer Volatiles Loss from Soil • Total sample mass System (NIRVSS) Samples at Lunar • Surface H2O/OH identification Environments • Near-subsurface sample Lunar Advanced Volatile characterization Posters: • Drill site imaging Analysis (LAVA) • Drill site temperatures • Analytical volatile Colaprete: Traverse and identification and Observation Planning for quantification in delivered the Resource Prospector sample with GC/MS Mission (#66) Sampling • Measure water content of Cook: Testing Near-Real- regolith at 0.5% (weight) or Time Remote Science greater Drill • Characterize volatiles of Operations in the Field: • Subsurface sample acquisition interest below 70 AMU NIRVSS in BASALT (#68) • Auger for fast subsurface Elphic: The Resource assay Prospector Neutron • Sample transfer for detailed subsurface assay Spectrometer System: RP’s Bloodhound (#71) Zacny: The Resource Prospector Drill (#79) 3 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  4. RP15: Surface Segment (Payload/Rover) Vision & Comm Subsurface Sample Camera/Antenna Mast Collection Drill Volatile Content/Oxygen Extraction Oxygen & Volatile Extraction Node (OVEN) Operation Control Heat Rejection Flight Avionics Volatile Content Evaluation Radiator Lunar Advanced Volatile (Simulated) Resource Localization Analysis (LAVA) Neutron Spectrometer System (NSS) Power Solar Array (simulated) Sample Evaluation Near Infrared Volatiles Surface Mobility/Operation Spectrometer System Rover (NIRVSS) 4 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  5. OVEN-LAVA Operation during RP-15 Volatile Analysis Volatile analysis demonstration measured increasing water concentration as simulant sample temperature increases Increasing temperature and pressure Increasing water peak as water evolves from heated OVEN sample OVEN User Interface LAVA GC User Interface 5 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  6. OVEN (Oxygen and Volatile Extraction Node) National Aeronautics and Space Administration TOP VIEW Multiple functions  Receive sample REACTOR from drill STATION Seals and heats sample  Confine sample up to 450 o C to a known volume STORAGE SAMPLE  Weigh sample STATION REMOVAL Locks two STATION  Heat sample, crucibles in Inverts crucible place during build pressure to remove launch sample from volatiles ARM Has three WEIGH  Transfer volatile degrees of STATION freedom to sample to LAVA Measures move mass of crucible to Subsystem sample different stations  Discard sample CRUCIBLE (Shown at sample acceptance location ) Holds 12 ccs of sample delivered from drill

  7. OVEN Subsystem • Completed testing to understand temperature distribution of regolith during heating profiles to compare to modeling results • Completed testing of required sealing forces and dust tolerance of seals to minimize volatile loss during heating Trade Studies • Crucible chiller – To reduce sublimation losses • Weigh and Dump Stations – May be removed • Integrated RTD in crucible- Provides sample temperature but adds complexity • Active vs passive gripper 7 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  8. Lunar Advanced Volatile Analysis (LAVA) • Purpose: Identify and quantify water as well as other low molecular weight species of interest to ISRU and Science community • Volatiles are transferred from the OVEN reactor to the LAVA Surge Tank where the pressure & temperature are measured • Gas sample is diluted and analyzed by GC-MS to identify and quantify constituents. • Gases of interest are H 2 O, CO, CO 2 , H 2 , H 2 S, NH 3 , SO 2 , CH 4 , and C 2 H 4 (1-70 amu) • Water that is evolved will be condensed and photographed, demonstration of resource storage (as well as public engagement). 8 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  9. Volatile Identification and Quantification • Near Surface Assay located sample of interest • Regolith from depth captured on drill flutes and transferred into OVEN crucible Drill and Regolith Transfer • Regolith filled crucible manipulated in OVEN and sealed in reactor station • Crucible is heated to user defined setpoints to drive volatiles into gas phase Seal and Heat • Gas phase volatiles transferred to known volume held at temperature to prevent condensation, number of moles calculated with ideal gas law Quantify and • Gas sample diluted and analyzed with GC-MS Identify for species identification and quantification 9 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  10. RP LAVA GC-MS Summary • Inficon Fusion MicroGC module – Single Plot-Q column (8m), separate inert components from CO 2 and H 2 O – Isothermal operation, ~2min runtime – microTCD with auto-ranging capability  Inficon Transpector MPH Inficon MPH XB Water Calibration Data – Quadrupole mass spectrometer 7.E+07 – Open ion source and cross 6.E+07 beam ion source configurations 5.E+07 – ~3.5kg, ~20W Arb units 4.E+07 Factor Requirement 3.E+07 y = 310.5x - 249461 1.1 Scan rate Collect 1-70 amu at 6Hz R² = 0.9982 2.E+07 Water detection 1000ppm at above scan 1.2 limit rate XB Area fAs 1.E+07 y = 0.0002x 2 + 274.72x + 140267 Poly. (XB Area fAs) Integrated System Linear (XB Area fAs) R² = 0.9988 0.E+00 Low water range average 70 ppm 0 25000 50000 75000 100000 125000 150000 175000 200000 225000 Water Concentration (ppm) uncertainty High water range average 1725 ppm uncertainty 10 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  11. Detection Limits for Water • Detection limit for water with worst case assumptions is 1.3% water in the vapor phase TCD trace 4000ppm water • Instruments have demonstrated detection limits of 1000ppm • Lower limit of detection required for isotope analysis, this work is still in progress Assumptions  12g lunar regolith sample (lowest density sample)  50% loss of water ice due to sublimation during drilling  OVEN and LAVA volumes were volatiles are generated are 100cc each  SDS dilution is 1:5 (sample to helium diluent) based on the assumption that the sample is all water (worst case assumption)  Total pressure generated by water and other volatiles is 65psia (max operational pressure with current concept of operations) M18 trace  All of the water present in the sample is in the vapor phase 4000ppm water  Gas temperature is 150C (423K), i.e. the temperature of the LAVA system 11 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)

  12. Flight forward design – modified Commercial Off the Shelf (COTS) • Modification areas for flight driven by environment – Thermal considerations – Vibration considerations – Radiation considerations – Command/control interface • Utilize components from other missions where possible within schedule/cost (valves, port connectors) • Testing in thermal vacuum chamber and radiation testing of avionics 12 Information in this presentation is not subject to Export Controls (ITAR/EAR)


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