resear esearch d developm elopment t

Resear esearch D Developm elopment t Office of the Vice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Resear esearch D Developm elopment t Office of the Vice President for Research March 5, 2019 The V VPR Research ch D Development T t Team Tim im Mo Guad ada Pin Pinto Becca a Latim imer Joel B Baumgar art Jeff F Fox ox

  1. Resear esearch D Developm elopment t Office of the Vice President for Research March 5, 2019

  2. The V VPR Research ch D Development T t Team Tim im Mo Guad ada Pin Pinto Becca a Latim imer Joel B Baumgar art Jeff F Fox ox Director o of Prop opos osal al Data A a Analy lyst Student I Intern Senior R Resear arch Dir irector of of Research Dev evelopmen ent Prog ogram am O Officer Dev evelopmen ent

  3. What t is Research ch Development? t? Resear earch d devel elopment ent is a set of strategic, proactive, catalytic, and capacity-building activities designed to facilitate individual faculty members, teams of researchers, and central research administrations in attracting extramural research funding, creating relationships, and developing and implementing strategies that increase institutional competitiveness.

  4. Core re Competenc etencies • Proposal Development • Limited Submission Opportunities • Research Development Tools and Training • Research Data and Metrics • Building the UVA Research Development Community • Faculty Recognition

  5. Bui Building the the RD Community • Research Net • SIF-funded research development partnership between the Office of the VPR and four schools (A&S, Curry, SEAS, and SOM). • Community of Research Development (CoRD) • Community of practice for research development across the Grounds.

  6. Abo bout ut CoRD • The Community of Research Development (CoRD) is a community of practice for people working to advance research development across the Grounds. • Chartered in October 2018, CoRD has grown to about 25 members. • CoRD sponsors a monthly meeting where members of the research development community can share information, practices, and resources.

  7. Resource Link nks • VPR Research Development Website • CoRD Webpage • Research Net Webpage


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