resilience the foundation for nurturing student success

Resilience: The Foundation For Nurturing Student Success - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Resilience: The Foundation For Nurturing Student Success Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King Jr. Resilience Definition of Resiliency Often Described as: an ability to spring back

  1. Resilience: The Foundation For Nurturing Student Success

  2. “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King Jr.

  3. Resilience Definition of Resiliency Often Described as: “… an ability to spring back and adapt to life’s challenges Rather: … an active process of self- righting and personal growth - an attitude of hope and optimism based upon a growth mindset that applies to both challenging and constructive times.”

  4. EXTERNAL STRENGTHS INTERNAL STRENGTHS s s e n e F v a i s m e Community Boundaries Caring Family i h l y o C Family Adult S Communications y Relationships u t i p n p u o m C r y l t o m i V m m s a l m e a l & o u d F u e o C n s t M l i t u Y y d E o e E u m p A l o o w t x h m e R e r n - t p y t i y v e C i l a i t m r i i n s a c g t n F r C Equity & o o e p m S t m S Safety p Social u e u a n S i l t l Justice y f a t - i C i c Caring Restraint o o o n S n t r o l High Family School Resistance Empathy Expectations Skills Involvement Planning & Spirituality Decision Making S Bonding E H C x i p g c to S chool e h u c t Acceptance Self- t a t l p i h o t n Efficacy s u e o c r a n o l Cultural Self- o S C Positive Peer l Awareness Esteem e - n f l s e C g i S t n i v i u i t Influence r l y o a C o l e h s t t c a S p u m P R i o l i r C e s h e Boundaries i l a t s i t v School n i e o Achievement School W ork o n P s i Engagement e t h e a i r p s l e R School r e e P C g o n m i n m r a it e m L o e n t t

  5. I Am (Internal Characteristics/Strengths ) + Transacting Transacting I Have (External Strengths/Relationships & Connections) + I Learn (Real and Meaningful Learning Across a Wide Range of Desirable Outcomes ) = I Can (Core Competencies, Resiliency, Capacity for Success) Adapted from Edith Grotberg, International Resilience Research Project (IRR)

  6. AOC Data Results 9

  7. Examples of Reported Enhanced Developmental Strengths

  8. Reported Significant Increased Strengths In The Following Areas 1) Stronger connectedness to family - 8 3% increase 2) Enhanced self-esteem and positive self-belief in their potential - 92% increase. 3) Stronger positive peer friendships - 87% increase 4) Enhanced awareness and understanding of the importance of education and desire to succeed - 96% increase. 5) Enhanced relationships with school staff and adult community members - 93% increase 6) Increase ability to connect, respect and value others - 95% increase 7) Increased awareness of positive challenges and what are real risks - 91% increase 8) Enhanced understanding of leadership traits and the ability to lead in positive ways - - 94% felt they had a better ability to plan and set realistic goals; - 97% believed they will be achieving some of their goals within five years from now; - 94 % sad they now make choices based on what is right, not on what others tell them. 15

  9. The students indicated the following insights and observations: • Felt that the program coaches engaged them in a very accepting and non- judgmental manner. • Were intrigued with and excited about the fact that other adults would actually be interested in getting to know students with challenging life stories. • Liked the idea that the coach was there to accept them for who they really are and learn about their real life story as a way to help understand “what might be” and to normalize the challenges they might be experiencing. • Liked the process of focusing on strengths or what positive quality they could build upon as a starting point. • Felt the AOC program kept its promises and provided the support needed to take the risks to connect with the session facilitator and volunteer coaches. 16

  10. Resiliency Initiatives

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